"merica first" fags BTFO

"merica first" fags BTFO

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why is the left so suck at memes?

I agree with that statement

And it turns out that liberals created the "wolf" that eats those "foreign children" by killing Gaddafi and trying to kill Assad.

Of course you do you fucking leaf.

Kill yourself

>Nationalism and putting your nations interests is bad, unless you are Israel
Fuck Dr.Suess

They were jews. So, yeah, it really didn't matter. Everything about WWII was jewish propaganda. Before, during, and after the war, it's all jewish propaganda.

Hitler didn't kill jews, but I wish he had.

Man, lotta people forget he was such an anti-American bastard.

>Dr Suess

Stop watching Infowars dude

>jews are racists so i want to be racist too waaaaaaaaaaa

>"So we need to involve our country in this so the wolf does the same to us"

I agree with the statement in the image posted. Not the bullshit leftist message of political apathy it's trying to impart, but rather that "Only foreigners? Meh, fuck 'em" message.

I preferred his work on anti-nip propaganda during the war. We can't write off the man's entire body of work.

He was, queer.

Not sure how this is BTFO.

We need to put America first because we need to get our own house in order. Only after that can we help others. If you want to know what the greatest threat to the world is, its islam and those traitors in the european governments who are helping them to take over. If we want europe to be saved then america needs to have its shit together.

don't act like a citizen of some random country is going to give 2 fucks about the well-being of american children

"out of sight, out of mind"

fuck off uncle favela monkey, yankee cock sucker

>proved wrong

Why? Because I don't want me and other people dying for other people's wars? Definitely not cocksucking.

>Proved wrong
>The brazilian just said "He was"

Tranny monkey "education"

>yes, fight the nazis and make the communists even stronger
>that'll help in the long run

Yea, I agree with this cartoon

Thanks OP

*America gets its hands dirty doing something that needs to be done*
>America you are disgusting barbarians with primitive healthcare you should be ashamed you are the laughingstock of the world!
*Other countries get slaughtered by terrorists or other bad stuff happens*
>Oh no America please help us save us we need you feed us pay for us to survive

I really can't articulate the level of hatred and rage you all bring upon me

leave then faggot. fuck off to canuckistan like you losers always threaten to do. just do yourself a favor.

>Geisel was a liberal Democrat


He was all in favor of putting Japs in interment camps and had some serious racism in his anti-Japanese cartoons.

I can't wait for Hillary to win and ban all news outlets other than CNN and WaPo

Times change, those labels are obsolete. JFK would be called a nazi fascist if he ran his platform today


That is bullshit. He supported liberalism and what how much it would be accepted at the time.

>Jew makes his enemies look like Jews

Every time.

So... we dont have a right to enforce our borders or laws no matter what we decide democratically, but anyone who breajs our kaws we must feed and lither and press 2 for Spanish, is that right?

Maybe you are really just an anti-democratic totalitarian statist who buys in to what was actually anti-nationalist propaganda by jews trying to get the us to fight foreign wars.

fuck you. Reductio ad Hitlerum is not an argument.

What cartoon really means:

The State should send Americans to die all over the world, according to faggots who wont do the fighting.

and while away fighting and dying, anyone who can coss the border deserves 'free' everything.

And dissenters will be executed.

Bolsheviks murdered more human beings than any other political oarty by far...

and they were led by 'humanist' anti-White jews.



What is this? A pro-interventionist stance??

How many people from around the world died during WW2?

More than 6million.
For what?

There is nothing wrong with nationalism
>in b4 hitler