The answer is love. Love always wins

>The answer is love. Love always wins.

What do liberals and normies literally mean by this sentence and why do they spam it so much whenever anything happens. It's on abstract modern art levels of "really makes you think".

No but seriously, every fucking time there's a happening Facebook and Twitter get flooded with posts about "love" and I seriously can't fucking figure out what they're trying to say with it.

Other urls found in this thread:

I have no idea. It doesn't mean anything whatsoever as far as I can tell.
Love never wins, I thought thats why its so nice for a while.

fucking normies

Bump for curiosity, I dont get it either.

What do you prefer kike, love or money?


people who take movies too seriously probably

This really really needs to be studied seriously. Who the hell invented this?

They politically trained people to teach them 'love politics'. It's typical holywood political training for the masses:

It's the ultimate bluepill cattle system for politics, I guess it means no revolt, no anger, total domestication. Maybe it's an attempt to control any revolutionary and rebellious feelings.

This seriously NEEDS to be studied by Sup Forums.

I know this come from movies. But who designed this shit, and for what purpose, is a total mystery. Maybe one of your tribe.

It's a meaningless slogan, it adds in nothing or signifies nothing.

Plz investigate

this is probably correct.
also love is blind to facts.. maybe thats the idea.
you can avoid all notions of reality when you are in love

Bastardization of Christian thought. They don't like religion, but the idea of love being the ultimate conqueror is already too deep inside them.

Of course in Christianity love is more complex than blindly accepting everything and everyone.

Best I can figure, liberal "love" is apathy that sometimes involves sex

>Who the hell invented this?

The greatest controlled opposition play in human history.

It sounds pretty Christian. It's probably Christian ''morality''. Turn the other buttcheek, love thy neighbor, that kind of stuff.
Christianity is just a jewish made up cult after all.

just empty platitudes pushed by this new feminized society

That specific quote can give you a lot of information to why leftism succeeds while rightism fails in the modern world - because leftists know that people are subhuman retards and appeal to their emotions instead of their logic

But how come it are often lefties and secularists that do this?
Are they also spooked by Christian morals?

If you love your enemy, you win.

Hate against evil is a virtue and a human right. People who don't hate anyone are either women or faggots.

the answer is stick. Stick always wins.

Western society was built by Christians and Christian morality. Even if they're atheists, their morality is shaped by the society they live in.

This is some kind of hollywood christianity these people believe in.

A Jew couldn't possibly understand an emotion as human as Love. We are wasting our time here even discussing the matter.

that's dumb, you're dumb, i can snap a stick in two easy as fuck

Wishful thinking.
If there is one form of belief that has taken over the world more than anything else, its the whole "If you believe in something enough, it'll become true!".
People have listened to too many retarded "motivational" speakers and so on and now they have this idea that the power of love will unite the world! The world has never been one harmonious place, it will never be united and even if it were to be done somehow, the world will tear itself apart eventually and people will be more divided than ever.
The sooner people accept that fact and focus on their own lives, on their own countries and issues that affect them personally, the better.

Then you have two sticks. stick always wins

Nothing. It means nothing. They're repeating it like a mantra to avoid thinking thoughts like, "Again? Fuck, I wish those sandniggers would just fuck off back to their shithole theocracies" and other things they have been programmed not to think.

Don't think too deeply, it's simply an excuse for laziness and complacency, with a side of virtue.

>The answer is love. Love always wins.

>The answer is doing nothing. Being idle always wins. Btw aren't i kind and great?

You can 'love' by changing your facebook profile picture and saying something like 'fuck hate, man'. Then go on about your day as normal. Real change requires thought, planning, work, effort. Facing uncomfortable truths etc.

They have no real struggles in their lives so everything gets interpreted on an abstract metaphorical level.

It's rhetoric used to shame those who disagree with them.

This stupid love politics is always used when talked about:

-Conflicts with minorities
-Gay marriage

It's never EVER EVER used in a context where Jesus Christ is quoted. It's always about liberal policies who are being pushed into white majorities.

I think this is about pushing docility on foreign elements to white native cultures. Tolerance to the weird and disgusting and alien. Tolerance for your space being invaded once more.

It's never about Jesus Christ and salvation of the soul. It's never about the love for your nation or patriotism.

It's about you allowing your own space to be occupied by a subversive cultural element.

Prove me wrong!

I really believe that hollywood is behind this lame gay slogan. They keep pushing the "love is the most important thing i ones life", "love is what you should aim for", "love bla bla bla", and always with a tolerant story behind it.

It's the same of a sieg heil, but for liberals. It's their chant.

Loves Trumps Hate.

(Tolerance and Docility wins against revolt)

Its sheep mentality. Its easier to see a happening and attribute the motives to hate and associate themselves with love.
Christianity has nothing to do with this since millenials are probably the least religious generation and look closer to their upbringing the media they were exposed to like disney cartoons in which their is no moral ambiguity.
My theory is they never grew out of that mentality, that childish blue is good red is bad.

If you have love, what do people who oppose you have? It's emotional manipulation. It works particularly well on stupid people and women.

What they forget to mention is that this is only supposed to apply to other christians, not unbelievers.

And love is important to everyone. They poliricized language that was at one time special to families and rendered it useless. Same way they took gay and faggot and nigger and ruined those words.

It's almost a female thing.

Put it on youtube, it's all chicks talking for more immigration or faggots with their flags.

This got to be some hollywood socialist scheme. There were all kinds of this stupid inuendo on disney movies for kids, and it has it's stupid version on almost all romantic comedies too, that love always wins.

This really needs to be investigated seriously. Be it by Sup Forums, by a political scientist or a psychologist/sociologist.

Nothing, they want to be dumb slaves like the elites want

The answer is Trump. Trump always wins.

Bastardization of Christian thought.
There is an entire copypasta that I don't have on "The Nice Heresy". Basically Jesus wasn't some cool dude hippy that overthrew the government and was like "yeah love and peace man".
Those values are inherent to Christianity IF you accept and serve God in your heart.

Add to that the media propaganda indeed.

The basic idea is "they are not violent or bad people, they are just misunderstood". How many friggin times does a violent confrontation end when suddenly the two opponents find they actually have a common goal, or that they both had a mom called Maud or God knows. And then, because of that, stuff can be mended and they go on and fight shit together. Except the evil dude that is openly and designated evil, and always wears black or red of a combination there off.
Basically this shows you that evil is easily recognizable, and you are only taught to recognize "clear" evil. Most of the times evil villains are rapists, or kick the puppy, to show they are bad through and through. But the idea that some people might look very normal, behave well, but be purely malicious is unknown to them.

Also, movies where evil happens because people stand by and do nothing are very, very rare. They don't want to know or teach that passivity can encourage evil. Because if they did, people might learn that they have to do something. This is also a message that has disappeared from biblical truth. Tolerate left and right, but you're not even allowed to say that something is sinful.

Last thing: it's always superheroes lately. Trained agents, guys bitten by spiders, with super strength etc. Ordinary joes that stand up and do their part? Nope.
That also teaches people that if they are not special in some way, they need not intervene.

It is the best type of slogan for controlling the masses and making them docile because it doesn't mean anything. Kind of like "Support our troops", "I'm lovin' it", "Just do it" etc. It's simply one of the methods used to make people fall in line and the fact that every (((Disney))) movie for example has this happen at the end to make it not be questioned - think about it, very few Hollywood films have a "bad" or ambiguous ending, it's to tell people that everything will be fine and not to question anything around them.

This dead fag said it best

they were raised on shoujo and its Western equivalent, even the males

The answer is desintegrating nanoswarm. Desintegrating nanoswarm always wins.

no. see: good samaritan

Kikes cannot understand the concept

Also, this love politics clearly is a post-war thing.

My theory is that this is an appeal for never allowing yourself for revolt or clashes between groups, but this is only allowed if you stand with 'love'.

Standing with 'love' clearly means being part of basic bitch politics:
-gay marriage
-gay adoption
-pride faggot parades
-diversity politics

Little by little, this stance is being more radicalized. On university, it seems that love politics expands towards white males hateful destroyers, and everyone else is love politics. Males can only be part of love politics movement if their masculinity is nullified, or in other words, a social liberal.

Thats my theory, bros.

I love shoujo and I also think the answer to muslims is genocide.

>The answer is love. Love always wins
>what fo you mean you love your country and your people, ugh your a nazi

Liberals were a mistake

>Love always wins
Do they even tennis?

also I think it's just a natural extension of them calling genuine concern over terrorism "hate".

you're not supposed to "turn to hate". you're supposed to be tolerant and do the opposite, love. it's "hate" that really got pushed and love is just a side effect

Completely valueless humans pretending their weakness is a virtue. Classic Nietzschian slave morality.

this is what you get on a society ran by women and 'men' that gave women that power

>implying is bad to care about others

nietzche is a try hard. good leaders lift up their subordinates instead of himself


all great enterprises come from love.

the difference is what somebody loves might be what somebody else hates

In other words, it's the feel good politics, the liberal good samaritan who watches the oppressed faggots

In other words, a liberal social sieg heil for the chicks and feminine goyz

It is in the interests of the leader to have competent minions and an healthy, productive and competitive country, you retarded wageslave.

Put "love always win" on google or youtube, and see if there is any demonstration of love for state

It's just for fags and girls

They take the love your enemy shit to the extreme, because they do not know their actual enemy and who they think is their enemy they hypocritically hate.

If you can't figure it out your just stupid. Don't try and imply the enemy's propaganda isn't potent. Keep your guard up niggers


user, the only thing they mean to say is
>There is nothing wrong with the world as long as I don't acknowledge it

As a conservative Christian no liberal or leftist has ever demonstrated an iota of love for me.

They only claim to love people who they believe are contemptible and beneath them, such as sodomites and Muslims.

I dont think these people love anyone, not even themselves. I think theyre incapable of love, or even understanding what love is.

Well the good samaritan was helped, but the believer did not take the guy into his house, but instead put him in an inn.

Aka there are limits to how much you should help the other. For some reason leftists believe that there should be no limits to our helping of others.

Teenagers are gullible and sex aka love is one the most powerful things they can possibly feel.
Not using it for propaganda that will greatly affect their development is ridiculous.


>Cares about others when it serves your interest
Someone needs to learn how to read.

The Western thought to this day is completely rooted in Christianity. Pagan LARPers or nazi LARPers or commie LARPers, or various other fedoras on Sup Forums may argue otherwise, and would only make themselves look stupider. No man can remain recognizably Western without using Christian thought framework, even if he attempts to turn it against Christianity itself.

However, by now most of the West, certainly including liberals, has rejected Christ, explicitly or implicitly. Consequently, their reasoning does not rest on any sort of foundation. What once was a profound becomes an empty meme. So, "love always wins" turned from an exression of hope and faith in salvation of humanity by God's love, into a way to turn wishful thinking of "wouldn't it be nice if everyone was nice?" into a pseudo-religious creed.

They believe that human nature is generally good, and that "evil" is caused & perpetuated by flaws in society, NOT in individuals.
>poverty, xenophobia, sexism, etc.

So, if they can just fix the society, "evil" will never be able to take root.
>If we taught every child to love instead of hate, we would have world peace!
>If nobody was ever taught to be racist, there would be no racists!

They're trying to prevent society from infecting people with "hate" by getting everyone to promote "love". It's the same principal as a gun-free zone.
>If we make a gun-free (LOVE) zone, then we will be protected from guns (HATE).

That would have sounded more resembling an actual philosophical position rather than an attempt to wrestle with the author's personal excess of sentimentality, had Nietzshe himself would not be driven clinically insane by witnessing a driver beating his horse.

I think a good deal of it comes from apolitical normies who's knowledge of politics and current affairs doesn't extend beyond their Facebook feeds. They have no idea what they're talking about so they make a post that deliberately doesn't need knowledge.

Nazism and any authoritarian ideology is perfectly in line with a slave morality, albeit referred to a smaller group
Which one is it gonna be Sup Forums?

This. Very well put.

Fuck off jew

>Christianity invented tolerance and love


Western ways are western ways precisely because of the Enlightenment and the Age of Discovery, back then when your ancestors were telling their children after church not to go get eaten by wolves in the forest

Everything that is Western is a result from criticizing Christianity

Fuck off Jew. Stop sneaking in with the based niggers and faggots.

You are the Sam Kike from yesterday shittalking.

Thing is, I agree with the racism thing - nobody is really born one.
Thing is, if people prevent you from pointing out facts (e.g. you've moved towns quite a lot and the brown people everywhere commit more crimes on average than the rest of the populace) and try to shut you down by calling you "racist", that's not actually being racist - you've just arrived at that conclusion.

how is christianity a jweish made up cult?
jews told everyone jesus is not the messias and not to listen to him. why do people here constantly make them responsible for christianity.

Actually we are born racist. Studies have found that babies bond with people belonging to their race much more strongly than other races.

It means I don't have to try to think of an actual answer but I still have something to say.

It also projects benevolence onto the leftist and that any means they employ to meet their goals are okay, even if they go against the principles of the normies i.e. campus segregation, because they are fighting for love. By doing this they can ostracise their opposition as well, so long as they can maintain this movie-like veneer of goodness and love. This is being done to turn all leftist groups, like that which you've listed, and even normies against white people.

they are braindead monkeys repeating slogans the tv/celeb/social media tells them too.
Thats literally it give them something that makes them (in their own eyes) look better than other people and something they dont have to actually think about and tada you have your libtard social media "fact" slogan with a couple of thousands retweets.
Its seriously contemptible.


This also plays into the environmentalist vs geneticist argument. They believe all is learnt from what is taught (by them) and experienced, as if humans are putty they can mould into any form they choose. If they simply drill passivism into all children they will abandon their survival instincts, if they scold children for their natural in-group preference they will no longer be "racists". The truth is in doing this they create weaklings and confused perpetual children who depend on their teachers (in adulthood the mass media) to instruct them on what to believe as they have never been able to develop their own opinions or understanding of the world as children and they carry this into adulthood. The education system churns out sheep

> did Love always win in Your own life, personally?

If not, why would you believe that love always wins? Maybe in an eventual afterlife, but surely not here

Christianity can be weaponised against christians. Ideas like "turn the other cheek" are ok and in an all white christian society they are attainable but when the scope for this all-loving all-encompassing is extended to other groups (today the migrants and gays) it becomes a self destructive and cucked ideal to maintain. Jews hate christ because if his criticism of them and thus reject him as the messiah but have no qualms with LARPing as christians and making them behave like cucks
>(((oy vey goy open the borders remember the crusades, what would ya lord and saviour jesus do?))) etc.

Whites have become soft and pathetic from years of living the good life, and we think the rest of the world is just like us. We need a recession or civil war to wake people the fuck up.

Memes aside, I was raised catholic and never once had the impression that my religion was made to make me feel good, or that being nice was even a priority.
This shit arose because people who have no idea what they are talking about twisted and corrupted christian morality to push their insane ideals.