America was never great

America was never great
Death to burgerland

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>caring about niggers

And you wonder why they chimp out? Look at what you did to them, they waz kangz

idk Bruce, looks like we've been killing niggers. What's not to like?

Did they died?

RIP to all the victims of Caucasian terrorists


At least we didn't lose a war with giant flightless birds

Welp, turns out we were right about niggers all those years ago. I guess hindsight is 20/20 as they say.

That look like a lot of fun. We should have gone full Belgium in our colonies.

Move along everyone just a australian trying to be relevant

I'm about to rub out a colossal load to this.

Post more rotting scum.

In fairness, there was no way to know for sure that they were human, so probably accidental.

Hey, Look at the democrats hanging niggers to a tree & shooting them.

Thank god the Republicans came in & free'd the slaves and shit all over the Union democrats in the Civil war.

shouldn't have voted

America would be roughly 50% safer if they kept doing this.

Probably hanged for doing the same shit they do today. I have enough faith in my own people to know the truth.

I'm prretty sure more niggers kill other niggers in one year in chicago than whites have killed in the entire history of the US

>You'll never have a first date with your sweetie be an old fashioned nigger hanging

Fuck this world.

Why are these stupid niggers trying to fuck trees?

>dead niggers
>not great

I read about these 2, they were rapists.

How was it never great? They gave niggers exactly what they deserved and created a libertarian paradise full of hard work and a sense of purpose

FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS, we all know these black men were killed just because of their skin colored and not because they raped or killed anyone like the real niggers we have today, assholes no wonder they called them white devils they had hatred in their hearts for this men that back in the day could barley walk across the street without being killed or lynched for doing fucking nothing.

>And you wonder why them chimp out?
Because of low IQ and an inability to control themselves?

Most of these people were guilty of extremely twisted crimes.

Those niggers must have done something horrible to deserve such a punishment. The White man dispenses tough but fair sentences.

you know, enough of us white folks think you should be strung up like that for what you think.
piece of shit.


I thought niggers came from Africa, now the footage reveals they actually grow on trees.

>black men

Try harder faggot.

Good nigger = dead nigger.

Damn niggers tried to steal trees they couldn't lift.

That's the thing, if they had put them in prison, they would have suffered much worse. Hanging was probably more humane than they deserved for their crimes against humanity.


>Australia is a proud countr-
Emu war.

Faggot get off my board

So is the australian versions of these photos an aussie being hung and a flock of emus watching and pointing?

I think it's raid user.

Fuck man. Our people used to be merciless as fuck. What happened?

compared to most, much less the great empires and civilisations, literally nothing -- lazy, limey rejects, who jealously murdered injuns because their females put their own genetic trash-whores to shame; and who then used nigger
slaves to build a decadent dump... and the kicker: who are now cuck'd by the same piccaninnies the fat faggots once back-broke!

consecutive 'At Least You Tried' and 'Longest Streak of Geneva Convention Infractions' awards (not to mention, cuck'd by a bunch of peasant gook rice farmers... kek!)

N/A (*compensating for univeral diminutive dick size, does - NOT - count)

no cohesion; tribalism runs rampant; malaise on ever street corner; veritable, real-time, feudal Age time capsule

murdered the few good ones it had and is now in a race to the bottom -- with a big, smelly, orange floater threatening to clog the pipe to overflowing

basket case before post WW2 power vacuum, that then led to finite Ponzi prosperity... until the late 70's -- after which it's been a sharp descent to destruction

russkies did everything first, 'cept for Kubrick's Oscar-winning "Moon landing"--which was mostly stolen nazi tech anyway, that judes, krauts and niggresses science'd the shit out of FOR brain-dead burgers

un-ironically worshipping a fairy tale shit-skin jew, bloodily drapped over a torture stick (whose nipples are, of course, censored!)... and who they hilariously depict as "WHITE" (kek!); Joseph Smith; Operating Thetan Tom Cruise; endemic evangelism... all tax-free!

hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, freezing winters, uninhabitable deserts... that'll only to get worse due to burger
"intelligent design" / Lord Mongtonne / "3% of (((scientists)))"


Enough other White folks exist who don't worship shitskins and would cheerfully hang you along with them.

The great swing away from libtardism is here.

Austria is like an alternate timeline where we put Emus in zoos instead of letting them terrorize us and fuck our wives.
Without the Emu oppression happening nobody took our guns, as a positive side effect.
You can still buy vege-mate.

Dupont polluted lakes, rivers and DNA; gas pipeline ruptures; flammable water supplies; lead cordial tap water; many cities on par with or below poo level of dilapidation... yet, nihilistically, they're still winding back environmental controls

churning out Third World level autists via their caste (((education))) system--comprised of gladiator academies, common core lobotomy institutes and the 1%'s ivy league... so that 90% of anything
that requires even a mildly functioning noggin, will soon be owned by poos, chinks and / or machines

"alt-right" fake news and sensationalist snake oils koospiracists; Cucks Jews Deviancy Channel; flaccid flopper "habbenings"

swilling 'Ganges soup' is literally a healthier alternative to the average burger's diet; hooked on high fructose crack; 'fat goes in => fat pokes out' nutritional "logic"; FDA: Fraternal Deception Alliance

abject brain-rot that's made the autists the idiots sans savant they're globally infamous for being; sequels upon sequels upon prequels upon sequels (ad infinitum) -- all orders of magnitude worse than what they're apeing; most entertainment media increasingly polluted with pro-chink propaganda

fat, blargh-faced feminazis; THICC-as-a-brick jungle monkeys, twerking their grotesque baboon butts; crack whore wetbacks spreading clap for the cartels -- all conspiring to the out-break of endemic 'yellow fever'

Ccocklong Jenner /!\ (kek!); Michael Oboonga (...Melanoma Dumbf!) *good_one_meme.jpg*

nazi-larping faggots; forever virgin weebs; nu-male, Shit LeBarf worshipping eunuchs; faggots

FPS grunt simulators / meat shield recruitment software; gore on tap; QTE = "gameplay"


America always has been the opposite of the values being taught in the book I'm reading right now. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

You still are in your heart.

You were domesticated by porn, videogames, television, faggot entertainment, psychiatric meds, marijuana and high fat-food.

You are having all your senses bombarded non-stop until you can't even think straight.

That's what's going on.

they never tell you what the "victims" did?

did they rape or murder before they got their punishment?

Threadly reminder that (((Slavery))) was done mostly by Jews, who then shifted the blame onto whites.

We got the blame, and the niggers.

>Sup Forums
comprised mostly of burgers; yet, who are still uniformly unfunny, un-insightful, copy-pasta spamming, echo-chamber-defeaned cunts, who get triggered by the most
obscure flags... even the (((election))) they take credit for (*cackles jewishly*), was decided by a white wizard shit-poster! xD




Are you fugging kibbing me? It was wonderful right about the time that pic was taken faggot.

Who would want to buy a product with a niglet on it?

thank the jews for bringing them here than asshole.

It's always the white people who these kind of shit, it's always the white people who starts major world wars. You people are no more better than jews.

How is this not great?

The semites are still big in slave trade back home in their desert shitholes as well as in countries like France or UK.
Nobody cares because it's just white or arab-christian-white children being trafficked.

the truth is most of these people weren't hanged for no reason. There were serious crimes behind these hangings.

That's a good book, satan

by 'great swing' you mean some neckbearded neets shitposting on Sup Forums?

sounds like you suffer from penis envy of the U.S. there aus

I know, all those other unused trees. America could have been greater

Maybe they shouldn't have been niggers.

id rather you or canada lose your internet privledges instead of the bongs.

Because we bred them that way, like animals? Any other sad excuses? You're barely human

These 4 were hanged for raping another negro. All we ever see are pictures without the actual truth.

>implying they didn't deserve it for rapin' white women


>blacks collectively sell each other into slavery
>"trust me, they were good people, they didnt commit crimes or anything back then"

Aaaahahahahahahahahaha FUCK thats funny. You are sharp as a tack Bubba Jack

Ay mate sorry that all modern western culture is US culture

My shot gun is still intact.
How's yours?


No, Niggers were never great. There is nothing America could ever do to make Niggers great. Setting them free just made them even less productive and solidified them as a cancer in American society.

damn, newspapers were lit back then.



Where have you been? Why you let Leaf to overtaken your position of shitposting?

>when your greatest export is a guy in a jumper ...fuck off you shit cunt and shag a sheep

>tfw will never live in a time where men protect the societies they build.

We saved you from the Japanese. And you repay us with Vegemite? kys with shrimp on the barbie Aussie.

Blacks try to pretend like all of a sudden, they started acting like niggers because of whitey but in reality, they were always murdering thugs and were hanged just like a white thug would have been.


Because no brown country has ever been strong enough to start a world war obviously. Brown countries were still playing in mud huts with single shot muskets and swords when army's were modernizing. They only get better weapons when we need body's to sacrifice or they're on the cusp of being outdated.

Wow, it's crazy how when blacks committed crimes they were treated just like any other criminal. Das racyss

Breeding slaves was illegal

Lol Ausfailia, have you forgotten your treatment of abbos?

Are they raping the trees?

People like to ignore that some of the largest plantations wth the most slaves, and just harshest slave owners were free southern blacks.


>2 weeks unconscious

fucking pedo nigger rapists

How those Aborigines doin' OP?

Did you lose a Cricket match or something today? So angry Aussie. It's unbecoming.


They were arrested for murdering a shopkeeper and confessed.

Town went hammertime on them.

>Hurr slavery was good
>Durr why are there so many fucking niggers in America?

Slavery is better than what we have now.

>> hurr i dont understand history at all or have any rational thoughts only emotions

This one was an axe murder.

The meme is that people were being killed for no reason. It's not logical. even when they were slaves, people weren't going to destroy what they considered to be their own property for no reason. Many behaved like wild animals and received firm but fair justice.

Looks pretty good to me.

Let's make America great again!

Why you no speak English?

What experience have you had? have you been tied to a tree, whipped to death? do you think the slave complained that its iphone crashed?

Black user here...
Wew led...
