Kekis 14:88 (Exodus of Kekistanis) - White Republic ofKekistan

Brothers, everyday I see disturbing videos and depressing statements and articles that makes me feel that there is no hope and future for the white race.

Even if we did had 6 kids and raise them to be White Christians, our percentage of people willing to do this and that have the balls to do it are very little. White folk are being put down by brownish propaganda.
I've heard countless times that the niggers are the face of masculinity, and people wont change their views on that because the problem its so institutionalized that I think that there is no turning back in countries like the US, France, Germany, etc... And when this plot to end the White middle class people reaches it's objective, which it's almost complete, All the of these countries listed above are going to put down the very least hope on the white race we have in Poland and other countries that chose to remain white.

I think the world as it is today is very unsafe to have white children with the intent to save the white race because even if our children are raised to be devout white nationalists there is no system that guarantee that the next generations will follow the same steps.

Indeed our generation will suffer great damage because the destruction is already done and pretty irreversible in the short-term. With no support from the wealthy truly white people who turn their backs on us and converted to judaism we have no power and neither a solid base to continue our survival.

ITT we will discuss solutions to this problem. Only people with the will to change are welcomed.


>National Land
>Currency and Federal Bank
>Border control and Civil Registers
>Education Plans
>Moral Conduct

I have and idea to exploit the normies which i will explain below.

We really need this, my white brothers. 1488

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope you die a most painful death

>implying whites are allowed in kekistan

Tldr. Get a job you fucking loser. All of you. Why aren't you at work? Losers.

get woke brother the fire rises, 6million will burn we are organizing don't lose hope that is their goal, we will fight to the last read this share it THE FIRE RISES KIKES

before the end I will strap a bomb to my white ass and nuke tel aviv praise kek

Thank you brother of Kek

ITT: /nupol/


With this normie uprising in the supposedly kekistani movement have had a tremendous negative effect in our community.

Since most of the normies like trends, and the kekistan flag is trending, I suggest some of us should create a paper note of 1 Kek. Let's suppose that we sell them on ebay or amazon or some shit like that for 15$ each. All the normies infiltrated will want to by it as like most of them bought the flag, And they are a lot.
With the this flow of consumerism all the profits of the sold notes should go, in cash, for a reservoir in a remote place. 1 Kk would be worth 15$, for example. Trades in our hypothetical homeland would be in Kk but with attention to the dangers of inflation. The Kk would remain it's value because the "Federal Bank" has saved all the cash money from the profits sold to the normies in a secure location. So since we don't have gold in the federal reserves, the kek would still be valuable because of the dollars saved.

It's a start.


I just checked out of it, you stupid negro. Timelines here are different.

The Northwest Front welcomes the people of Kek to the Homelands.

Stop LARPing and get a job

I would do the paper note myself but i dont have the digital and artistic skills as some off you have.


oh for fucks sake its too late for bait posts user

You are those guys taht have a plan for the state of oregon and montana?

Pacific Northwest region in general.

whatever, palestino.

I would gladly sign up.

Fuck off with this kekistan shit. It's cringey as fuck you fucking T_D user. In all honesty, it's time for you Leddit fags to leave. Look, we cooperated during the election, but that's all it was. We don't like you. We don't like your jokes, We don't like what you represent (because you're a bunch of degenerate, faggot loving normies). We don't want to get to know you. Etc.

It was fun cooperating during the election, but that's it. It's time for us to go our separate ways. Get it through your head already, you are NOT WELCOME.

> .gif attached related.

fuck off with this cancer

Call it whatever you want, bro, kekistan, Pilastan, United shits of Africa...

I just want a White only country!

You just need to be white and in the Homeland. There exista contacts and networks for newcomers to secure housing and work.

This is already a thing?


Just have some of the one true approved beer of kek

Then kill yourself

Yes, for many years now.

But i need guarantee that there are no niggers, spics, gypsies and other human waste.

HEY FAGGOT IM KEKISTANI now get woke you nigger

>I just want a White only country!

So does any white nationalist. The problem is, liberals go out of the way to make sure our race become genocided because they have this naive preconceived notion of egalitarianism (which really doesn't exist in the real world). If we were going to do something like this, we'd need to start a "return home" campaign or something similar. North America is done and has been for quite some time. We aren't reversing this tide of immigration. It's not too late for Europe though if there were to be a massive amount of immigration TO Europe from everywhere whites have been scattered (South America, North America, Africa, etc.).

Kekistan is why I believe Sup Forums should not create memes.

You fuckers made pepe memes and it evolved into an autistic cringy cancer that mocks the right wing. Good fucking job retards


The fifth political theory would seem to be the most realistic approach at this point.

Le ebin kekistan thread fellow MAGApedes xdxddxdddd praise le kek.
You have to go back

That's why we need a biblical exodus to unite and come stronger. We need high concentration of whites to bulid a new civilization away from everything and start over. The kekistan movement is dead. even niggers are accepted now, and chinks. It became trendy

why isn't there a mosque for kekis

> Kekis
> 14:88
> Kekistanis
> White Republic
> Kekistan
> normies
> my white brothers
This is the cringiest of posts.

>reddit spacing
There is no 'we' you divide and conquer shill posing as an underage nerd with muh 2cool4u highschool bullshit

kill yourself

I understand your reaction, but let me explain myself >

It's Sargoy of Cuckad's fault

We must group up now, start white advocacy groups whose purpose is to help people navigate the Zionist world and not be cop killed infiltrated and financially silenced. Mormons ,Amish...but bigger and whiter and not as cultish.

It should be saved then. It's hard to make one of these.

do explain for someone that's been out of the loop
is this a white nationalist movement that's looking to succeed?

You get the fuck out of here with your crap right now. Take your shit and leave.

You'd have to start a campaign for it, then promote it around known "alternative media" areas. There would probably need to be some Europeans to help out with this too (in terms of spreading this message throughout Europe).

> Supporting mass immigration to our board
> Acting like it won't subvert the nature of the board itself

Nice try kike, your days are numbered.

Sargon is becoming a cuck now. But think of it this way, with this normies entering and and thinking they are a part of something is when the mass politics begins - easy manipulated soldiers. Not everyone is made for ruling, we just need to rule them.

Yes it is.

But i'm not an American and i don't even have a passport, man.

why blue and green, tho?

Blue represents water, white is our people, green for the trees.

we made the alt-rgiht palatsable to the mainstream and ran propaganda against eh normies you faggot we just the greatest weapon against them deciept

the zionists own the press we discredited them fag get woke mothafuckrr

Will you accept a Portuguese into the movement? What should I do?

You white and normal? Don't look like an arab or nigger, no obvious signs of miscegenation then you're good to go.

I loved Kek meme. Not long ago I would save every single Pepe I seen o 4chin and would respond to every single "energy channelling" get thread. I would treat every Kek prophecy seriously. I actually believed the seven 7s on the famous "Trump will win".

But now, what you did to it, it's fucking retarded. I have not seen such amount of faggotry spill out of Sup Forums since chanology. I literally have no words to describe how pathetic are you Kekistani fags. Jesus christ.

S and sage

I seen Charles Barkely telling a white guy that his children will be brown.
And my grandmother losing hope in her race.

It's depressing and outrageous.


you dumb shit we make the alt-right palatable without keksitan you would be hated to fight the jews you have to use misinformaitnt he way they do

you have to go back, goy

Trump won but the white race is still going and your whiteness will end surely.

Im not a white nationalist faggot, I am a buddhist we dont know how to be racist, but I hate the fiucking zionists and will fight them to the death


Get a passport and visit then. You can contact the organization via the website. If you check out then you tour the region so you can find a place you like. There are people who can offer a place to stay during this time as you go from place to place.

But the zionists main target are the Normal whites, bro. Can't you understand?

of course I do what do you think I am doing here

read my article niglet I am their greatest threat I will bring them down

Nice b8

Move to russia or poland, everyone is white their, seeing a single person of colour their is bassicaly a miracle, I know this since I'm polish and I visit occasionally the only coloured people their are tourists

you fagoots should help me raise money to write my book and I have something big in store my nig something to blow their whole shit off

my plan will bring international news coverage and expose the whole dirty thing

How do I get in contact with people? I would be very down to move out to the Pacific Northwest ASAP

Where do you want to move to and what are your skills?

fuck you !

this thread is gay and OP should feel gay

Maybe Oregon or Washington, but im open to anything. I'm a computer programmer and good with my hands also, fast learner, lots of experience working with people


The autism is too much to bare...

I'm finishing my masters in Eletrical engeneering

What do you think of the San Juan Islands region? I'm based on Fidalgo Island btw.

Colonize mars with our superior intelligence and escape Sharian persecution. EZ.

Good, that's an employable skill. My son is is in a similar field and makes more money than I ever did.


That would be awesome, I've heard it's really beautiful out in that area

You're all losers holding yourself back from having a successful life because muh redpill. Grow the fuck up before it's too late.

Absolutely. But rent is high.

Pls, tell me that you are not that fatso ginger with no soul. you will burn in hell


go exodus to /bant/ faggot

All this hate/b8 is produced by jews. Don't mind them. I agree to everything that you wrote. We are doomed, at least I live in a nationalist/white country.

So, in Kekistan, will a woman make as much as a man?

Shills are everywhere these days. Guys got too deep in trolling that they dont care about nothing no more.

Honestly feel kinda bad for that guy. He genuinely seems nice, although severely autistic with the maga shit.

Women will be put in their place.

No, that's where you guys end up if you continue like this

They seriously don't yet realize that they are as cringy and unfunny as any other neckbeards like atheists and ancaps, they legit still thing we are "shills" for wanting death to them.



He's nice because he's dumb as fuck, probably can't even pass a middle school test

youre a neckbeard nigger taint