Look at Denmark. He is trying to crawl away from Germany


>swedish """""humour"""""

Found another picture of him. Looks like he's trying to climb to the sky.

That Jylland you idiot and not Danmark. Its the danish conquests lands that we took from the filthy German tribes living there.
also we allied with the Jutes and they still retain some of that identity to even this day.

also: HA HA HA

What about Himmerland? And Kimbri living there still?

Nope. Gone. They all migrated southwards. Just as the Saxons and Angles migrated to Britain.
There are some culture left but nothing you would spot without knowing in advance.

Yes and Slovenia is a chicken

>German tribes in Jutland
You're dumb. When the kingdom of Denmark took control of the peninsula 'German' and 'Danish' weren't even distinct things, just related tribes. By the turn of the first millenium when the language/cultures had diverged enough, Jutland was solidly Danish, and everything just south of Schleswig was Saxon (or German if you want to be imprecise and broad).

Wouldn't you try to escape north africa if you lived right next to it?

And Croatia is a flipped Somalia

Croatia is a boomerang

>When the kingdom of Denmark took control of the peninsula 'German' and 'Danish' weren't even distinct things, just related tribes.
The kingdom of Denmark did not exists back then you idiot. The danish word for "German" did as it is one of our most ancient words and means something entirely different than the english "German". In danish all central continental Europe is called "Germans" originally.
The danish tribe came from Sweden and pushed downwards towards Europe and had a different culture than the native Germanic tribes who inhabited northern continental Europe.
stop pushing your stupid wiki shit.

Croatia looks like a dragon flying.

Great post

Not really, West-Germanic and North-Germanic became separated already in 700 BC. Hence why the languages aren't mutually intelligible, while for instance Slavic languages for a good part are, same for Dutch and German.

This is true. IIRC They first pushed out the Heruli in late Roman days? That is why the Heruli became a wandering tribe and eventually spawned Odoaker who killed the last Western Roman emperor.

It's pretty cool that the old tribes' names got preserved in local toponyms though. I already mentioned Himmerland, Teutones got preserved in the toponyms Thyland and Thythsyssel in northern Jutland.

In the south there is still a toponym Angeln too iirc.

He will become one with Sweden.


10/10 nossebro

We have muslim countries to the south and east so we're just trying to survive by crawling away.

This is actually considered funny in this country. I'm 100% honest. This is actual real humor in Sweden.