Sup Forums will literally deny this

>Sup Forums will literally deny this

>religious extremism composed of the most ignorant and uneducated people in the world

>even cringe autist basement dwellers know the world is fucked up cucked

whats ur point

>cringe autist basement dwellers
But that's not how Sup Forums view themselves. That's the main point

the main point is its a strawman meant to muddy the waters and bring attention to anything but the real reasons society is so hard to maintain

nice try akmed dont you have some grenades to lob?

>is its a strawman
Not really. You're in denial if you think so

Arabs have no cohesion, their "armies" are just warlords competing with other warlords to please daddy, when whitey chimps out, shit actually gets done

I think it's the 'Is it the monster that made the man, or man that made the monster' argument. I'd happily become the monster they portray me to be. Better than being a degenerate.

in denial about what?

it not mattering that even if every single person who posts here is a basement dwelling fidget spinning autist

pol is always right

your country is on its way to becoming a 3rd world hellhole ruled by a totalitarian caliphate

keep posting about this website and how it matters that they might not fight the (((medias))) definition of a normal person

your still fucked and your daughters will be raped daily

>t. doesn't know the definition of strawman
There are several photos of Sup Forums method around. Guess what? They're all average people that you wouldn't know from a glance about their politics.
It's nice to see you try and paint us as some horrible entity needing to be addressed while also trying to make us seem insignificant. Meanwhile, the muzzies are blowing you up every other week now. But hey, you've deluded yourself this much already, why stop now?

>this entire post
Look at the top part of the image m8
>it not mattering that even if every single person who posts here is a basement dwelling fidget spinning autist
your horrible english aside, yes, it does matter. Because the entire point of these LARPing faggots is that they think they're badasses.
>pol is always right
Nothing of that addresses the image.
try again

You are what is wrong with this country, You and our politicans

I haven't even expressed an opinion. I've stated a fact that hurt your fee-fees

>entire point of these LARPing faggots is that they think they're badasses.
HAHAHAHAHA how fuckin stupid are you?

you think people want to be badass?

they are doing it because there are genuine problems in the world and if you speak about them in anything above a hushed whisper you cast out and shamed

get a fuckin grip grow a fuckin spine you piece of shit

Op is a retard

>you think people want to be badass?
>they are doing it because there are genuine problems
If they think "genuine problems" are solved by LARPing they're retards


god your trying way to fuckin hard

all swedes are low t faggots who have a burning desire to suck immigrant dick


sorry i hurt your fee fees im sure there are plenty of muslim approved safe spaces for you

>all swedes are low t faggots who have a burning desire to suck immigrant dick

Now I am mad that is true if your are from stockholm but not true if You are from the south

>donald trump is the leader of the most powerful and influential nation on the planet

even if i concede the ridiculously stupid proposition that they are larping

it looks like its still pretty effective

wow, back to the_donald.
Most trump voters don't even know what Sup Forums is.

Never mind the Deus vult fantasy is about being a badass, not trump

I've burned down several mosques, so don't accuse me of apathy

>Most trump voters don't even know what Sup Forums is.
No shit. Please go back to fjol träsket

have you seen the worldwide website rankings?

this is not a fringe website this is not a small minority of the population

>implying the people who lurk and post here werent a force to be considered when it comes to manipulation and utilization of social media

why was pepe banned and killed?

why is this board flooded with shareblue correct the record horse shit?

oh its because its totally irrelevant

>No shit.
tell it to your plebbit friend

rigidy rekt

First step is the info war, then when enough people wake up, take to the streets.

meant this one even the fuckin native admits it

It is a sad time we are living in.
However skåne don't, be voting for skåne partiet for a independent skåne. Where islam is iligeal

>take to the streets.
You've already done that and it's the most pathetic thing we've seen

i know who brings a dildo to a rally?

oh wait you meant the nupol who thinks its cool to fly pepe and kek flags in public

shhh, it's just a meme to make Christians the victims, bro, look how they had to restrict Christian conquest to "crusader" conquest...

>the nupol who thinks its cool to fly pepe and kek flags in public
They're not any less or more pathetic than the people who fantasize about being in the crusades.

There's a reason this comic has stuck around for so long. It's who you are

Fuck of back to fjol träsket

>kan inte ens ordentlig svenska