Are you a registered organ donor? Why or why not?

Are you a registered organ donor? Why or why not?


no because im gonna make sure they're all used up when i call it quits

the doctors killing transplant patients is a meme, but I'm not a donor simply because I dont want my liver in a nigger

Yes. I also voted for Hillary. I'm a responsible citizen.

No, because I hate people and hope they die needing an organ that's buried in the ground with me

Yes cause fuck it i wont need them if im dead

No, not letting me die for my organs.

I don't like the idea of powerful people deciding who can be euthanized simply because they decide it's for the greater good. It sounds very Jewish to me, and wouldn't have happened of Hitler won

No. I hate normies. Fuck them.

Is it true that medical personnel are less likely to save you if you're a donor? I think one person's skin can be beneficial to over 10 people in need.

I would rather not have the Jews harvest my organs when I die

No. There's no guarantee my organs will go to someone worth saving.

fuck no, god put good organs in me and bad ones in sinners.
repent heathens

im gonna fuck up a turn and go wide into an SUV and I'll be decapitated and I'll be buried with my kidneys

grow your own plebs

pic related


even if the person that gets your organs was a sack of shit (which, honestly, I think is less likely than them going to someone alright) i reckon it might be the thing they needed to set them on the straight and narrow

I figure people are good until proven otherwise, and if there's even a sliver of a chance I could save someone worth saving I'd take it

Nah, unless they're going to a family member or a friend I'm not letting doctors make a buck off my carcass.

No, I'd give my heart to my brother but some random fuck isn't getting what are rightfully mine.

I don't want Hillary to get any of my organs.

Yes, the DMV lady pressured me into it when I was a dumb teen and I don't know how or if it's even possible to get out of it.

No. If you are in critical condition the hospital will take fewer measures to save your life because they see dollar signs on every one of your organs.

I would be a organ doner but the fact that society shames me and makes a big deal as if I'm not allowed to choose what the fuck to do with my own body parts then no I won't.

Ironically I dont even care about what happens to my body after I die, I find funerals to be overly expensive and pointless. Give me a viking funeral or something if anything.

Also the rich elites gets first dips to be on top of the list for organs while working class people like me have to wait until its either almost too late or too late completely.

You cannot pay to jump the line- your list ranking is indeed based entirely on how sick you are. What the wealthy can do, is get put on multiple organ transplant waiting lists. Health insurance only covers you for one listing, so if you have the money, you can pay up and get listed in a few areas around the country that have low numbers of people in need of transplants. That way you maximize your chances of getting selected sooner.

Steve Jobs did this - he ultimately got his liver transplant in Tennessee

Nope. I've heard from multiple people in the medical field that they don't try nearly as hard to save the lives of organ donors as they do non-donors. If they see an opportunity to harvest your organs, they will. I also don't want my organs to be transplanted into some nigger.

Yes, but joke's on them. My organs will most likely grow cancer and kill you, anyway.

>Why or why not?
altruism benefits no one. take the black pill

We're all organ donors by default now in france. Thank God you can opt out of it.


What happens if I get to the afterlife and they won't let me in because I'm missing parts?

Thanks Steve. My FIL died waiting on a liver transplant in TN. He did more for me that fucking Apple ever did.

Nope, I don't want my organs to save some normalshit or gipsy

They don't fucking let people die for their organs.

It's much more effective to harvest from vegetables. Organs start decaying immediately upon death.

Fuck no why would I want to give my organs away for free. I'm not even allowed to be paid for giving blood, its my blood why shouldn't I earn some cash if someone needs it?

Speaking as the grandson of a doctor that stole a brain from the morgue as a study aid in med school (he then proceeded to flush that shit to destroy the evidence), let me just tell you, you aren't getting buried with Jack. That shit is not exactly rare.

Your options are pretty much in the loo or in a random person in need.

Which is why there should be an massive push to fund artifical organ research. This way you dont have to wait for a very specific person to die and wait long time in order to get a transplant.

But no. Most organ transplant discussion ends up with some douchebag on a moral high horse shaming others for not doing what they want with their own bodies. Nonprofit organizations wasting time "educating" people on organ donation as if everybody dont know what that already is.

Hopefully in the near future it'll work out.

no, because I don't care what happens after I die

No. The jews aren't going to make shekels off my organs.


Plus, the measures they have to measure brain activity aren't that great. Fuck EEGs, they're not that accurate as have bbeen proven, and until they work out the science with a higher margin and guarantee to test to that standard BEFORE declaring you gone, they can fuck right off.

I'd be an organ donor if that was part of the deal. Since it's not, I'm boycotting til it is.

no because I live in Canada and they don't accept anyone who lived in England during the mad cow disease

Just renewed my license today and selected NO. Fuck other people. Chances are it would go to a nonwhite, plus my organs are shot anyway from all my years of degeneracy.

nigga when your body goes to the funeral home to get buried, what do you think the mortician does with your innards?

no. they are mine. I was born with them, and i'll die with them.

yes, seeing how my dad has problems with some of his organs, and if things go critical and someone else's donation could help him live longer, then why wouldn't I want to keep that system going?
way I see it is seed vs. leech. if you expect help for yourself or your loved ones but don't give, then the whole thing falls apart.
fyi here in the land of the multi-cult, the immigrants don't join these donation programs nearly at the rate of the European population, due to everything from misunderstood religious reasons, to superstitions, to just being moral cheapskates who would take from others if they needed it but would never donate.
that said, there's glorious karma against donation-shy minorities: they have a much harder time finding compatible donors when one of their organs gets fucked up with cancer or something, and get a rude awakening at how much lower the rates of organ donation really are for their ethnic background

>riding a gixxer
you deserve it desu

No. My body belongs to the Lord, so I can't give pieces of it away.