Reddit Kentucky Meeting


Bahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *breaths in* hahahahahahahahahahahshabababs

jfc just nuke america at this point

lmao of course it's fucking kensucky fans too

The one in pink, on the right...

Our girl?

So these are the people who call me a nazi...

well theyre mostly white...mostly

Why are they all alive?

Oh no we lost another white woman to the blacks. How can we white bois ever compete?


/our/girl is the 500 pound racemixing whale in front/center



Why do I feel I'm watching r/politics moderators?

>that bottom left, 3 over
>dont talk to me or my welfare check ever again

There has to be a genetic marker that determines what website you will be drawn to.

I've noticed Sup Forums people tend to look shockingly normal and reddit mostly looks like this aside from the token asian people who made the biggest mistake of their lives

I'd wife second from right in the beige top, she's adorable.

>these are the people who upvote anti-trump things

Wow, I am so surprised

Is Kentucky a lib state? i thought it was a down home local yokel redneck state

even the dog is obese

I love how some of them do their best to hide as beast as they can

how the fuck did she get there? what wrong turn did she take in her life to end up in this picture?

even the dog's obese

Her Reddit browsing dog dragged her along

Too bad the only who would husband you is the one with the Geek shirt on holding the Somalian baby. The one on the bottom left third over. The cutie pie.


>Obese woman with burnt coal

Why are they all stereotypes?


Muh feelings

at least they aren't all hamplanets

/r/resistdeodorant meetup

that ain't a somalian. the head isn't big enough.


They are super models compared to reddit.

Not to mention ethnically diverse. Reddit is one rebel flag away from a klan rally

im the dog

It's amazing how mostky shitskins, Spics and Asians, go to Sup Forums meetings

I thought I was talking to white ppl

Jesus and i thought kekistanis where untermensch

I don't I've ever meant someone from the internet I've liked in real life

Something's are just best left online

The white people are all on reddit, apparently, you white supremacist bigot.