What has donald trump done that has even actually benefited the u.s so far

what has donald trump done that has even actually benefited the u.s so far.

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nothing. drumpf btfo

Fuck you

pissed off liberals by making hillary clinton NOT be president

its the only thing he was ever going to be good for, and anyone who expected more is a moron

He prevented a Hillary presidency. Even if he spends the next 8 years golfing, he will have done more than Obama.

Not be Clinton.

He golfed a lot, which the cretins on this place somehow misconstrued to be time making "deals."

He bombed Syria because his daughter told him to.
He sold weapons to terrorism-funder Saudis because his son-in-law told him to.

That's enough, I guess.

Trump tried but he can't change the US sadly.The US has too far gone into leftist degeneracy and political correctness. It's sad

Nothing of any value. He's all show - loves to sign shit for a photo, doesn't matter that whatever he's signing is nothing major. He just wants the twitter photo.

Are you mentally challenged?

Lel. It's like the White House stresses him out so he has to run to his safe space in Florida

Devalued the dollar 6% this year and made me and all my bitcoin friends rich. Were you faggots really memeing this hard alongside me with no plan to personally benefit on it? Sad.

>said the degenerate whose government is literally communist

How is it that homogenously white countries manage to be worse than America?

I cannot imagine being as autistic as you.

Preventing Hillary Clinton from putting a chrony on the Supreme Court, prevented Hillary Clinton being President

Pulled us our of Paris Agreement, TPP, renegotiating NAFTA or quitting, telling the EU to fuck off in only his first few months in office.

Thinking Slavs are white
What the fuck do they teach you in America?

>anyone who doesnt know ken m is a newfag

Haha yay pissed liberals! That'll show the world that conservatives aren't simple assholeish bullies!

Dude he's going to be just a great and strong leader as Putin


do you even know what communism is? Then you'd know we're not a communist state.

>How is it that homogenously white countries manage to be worse than America?

Irish people are pretty apolitical and have a general view if it doesn't hurt me then I care what people do. Your leftist cancer does spreads here tho man.

I'm truly sorry for bullying you.

None of those are true yet. Paris can't be pulled out until the day after the next presidential term begins. Nafta isn't being renegotiated because he can't get a negotiator approved. TPP was already sunk before Trump rocked up by congress (don't you read the news?).
Also, pretty funny you'd consider late night twatter rants against the EU as a presidential achievment.

I don't care*

>being this much of a trumpfag

>TFW when too smart to know shit

> Don't you know less GDP is better because it's a fake news metric believe me MSN don't want you to know but less money is more money believe me

No, you're not.


Not brought in refugees

the government should do as little as possible. doing nothing is exactly what he should have done

Stock markets is up, and he has reduced illegal immigration 76%

They get all their news off of Sup Forums or the daily caller.

Holy fuck, now they're paying off Ken M. Redditors circlejerk over how funny he is (because he is), but now (((they))) are cutting him checks to go anti-Trump. When does the madness end?

Shows how stupid people really are in this country and wakes up the left that issues like bathrooms for transgendered persons shouldn't be priority.


>defeated ISIS (Mossad) in 30 days
>replaced Obamacare, making the best competitive healthcare system in the world, but who knew it would so hard
>successfully implemented a Muslim ban
>didn't go golfing, to uphold his criticism of obama
>let his daughter be a duaughter, and didn't give close family jobs in government like any corrupt politician would
>made a trillion dollar infrastructure package
>told the saudis to fuck off
>made amazing deals with the military contractors, canceling obsolete F-35

You know desu best president ever, playing 4d chess, remember when he made that deal with Russia so we didn't have to suck Muslim oligarchy dick

Killed tpp
Took us out of Paris
Pisses off leftists every day even just for having an extra scoop of ice cream
Deporting lots of Mexicans

That's it

What are you trying to say?

Hahahahahahahaha you're treating trumps inability to get legislation passed like some 7d chess game to actually just have a small government. You're such a Trumpcuck that in your head his failure to pass the legislation he wants is the end game. Fuck me, America has a broken education system.

Are you? You can't even begin to comprehend how much Obongo fucked our country up. Even if Trump decided to nuke California and New York, he would have done less damage then Obama. Only reason he's so highly praised is because he's black

Ken M is a collegehumour meme, CH is a NY founded liberal comedy page dude

he bigly yuge promoted twitter shitposting


He did doo doo man things because he is a doo doo head
I wish I voted for Hillary

Ken M. is some wisecracker LARPing as an old guy for lulz on Yahoo answers. Reddit loves him and has a subreddit dedicated to his trolling efforts, and he's Reddit meme. He's been apolitical but now within the last week he's firing shots at Trump.

Yes, that's why they defend Shapiro, rebel media, and Alex jones

If you built it they will come

-TTP dead
-Coal is back
-Told EPA to fuck off
-stock market up
-"Muslim Ban" (traitors cut that one off)
-Out of Paris carbox tax scam

and many more


try harder with this bait

> being this partisan
How exactly is your country fucked up by obama?

Obama also prevented this though.

>coal is back
lmao no

Pulled out of the tpp and introduced legislation regarding the wall and immigration.

i cannot imagine.

if it works why change it? solar and wind cost more than they produce

Yea, being so unread that you believe coal isn't pressured by LPG and CSG and renewables and low crude oil prices. Swear to god trump fans don't actually read the news

Because it triggered them just like rap music and black couples on tv adverts. Theyre wannabe cucks infatuated with ebony porn but too damn ugly to get a decent black person to have sex with.

How has Sup Forums benefitted the US by reinforcing Israel?

I'm gonna keep posting it.

you have to go back

Kept thousands of jobs in the US.
Puts the US before other countries
Wall is being prepped to build
Protected us from doom in Hillary Clinton.

>pissed off liberals by making hillary clinton NOT be president
>implying Hillary wasn't the least popular democrat in living memory.
Almost ANYBODY but Trump could have beaten Hillary in the popular vote.
Well, maybe not Jeb, but even Chris Christie could have mopped the floor with her.
Most "Hillary voters" were actually trying to keep Trump out of office.
Almost any randomly selected Dem could have stood a better chance against the human Cheeto.

Yes true, but wouldn't you rather have clean energy resources

Look at nuclear---100 years and a fuckload of disasters

Oil---too many mistakes made

Please, don't be a shill for big oil
Next you'll say big pharma is good for the country too

Managed to stop Nafta
He put a stop to outsourcing, even brought back a few jobs because the companies fared for their funding.
Turned the economy around
Continues to drain the swamp
exposed fake news
Continues to trigger the SJWs and the liberal establishment.

Most presidents just fuck up, Trump actually held his promises.
If only the establishment would stop blocking him on the wall and immigration.

Is the TTP still dead? Yes.
Is the ACA still on the chopping block? Yes.
Is NAFTA being revised in some capacity? Yes.
Is H1B visa reform happening? Yes.
Is immigration down and deportation up? Yes.
Is Hillary Clinton still not in office? Yes.
Does it look like we're getting large scale legal proceedings against Democrats? Yes.
Did we get Gorsuch? Yes.
Is impeachment happening? No.
Did we invade Syria? No.
Are we going to war with Iran? No.

On the other hand,
Did Trump bomb a Syrian airbase? Yes.
Did Trump sell a hundred billion dollars of weapons to the Saudis? Yes.
Is Trump flip-flopping on the Wall? It's hard to say but it looks like it.

We're 1/8th of the way into his first term and so far things are going pretty well. We need more but we have to win in 2018. I think that's doable. Trump is doing fine. People are exaggerating just like they always do to make themselves feel better about getting BTFO.

Yes Goldman Sachs negotiating our deals is so good desu

Believe what you want, the truth is the truth

Out of the next four years the 1% will continue to run this shit....the swamp was not drained

Trump is becoming !jebĀ” incarnate

>no mention of Sessions as AG

- Filling the next best swamp with Goldman Sachs, Burger Kings and Exxon cons
- doing family first
- not separating business from presidency
- selling out to Arab money
- trying to sell american start-ups to asian investors
- hallucinating about israel-palestinian peace
- hallucinating about defeating ISIS in 30 days
- stripping 20mio+ americans off welfare to give tax presents to the rich
- make education unaffordable for poor people
- let a turkish gollum's security beat up americans on their own soil
- attacking every news outlet but Fox
- bipolar twitter ranting at 3am
- Trying to undermine rule of law in the US
- locking her u-

And we aren't even talking about Russia which got half of his campaign stuff fired already.
The best thing is they keep sucking it up, no questions asked!

>What the fuck do they teach you in America?
What the Irish flag looks like, apparently.


>huu huu muh tax presents to the rich
Stealing is wrong, and everyone's taxes are going down. Your jealousy instantly identifies you as a leftist.

>Yes true, but wouldn't you rather have clean energy resources

No I wont I rather have a cheap resource that at most cause some pollution that some pipe dream that has never worked and which manufacturing cause pollution too

Sessions whose anti weed....bit has he said anything about opioids and big pharma

Don't be a retard

Back to the gulag pleb.

>Is Trump flip-flopping on the Wall?
Trump says he wants the wall but I'm guessing he's getting blocked at every angle.

>reduced illegal immigration 76%
[citation needed]
How _do_ you track undocumented people?

Kept hillary out.

Paul Ryan fucked that up, just like everything else that fucking traitor faggot touches.


>cares about weed more than stopping the largest invasion in US history
you might be a traitor if

Stay a nerd virgin

I bet you love Ben Shapiro, think the "free market" could solve every issue because some Austrian economists said so

Form your own beliefs, don't parrot right wing think tanks

Nice to see glen beck is on here

>solar and wind cost more than they produce
Green energy already employs more people than coal, AND it doesn't give anybody cancer, so we save money in the long run.

Yes because the Mexican cartels don't love that weed is illegal


And if you cared about your 1488, then you wouldn't be on Sup Forums trying to "redpill normies"

>wants clean energy
>doesn't want nuclear
Opinion discarded.

killary is not in jail and there will be no bigly yuge wall

drumpf is a lying fat bad hombre

>always someone from another country shit talking trump

>Kept thousands of jobs in the US.

>Kevin reporting in
>muh jelly leftist shill
I make money on wall street with mongs like you each day.
Spare me your confirmation bias, try to understand what is happening instead, Hillary can't be the excuse for not paying attention for years to come.
It's your country, you elected him, you got what you deserve, a kleptomanic idiocracy.

inb4 muh immigrants, you whole country is basically immigration and multi-culti and everybody is entitled to their AR15 from wall mart.
Tell me Kevin, how do gunshots in the suburbs at night sound like?

The US Inc. or the US people? Getting out of TPP helped the US people quite a lot.
>-Coal is back
>-Told EPA to fuck off
>-stock market up
How does any of that help the US people more than US Inc.?>Did we get Gorsuch? Yes.
Neck yourself, libfaggot. That was a Democrat win and you know it.

I think nuclear is good, but if even the japs fucked it up, and let the yakusa run the clean up operation....there's no hope

Besides what's your plan for the depleted uranium, just keep burying it in Australia

Im a trump voter, cognitive dissonance can happen though it's not exclusive to want the best for America, and the future of the planet you dense cunt

Most importantly, it's ALWAYS, without fuckin fail, a Slovenian, Serbian, Croat or (((LEAF)))


>Protected us from doom in Hillary Clinton.

Assad: *spends 6 years killing civilians*
Hillary: I'd like to create a no-fly zone over Syria.
Trump & Sup Forums: Oh NOES!!!! She wants to start WW3!!!
Trump: If elected, I'll "fight ISIS" (send US troops to fight Assad's enemies)
Trump: *"wins" election*
Assad: *kills more civilians*
Trump: *kills civilians in Yemen*
Assad: *kills a few more civilians*
Trump: I never knew he was killing civilians! WTF? I hate Assad now! *starts war with close ally of Russia*
Sup Forums: Hooray for Trump! Thank god we didn't elect Hillary!

Plus, every nasty thing you can say about Hillary is also true of Bill.
Life under Hillary would likely be the same as the previous Clinton administration.
Lower unemployment, a government that serves the people slightly more and special interests slightly less, a minority of voters would feel disenfranchised (not a majority), and most importantly: we wouldn't be a Russian puppet state.

sure. his wife is a prime example

Yeah obviously christie and co were way better than Trump and could've done much better in the general, that's why Trump easily beat them all

>He put a stop to outsourcing

>Green energy already employs more people than coal
where the fuck do you think that money comes from Bernie? tax payers

solar and wind only produce losses without govermente funding they are fuck even germans try them and they failed to produce profits

Haha, at least I'm using my first amendment rights you cunt

>How does any of that help the US people more than US
are you retarded? should I explain to you how to run a bussiness? I bet you have never worked a day in your life

>Plus, every nasty thing you can say about Hillary is also true of Bill.
Hillary is everything nasty without any of the good. Bill also wasn't a Democrat in the age of social justice and 3rd worldist pandering. Trump is a godsend unless you're an open borders faggot who actually believes Islam is the religion of peace.

I like you

>Paris can't be pulled out until the day after the next presidential term begins

Europe is truly finish