Be active on a small local level. It works. Stop playin, vidya

Win this stuff on the small level.

This city was on the verge of becoming the next Jackson, MS. (Just check the crime statistics.) Scream "division" all you want, but this was a corrupt black mayor that even the black folk here had had enough of. He had sold out to big contracts, they fucked it up, and the "urban" part of this town had to live with stench of shit everyday. And shit roads. And no development. All renovation and development was dedicated to the university side of town. Where all the chain restaurants were.

This small town drew attention from the UK during their last failed attempt to bounce this mayor. And yet, after all the noise, everybody found out next morning that an unlocked ballot box in an unlocked city hall revealed Dupree as the mayor, AGAIN.

But all the people outside helped this town get the feds sniffin. And several big players related to the current mayor were arrested and charged. Mayor allllll by himself, trying to get elected again.

Guess what??? FINALLY, Dupree is BYE BYE! No unlocked ballots in a city hall overnight. They learned THAT DAY his ass was out.

Fight this stuff on a local level if you're in a small town. Seriously. Fuck this racial bullshit. Work together to make our towns better. It worked here, in MISSISSIPPI.

Other urls found in this thread:

Proof from our friends from the other side of the pound, four years ago. This weirdo made a video for the folks in Hattiesburg.

>Be active
stopped reading right there

Shut it, leaf.

who is this cuck

My "apologies" for calling attention to the importance of local elections. Feds are all over it now. Didn't happen until people were motivated enough to make noise and reach out. It's a small fish town, but the NOISE made it happen, and helped change their local government.

i'm feeling E N E R G I Z E D guys
anybody wanna do some jumping jacks to get their blood flowing?
we've got a lot to read and archive today, so let's all get going and get some ENERGY.
feeling energetic let's have some energy this is a good feeling this could be a great day of happenings let's all find some energy

I'm here to warn everyone about the lefty group called Indivisible. If you still have a zuckbook, search for your local chapter. These groups are quickly popping up everywhere across the US and are all well-connected and (((funded))). I keep an eye on my local chapter, even in a red state, and their plan is to START RUNNING FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. Yes, imagine a bunch of progressives, moderate liberals, nevertrumpers, socialists, and commies banding together to ruin politics from your town and upwards. THIS IS HAPPENING. We need to desperately investigate Indivisible and take a page from their book and get involved in local government.

Wtf is with these shills? Holy CHRIST. Is Hattiesburg that fucking important? Get bent.

The important message here is to take action where you live. All this sh!tposting and e-mailing you do on a national level? Do it for where you live, too.

Fuck these shills.

I'm bumping this. Clearly the idea of smaller towns having a fair election is disliked.

Hey I am AGREEING with you and trying to get people to see that the left is already leaps and bounds ahead of us with organizing and getting normies to run for small local govt positions.

Already my plan - my hometown's being invaded by niggers from ChIraq. I'm a year from finishing school and then I'm moving back, getting involved in local politics, and doing everything in my power to get as many of the welfare leeching gangbangers out of my home as possible

Small towns pol is not ready for

but states we can do

in the meantime, We need self improvement for the boards demographics, that includes sunlight, having good food and making yoru bed/ cleaning your room

how can we expect to save others if we cant even save ourselves

I'm sorry. I mistook your first post for copypasta.

I appreciate the bump. I really do think the plan is to make everybody feel insignificant in comparison to places like NYC. And, well, some towns are pretty freakin' small and just want to do their own thing. Which is fine. But these people had their fill of shit, reached out, and got it done. I can't help but think it sets an example for the rest of this country.


i graduate usm in 91 with comp-sci degree; work silly valley, programming 26 years now...

University of Southern Mississippi graduate? In California now? I send you thoughts and prayers.

Bump you niggers, you're on the right track.

Merci! Much of southern culture is French influence. Louisiana is a big one!

Joe Owens in the UK is always banging on about the importance of LOCAL politics (well, when he isn't accusing other youtuber's of working for the Government...).
But I totally agree, we need to affect change at a grassroots level, as well as at a global level.

good info

Small town USA is a big target for the left right now. They held the cities but they lost us, they also hate us. They are going to try to seep through the cracks, we already see zuckerberg doing it by trying to charm everyone with picnics and bbqs. It's all bullshit. They would have us bleeding out in the streets if they could.

We need to keep track of the funding and organizations that are doing this shit.

I appreciate your contribution. (And the bump.) I will add, not to disrtract from local activism, that hurricane Katrina damn near mowed this town down (the Gulf Coast was laid wasted) and alllll the illegals flooded in to undercut legit contractors and steal jobsfor reconstruction. Wanted to mail a package at the PO? GOOD LUCK! Stand in line while our postal workers struggled to understand sign language while these guys tried to purchase money orders to send back to Mexico. Today? (And days before) Now their kids go to school and can't speak English, and need ESL teachers and ESL learning materials. And free lunches. While daddy stays here and works cheap landscaping. The good news is ICE took my tip (or ten fucking thousand other tips) on where to pick these guys up. ICE started at the Chinese buffets.

More venting. Bad weather? Hope know Spanish. The local Emergency Broadcasting System will say in Spanish first if your house might fall on your head. This is MISSISSIPPI.