Why doesn't Sup Forums care about wealth inequality?

Why doesn't Sup Forums care about wealth inequality?


people earn more then you get over it faggot money does not solve all problems.

>t. class cuck

>t. Gordon Gekko


liberals are lazy and unmotivated shits.

Fix rampant corruption in government creating loopholes and regulations to favor big corporations and the problem might just fix itself

Because I am stupid and lazy and deserve my laughable income

Temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

They all think they'll be on the left, soon, somehow.

>I only have an IPhone 6.. Boo hoo, feel sorry for me.

I do, but there are other things our society has deprived us of that matter far more than money.

because darwin and 90% of bipedal hominids will never know how sheeple-droned they are

Because it's bullshit economics

>I make 50,000
>You make 25,000
>Both our incomes double
>I now make 100,000
>You make 50,000

What do you know, inequality just doubled even though we can both afford twice as much shit!

>Why doesn't Sup Forums care about wealth inequality?
We aren't so fucking stupid that we pretend everyone on earth has EARNED the same amount of wealth.

We find that the people who believe in wealth distribution are beta-male faggots like you with zero marketable skills.

t. rich fags who never had to live in a basement with six other people

why do leftists care more about identity politics than class inequality?

hippies who don't work hard don't deserve luxury

we let the coons live off welfare, isn't that enough for you cucks

Wealth inequality is only bad for the dregs of society. Which is how it should be.

Me making more than you is not inequality. It's me being in a better position of supply and demand.

Because most of us work as software developers or in other well paying STEM fields--the rest aspire to do so.

but Sup Forums does, insofar as the wealth is distributed unequally for (((them)))

Don't forget, the communist has gone to great effort to eliminate the role of religion, nationalism and family from your life, to leave you with no source of fulfilment but consumerism.

This way, your ability to feel fulfilment, even for a short time, is dependent entirely on your access to money, which makes it easier to get you butthurt about some people having more money than you.

I didn't Sup Forums was filled with such heartless people

You're fucking blind
t. someone who has seen the bad side of capitalism and has read about even worse sides of it
Also the image on the right doesn't look like it's from a communist country.

the nu-left does. It's effectively the muzzled and declawed version of the left that doesn't pose any serious threat to capitalist society.

when will you admit the guy on the left is a jew?

Because we live in the most Judaized country and time ever to exist. Materialism uber alles, goyim.

Inequality in itself isn't an issue, it's natural that some people are richer than others. What is an issue are parasites who make money off of interest alone with no work behind their representation of work (money). These people take directly from national governments, from the people in the form of tax, who pay into a growing abyss of international debt to support their FIAT currencies. These people are bankers and Jews and Sup Forums talks about gassing them every time they open their mouths.

there is this girl every day in colmbus ohio I see in short north where shes sitting down pretending to be homeless, but then when she gets up to leave she has on a Fendi brand purse, Hollister hoodie, and red iPhone 7 plus and it always pisses me off so much too because shes also fat and well fed too like pic related. its like shes not even trying to fake being homeless like she doesn't even look dirty or anything

They do. Why do you think Sup Forums has such a problem with the Jews?

>Why doesn't Sup Forums care about wealth inequality?
We are all temporarily-embarrassed, basement-dwelling billionaires.

Even if our chance of earning wealth is less than getting eaten by sharks and AND struck by lightning, we still rally for the billionaires because that's what they instruct us to do!

People who are homeless should be forced into the army ones on heroin should be left to die a close encounter of grim might make them sort themselves out