I'm White but I'm thinking about converting to Judaism

I'm ethnically white but I've always admired the Jewish people. Despite persevering the tribulations of the Holocaust and the constant discrimination they've faced for centuries they've always managed to remain humble and honest people and live by only frugal means. Honestly in all of history I can't think of any race more honest than the Jews. But what do you guys think, is this a good idea?

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You'll have to get circumcised if you already aren't.

This is likely bait, but I was raised Catholic and am converting to Judaism. Feel free to join us on our subreddit, there's a lot of converts who post there.

judaism is a race, not a religion. You don't convert to judaism. you're born jewish.

also you're both fucking retarded

Thanks I'll definitely check that out, sounds like a bunch of really cool guys

You can't. Not really. Unless you're a woman.

Incorrect. You can convert to Judaism.

My girlfriend who I met during my conversion is Jewish and once we get married and have kids all my descendants will be both ethnically and religiously Jewish.

Nice try, shill.

That means your are worse than actual jews.

Jew here. I wouldn't. Religious services are largely the same as Christian religious services, except with Hebrew instead of Latin.

Consider the following

Sweden has 30 nobel prize recipients and this is the highest of all europeans (based on a 10 million metric)

Jews have the same population as swedes but they won 197, mostly in physics. This makes them 7 times smarter than the SMARTEST europeans, not average europeans.

If you think it's about citizenship and conversion you are brain dead. You need jewish blood. The meme is that you're a jew if your mom is a jew but the eugenics that made jews smart in the first were passed through the father (high status rabbis in europe were breeding the most).

Don't have a jewish father? Tough luck.


Go ahead, op. Do what you want

>Incorrect. You can convert to Judaism.

You'll never be one of them, though. You're just a shabbos goy, not a jew.

Have a good time studying the tallmud
What will you do if it offends your inner spirit
Yeah, go for Judaism. It will be a great test of your character and will determine what happens after they've dumped you in your box

>I'm ethnically white but I've always admired the Jewish people. Despite persevering the tribulations of the Holocaust and the constant discrimination they've faced for centuries they've always managed to remain humble and honest people and live by only frugal means. Honestly in all of history I can't think of any race more honest than the Jews. But what do you guys think, is this a good idea?

Go home JIDF. You're drunk on foreskins and baby goyim blood.

Yea because Jews are a matriarchal in reference to bloodlines because they constantly got fucked through history. Neck yourself kike

Latins only for the catholic denomination and im pretty sure the sermon isnt delivered in latin only the prayers

Shows what a clueless wonder you are
Shoot yourself
You're no more born a jew than you're born a Baptist
You're no more born a jew than you're born an emo
Stop your nonsense

This. They won't hate you any less OP.

Ever heard of an Atheist Jew? Real mind bender huh.

is that fucker waiting to "help" more illegals onto italy?

an oven awaits.....

Judaism is a heresy. Repent.

Judaism is the original theological Nazism.

>They are the master race
>The lives of goyim (subhumans) are forfeit
>War is only virtuous if it is for the race
>Terrorism is acceptable if sanctioned by the state against subhumans
>Elaborate but completely false creation myths
>Muh land is forever and holy and the subhumans must be expelled
>The state has total control over private lives
>It's only evil if the state doesn't approve


What the fuck is there to shill for here.


The Jews don't hate anybody! Name 1 time that Jews have ever done anything wrong.


Yeah there sure is a lot of shills money for anti-semites all over the world. In fact, it's the banks funding this shillery online.

Probably bait but I'll go anyway.

Literally all Jews are converts. There is no Jewish "race," just a bunch of larping faggots who pretend to be something they aren't for the gibs aka in-group freebies and moral laxity. They are nothing but the cowards among gentiles - the chaff - those who lack the moral courage to defend Logos.

It's [current year] how do you autistic faggots not know this shit yet? I'm actually serious, how is it possible to be so fucking dumb and brainwashed to actually believe that Jews are a race?

Have you ever actually thought about that? Hundreds of years of conversions in and out, migrations all over the world, intermarriages with everyone while claiming "muh matrilineal descent" and you think it's a race?

Their common language (if you want to call it that) is YIDDISH, which isn't even a Semitic language. It's called "germanic" only because Khazar empire converted en-mass via edict and when the czar realized they were a bunch of fucked up phallic worshiping kabbalists made their life shit, so they migrated west through Germany.

Their shared genetics (muh ashkenazi meme) is the result of most of them being of Khazar descent. Most but not all - because they aren't a race.

Fuck, Sup Forums you disappoint. This has got to be bait.


Everything they have ever done to Palestine and the Palestinians, including maintaining an official policy that the Palestinians literally do not exist so it's okay to enslave and murder them.

Hey fellow Jews. I'm a European of pure Aryan ancestry myself and i'm in the process of converting. have blue eyes and blonde hair. I was raised as a Roman Catholic but recently learned that Jesus didn't live up the fulfillments of the Messiah. Now that I know this and have read into the prophecies Modern Jews have fulfilled it's safe to say Jews are on to something.

Like, seriously, do you even know who Netanyahu is?


Marx was a revolutionary and a hero, I'm proud to call him a fellow Jew
What have the Rothschilds ever done?
The Palestinians have been fighting a war of aggression against Israel for decades now, Israel has to defend itself! Plus it's Jewish land anyways the Palestinians are invaders.

You must be a Jew to do all that mental gymnastics; and conveniently to shift blame away from them as a race.

I can recognize a Jew as easily as I can recognize a gook or a nigger.

Low quality bait.

Nice counter argument Cleetus.

You're literally a Jew.

To be a Jew is to be anti-Christ, anti-Logos. Nothing less, nothing more.

That means (((you))).

No I'm not anti-white like you and the rest of your tribe.

Don't worry brothers, this Jew will have his time on the Day of the Rope.

Dumbest post I've seen in ages.

*clap, clap*

Nice counter argument, Micah.

I wouldn't mind being orthodox jewish. Very conservative people.

An actual argument Non-arguments Your IQ is showing, Cleetus.

i actually suck all kind of dicks and unironically kiss jews feet they pretty based in my mind

truly talking about myself in all honesty. Jews are the future after all thoughts and researchs.

Your weird Jew speak is not an argument. Jews are definitely a race because they are easily distinguishable from other races. You can tell me I'm wrong but I already know you're a lying like so it doesn't matter much what you say.

Your Jewish supremacy is showing, Micah, but it won't be for long.

Exactly I agree wholeheartedly! There are some smart people on Sup Forums after all

Does Israel actually check if you're Jewish when you do the whole right of return thing? I've always wanted to pretend to be Jewish and get one of those Israeli settlements in Gaza.

Once there was some Russians who LARPd as Jews and started a Neo-Nazi gang in Israel beating up Jews and shit

I found peace by loving jews. Theyr the best, butthurt racists didnt got me.

It's near impossible for a man to convert to Judaism.
You're a slave caste goyim. Cattle. One of the promised goyim slaves.

The UK has won the most in Europe, about 130 IIRC, followed by Germany.

what is adult circumcision like? dick still get pleasure?

Enjoy burning in Hell forever, retarded kikes.

>You're no more born a jew than you're born a Baptist
Fuck off kike. The blood of the Lamb of God is upon the heads of the Jew and their children.

That's stupid.

Can someone give my the link to Stephan Molyneux interviewing a Jewish Hypocrite on Israel? I can't find it

No, Jews are a race, Judaism is a religion.

This one?

Where is the original? removed?

Wouldn't be surprised if it did, we're a sensitive topic after all.


What a well constructed argument, everything I thought I knew I didn't.

Hey, I do really need your help. Do you know something about israclinic.com. I'm not trolling or something, and I've got only 1 chance to bring my life to normal. Maybe you've heard something about them. Can't really trust the (((reviews)))

It's in Russian for some reason. I read very slow at this point as I'm rusty as hell.
What's the issue and what's that clinic? Elaborate and tell me where to press to see Hebrew or English.

israclinic.com/information-in-english/treatment-in-israclinic.php that's all I could find. It's a mental clinic, which I hope will change my life. I've been diagnosed 4 times, here in my homeland, took shit loads of pills, nothing did help. Therefore I'm want to be as precaution as possible, and to hear something from locals.

Oh. I don't know about this clinic specifically, unfortunately. We have good therapists here though, if you have the money to pay for them. I always refused to take my pills so I doubt I can help you much.

Thanks anyways.

jesus christ, I can't believe pol took this obvious bait

If you can't beat them, join them. Why procreate with a low IQ white slut when you can mate with a 110IQ hottie virgin?


>once we get married and have kids

That's the trick, the Jews don't mind giving their women away, and you'll always be a good goy.

it's a great idea, you sound like you should be gassed too

No, not a single race with more down to earth honesty.

Yeah do it

>This is likely bait, but I was raised Catholic and am converting to Judaism. Feel free to join us on our subreddit, there's a lot of converts who post there.

Of course it's a fucking leaf.
Hope your dicks falls off traitor.