The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth...

The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.

Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?

Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.

in b4 "this isn't politics". The teachings of Jesus very much have political ramifications

bumping to spread the good news

amen brother. love to spread the gospel of christ

>in b4 "this isn't politics".
religious topic are allowed here


Bump for Jesus, why not

Really thought out post, well done.

>The teachings of Jesus very much have political ramifications

Christian memes to save souls on Sup Forums

>Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ.

It's literally in OP's post you retard.




Awwww great post, have a (You).

I love Jesus so much



god bless

>what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth

God has never appeared on Earth not in flesh or spirit. “You cannot see my face, for no man can see me and live.” - Exodus 33:20

then what does it mean that we are made in the Image of God?

if God has never appeared on Earth, how are we talking about Him? why are there sacred stories of people interacting with Him?


Mossad, the paid Catholic shills, and the Paid Russian Orthodoxy shills push this... All of these groups = the Alt-Right meme.

The "elite" is code for Jews and their blackmailed sociopath pedophiles (Hillary's mom was a Jew). Because Jews run a child sex slave ring out of Ukraine/Israel and sometimes South America (see Hatti and Clintons) and use pedophiles as their boot-licking goy politicians/celebrities.

They use the symbolism of the occult because it's a marketing campaign to cover up for Zionist and Jewish Communist crimes/power moves. The occult became degenerate as fuck ever since Thelma (Alestor Crowley), Anton (((Levy))) of Hollywood Satanism, and Navy Intelligence groups took over the scene; although it was always a place for scam artists. Freemasons became corrupted after being bought out by Jews in the mid-1800s -- thanks to Napoleon emancipating the Jews and the Rothschild take over Britain with the fall of Napoleon (See Rothschild's run on the stocks after Battle of Waterloo)

Catholics and Russians are both pro-Communism and therefor cover for them too by telling you it's "Satanists" and not Jewish Communists and their Zionist mafia allies. This is something the John Birch Society did when re-inventing the "Illuminati" meme (see Alex Jones connection).

Moloch = word meaning KING (Assyrian)

Moloch propaganda = Jewish hate of enemy king, like they do to Assad

's'atan = Aramaic word meaning "adversary", any adversary, or many adversaries.

Satan the character = Catholic meme to demonize our ancestral gods and dumb down Bible references for stupid plebeian audiences.

Synagogue of Satan = Pro-Roman Jews. Jesus was a Zealot.

Lucifer = Morning Star
Jesus = Morning Star
Luciferians = Christian monks who pissed off the Pope

Judaism = pre-Christianity

Marxism/Communism = Post Christianity Judaism

Cultural Marxism = critical theory, aka strategy to demoralize the Jew's enemies.

Image and likeness of god.

>God who raised Christ from the dead?
pretty sure the jews just graverobbed him so they mutilate his corpse and eat it / practice verboten juden rituals.

Also, you're human. Jesus wasn't. What Jesus was isn't even that impressive, and you're not really human but it's easier for us to just pretend you are, while jesus was a human, which you aren't, not to confuse.

more than 90% of the current human population of earth is actually some retarded forsaken alien invader race that is capable of much but does little as anything more would give them away, which they fear their own existence more than they cherish it, so they just disguise themselves as humans who do human things, proliferating the largest part of what makes up "day to day activities". Anything off the cuff or against the plan for them never happens.

In short, they came here, they saw humans, they designed themselves in a pisspoor glancing image of a human to "fit in", then have memed their own existence for millenia, virtually replacing most actual humans.

They're F-1 race cars that only ever drive 20mph and never receive maintenance, and for that they - and you - are something considerably less effective than any human, much less Jesus, and even more lesser than what humans have become over the past Millenia. If a modern human could die, this universe would be obliterated in an instant, as many have already internally simulated an entire universe within themselves.

There's also shitty aliens that live in the sun with all the tech revolving around heat and pressure resistance but this isn't politics.

Self-sacrifice (suicide) is for cucks.

Because Jesus is not God. He is the son of God

Why does John 1:23 quote Isaiah 40:3 and apply it to what John the Baptizer did in preparing the way for Jesus Christ, when Isaiah 40:3 is clearly discussing preparing the way before Jehovah? Because Jesus represented his Father. He came in his Father’s name and had the assurance that his Father was always with him because he did the things pleasing to his Father.—John 5:43; 8:29.

Why does Hebrews 1:10-12 quote Psalm 102:25-27 and apply it to the Son, when the psalm says that it is addressed to God? Because the Son is the one through whom God performed the creative works there described by the psalmist. (See Colossians 1:15, 16; Proverbs 8:22, 27-30.) It should be observed in Hebrews 1:5b that a quotation is made from 2 Samuel 7:14 and applied to the Son of God. Although that text had its first application to Solomon, the later application of it to Jesus Christ does not mean that Solomon and Jesus are the same. Jesus is “greater than Solomon” and carries out a work foreshadowed by Solomon.—Luke 11:31.

no, this is not your board to evangelize and sucker new fools into your cult

you can leave
this is a board for politics
not a board to circlejerk for your mental illness