What are the chances we see another Korean war on Trump's watch?

What are the chances we see another Korean war on Trump's watch?


It wont happen sadly. Trumps under the thumb of hidden elites working in the shadows they're not going to let him potentially start a world war.

How the fuck could nk invoke a WORLD war?

Trump will only fight it if he knows we can win it and get something out of it. No cuckservative 10-year go-nowhere wars this time.

The World vs. North Korea


North Korea will be glassed by 2020. Screenshot this post.


The first Korean war would have to end first, can't see that happening in a hurry, certainly not in a time-frame that would allow for Best and Worst Korea to have another war on top of it afterwards.

unlikely. finished that for you

below one percent

You dont get to decide. Now go make me some kalbi and kimchi. Serve it with Japanese white rice.

Good chances. Every other President has kicked the can down the road and it so happens that the Norks will have an ICBM that can hit Hawaii during the Trump Administration.

Let's hope it doesn't

You're not a history buff, are you?

Cause, I'm gonna go with zero.


The chances were a lot higher before what just happened in Qatar. The US won't want two wars going on simultaneously once the Saudi/Turks vs Qatar/Iran war starts.

Go to 판문점 and see for yourself. Its eerily quiet and peaceful.

Why is he standing at attention directly facing the wall?

Unless he gets impeached and removed from office, 100%.

>Korea has stated their goal is a nuclear warhead-equipped ICBM capable of reaching the U.S.A.
>The U.S. military has stated their policy is to never allow that to happen. Zero tolerance for N.K. nukes.

This, my friends, is what one calls an impasse.

So if they get shot at they are at half cober

barking dog never bites

crafty, crafty asians...

Hand signals

It's the other way around. North Korea's' nukes are an imminent threat. Iran's nukes will be a threat in a decade or so.
