Based Weather Channel founder BTFO CNN on global warming

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"Stop talking now" holy shit btfo.
Take my bump

Captcha: warning calle

>"Stop talking now"

me thinks he won't get invited onto CNN again.


Just because

holy fucking shit nigger

That put a smile on my face.


one more bump because holy fucking shit nigger

Cuck- "I'm not a scientist so I'm not gunna...

Based Gramps- "Well ain't that the truth."


holy fug, that kike got btfo within 15 seconds




the 97% figure was made from an independent analysis of scientific papers that interpreted the views of the author at its own discretion.

the scientists were never actually asked directly

>'w-well the consensus is-'
>"Bought and fucking paid for by results-based funding"

I don't really believe that climate change is all "baloney", but I'll be damned if it doesn't put a smile on my face when I see a CNN shill getting put in his place.

go back to plebbit

Living Dangerously I see I too like to live dangerously.


Old dude delivering with the bantz.

Guys what if chem trails are just the democrat party spraying to support their climate research.

Wow they have really dug themselves in deep.

>A white male


I fixed that for you.

Glad someone else saw this. Did some dumb fuck misspell "bologna"?

This is insane that people just blindly go with the "97% of climate scientists say blah blah" blindly without needing facts and they mock Christians who do the same about God. Also I always suspected what this old man said, that climate scientists will always say this is an issue to keep their government funding.

We should push liberals to tell us how many independently funded climate scientists say man made climate change is a thing.

>Business man
>Not a scientist
>The weather channel literally had dozens of articles after the Paris decision proving climate change

Sounds like someone is trying to get attention

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Baloney is actually an alternate spelling of bologna in North American nigger english.

They had to make it phonetic for their viewers.

Climate change is real, it correlates with solar cycles.

Oil and nuclear generate waste that harm the bio and you, but it doesnt change the climate.

You know what changes climate dramatically? Deforestation. Not for their role as CO2 reducers but due all the tonnes of water, fog and even cloud production they do.

climate is a cyclical determinatistic biosphere.

You sir are fucking gay.

I bet he "unfortunately dies of old age" in the very near future

That blowout...

San Diego looks like a nice place.

>San Diego looks like a nice place.
Its not

Did you even spend 2 minutes googling the guy you're talking about or do you post the first thing that comes out of your ass?

Pretty sharp for an old guy, he was shutting down that bullshit left and right like it was nothing.

It's how east coast jews spell it



This is done with most government research, including drugs. I'm not saying drugs are good, but the outright shilling for cash and exaggeration has prevented honestly educating about their dangers. Happens for pharmaceuticals too.

What a retarded nigger

I'm not so sure, it's a valid alternate spelling, but thinking about my personal usage, I would use that spelling if I meant bullshit and bologna if I meant the cold cut.

That was awesome.

>"I sure do love the Weather Cha-"
>"Shut up, faggot."

Hey retard, deforestation is not the problem. Its that humans do not replace what they disrupt in the enviornment. Look at the population of the world is mostly near water and instead of designing our cities with funcional plants and trees carefully placed to serve a purpose we have short grass and pavement everywhere.

The global warming thing that scientists all agree on is that because we are digging up ancient fallen forests and vegitation that is now coal and oil... we are introducing trapped carbon back into the atmosphere that would have mostly kept locked in earth. Taxing is the wrong way to solve carbon use, we just need to localize our food supplies and incorporate functional plants into our homes and neighborhoods that supply use to the ecosystem.

you've gotta be shitting me

But it would come out eventually via volcanoes and increased sulfur causing more cloud cover and acid rain as well as higher CO2. It's also a completely natural process of non glacial periods as far as we understand and we're leaving an ice age in the geologic scale. I agree we should do more replanting logging, but the developed world does and has since the vast deforestation in the 1800s in the u.s. and Canada. Temperatures weren't much higher then per their models either. The truth is, accurate data for the climate can't go father back than the last ice age and thus we have no fucking real idea what the earth does as it becomes non glacial as it has before and likely will again whether we are here or not.

Seriously what the fuck.

When did this happen? I'm pretty sure he has done this before.

Global Warming was on vacation

I just don't see how anyone can watch this and think this shit is real. I've been following this for at least 10 years and it's totally retarded political bullshit.

thank you, i thought i was the only one

(((Scientists))) needed an explanation why Global Warming was real but we weren't actually warming up so they just said "Global Warming is real it just isn't happening right now but it's totally going to start happening at some point in the future".

They use venus as an example of carbons unique composition to absolutely fuck a planet if enough builds up in the atmosphere. The digging that they do speeds up that process of unearthing the carbon stores significantly. It is whether or not that is significantly rising temperature.

Its all about trying to squeeze money out of people through government carbon taxation before we stop using carbon all together. In case you did not know the only problems with everything being electric is energy storage. And now that batteries are evolving to become more compact we will not need drilling.

Also we can just grow sun flowers and oily plants if we want to stop digging for it


>it's all co2 my man
>detonate 1000's of nukes, climate still the same ups and downs. lets not mention co2 is good for plants and humans can adapt to pretty much anything
>watch this
>97% of scientists


global warming is real, deal with it

Theres a globalist cock in your mouth!! deal with it!!

I'm completely on board with using more efficient technologies and less fossil fuels. I'm aware storage capacity is the problem in batteries right now, I'm not blind to the fact that the way the (((solutions))) are set up is just wealth redistribution. What I'm saying is that forming a hypothesis of what would occur without us here is not possible with the data available because there is no ice oder than the last ice age to measure. So we can't have any idea what real impact people have vs what the timescale would be without it. They've been preaching doom and gloom by man since I was a child and doomsday has been moved back 5 times and is now a vague threat of bad weather and invading niggers.

Should add Venus is not reliable, far closer to the sun, reliance on remote probes to study with, it's not reliable enough to kill our economy over. It would be like saying our research of Mars has concluded our core will slow down so you need to pay taxes to speed up the earth.

I haven't studied climate change at all, so I can't have an opinion on it being real or not, but politically, the globalists are scamming the population into paying more tax.

Whether it's real or not, polluting the oceans, destroying the rainforest, and having an oil-based society isn't good.

Renewable energy is the future, though unfortunately the ruling class has taken advantage of this, halted its progress, and redistributed wealth to themselves.

What the fuck
>"Dude haha don't debate it it's fact stop looking into it"
I would be fine with believing in climate change and shit if people didn't have this mentality of "It's fact just deal with it stop denying it!"

>muh 97%! muh 97%! muh 97%
dumb nigger

good lad


The only way forward is for communities to be more capable of supplying their food and energy without depending on interstate trade. The wastefulness of our "convinient" way of aquiring things is totally wasteful and it is the people fault for choosing to trade their labor for money instead of what they directly need. Money has been the tool that steals and wastes the "collective" effort to improove our enviornment and lessen the peoples burdens of labor through public works

that only uncivilized nations need to be worried about the direct impact of seasons and other climate changing weather phenomena.

More like "Jewloney".

>That WASP attitude dominating that CNN cuck-bitch host

Letting in non-English was the beginning of the end for this country

I don't grow my own food, I know how but don't own enough land. I know most the food I buy was made close by, even if processed. I was taught to be frugal and not buy shit I don't need. Grew up with eggs from across the road, Bison, beef, etc. Hunted deer, make our own booze and grow our own tobacco. There's certain things we can't do with only localized communities like cars or appliances. I'm more upset by the anti intellectualism while they project that on their opponents. The data available is the wink of an eye in terms of climate, geology, and to a lesser extent mammalian life. They're not scientists, they're charlatans.

bump because he is exactly right.

Invert the map and it's who gets all the money.

Yes but relative to earth physics venus is under the same laws of physics. Its atmosphere does not allow much light to escape its atmosphere and earth could be in the same situation as long as the light can enter the atmosphere and cant escape. If the suns light couldnt penetrate the atmosphere then the planet cools.

but if the carbon problem gets really bad we can just grow an insane amount of trees and then either bury them deep so the carbon gets trapped again or send the solid carbon off world so it wouldnt turn into gas on earth when it breaks down. The most realistic thing is to simply adopt a less wasteful means of getting energy and food

>New Zealand isn't civilised.

>STEM student
>every professor here is skeptical about human influence on the global warming, and openly say it
>they dont deny it is happening though

Feels good desu

theres no conspiracy to keep renewables down, its simple economics fucktard


>Science is not a vote

Kek. I like that one.

>communities to be more capable of supplying their food and energy without depending on interstate trade

Nothing holding you back from trying.

Of course considering factory farms halfway across the country can sell chicken for 80 cents a pound and are efficient enough to be profitable. Buy yourself some chickens and feed and see what it costs you to get them to market.

"Local" and "sustainable" is code for inefficient and expensive. Industrial scale farming produces far less waste than comparable output from many small scale sources even after you figure in the cost of getting your products to market 100s of miles away.

They are a gang who believe in different sets of rules for different people. I looked a lot into self reliant living and we really do not need much to feed ourselves seasonally. Its all about getting through cold weather thats the only convinient thing about our wasteful society. Check out "food forests"


If you look into the Paris Accord it's basically fucking useless as far as reducing emissions go, and just involves brown countries fleecing white countries and private companies skimming off the top in the middle.

There's far more effective means of reducing emissions (at least in my country) that they won't pursue.

Venus is not a reliable model for earth. I've already explained that's it's because we have zero idea what carbon levels are outside of glacial periods and why we can't know. There is no way to know what carbon levels are when the earth has no polar ice. Therefore we cannot know our level of impact. We've only existed since the end of a glacial period. The earth will lose all its polar ice from absorbed carbon eventually even if we all commit suicide. The overabundance of carbon causes more plant growth and larger plants. Cloud cover increases from increased tectonic activity increasing volcanic activity. This limits sun exposure. This causes ice to form again from cooling. This lowers earth's albedo causing a positive loop making it even colder. This cycle takes millions of years. You're basing things on 400k years of data.

He is an old white man, he doesn't care about the future because he won't live in it


>weather network
>climate change
>weather = local
>climate = global

>independently funded
We're never going to see this in a non-biased fashion. Here's why:
>Be "muh scientist stoodint"
>Be "Muh erf's gonna die"
>Take climatology classes, get pumped full of lib speak
>Learn CO2 and H2O modeling techniques and methodologies "YAY gonna proofs this shiet and show muh senpaitachi!!!!"
>Learn that the models have bad maths, and you can produce any result you want with tinkering variables
>Variables that the erf doesn't like to reproduce in real life
>Lifelong quest becomes damaged as you're near graduation with no job prospects
>Start a new study, pleading for grants from public funding
>Politicians find a way to exploit that, and use your "credibility" as a means to and end
>You provide your learned "tweaked" models as proofs
>Create a massive global tax for wealth redistribution
>Get cut out of the deal because you trusted a politician
>Politician gets rich, you land on your own sword, a miserable drunk

You need to research a little more about our network of farming, society is bringing the mountain to muhammad when it comes to aquiring food. Not to mention absolutely poisioning the shit out of our water table from monocropping

One of the original co-founders and leaders of Greenpeace also says climate change is a scam, (and hes a PhD in Ecology) but hes long left Greenpeace because they wouldnt agree with him.

How do you people manage to brush your tooth in the morning? The actual founder of "The Weather Channel", the guy in that video, is an actual scientist. The current CEO is the "Business Man". You've got your shit reversed, and are projecting insecurities on an anonymous forum.

Stop it. Get some help.

The guy in the video is decrying the warming hypothesis because *gasp* the models are incorrect, and he and other ethical scientist know this, but lose all their livelihood trying to fight shit science backed by political agendas.

haha so unbased. What kind of blue-pilled cucks want to destroy the environment? Only chinks, poos and Jews...

This post is right. All industrial scale farming has brought us is excess food to feed more muds who would have otherwise died off in their shithole countries.

Venus has an atmosphere 90x thicker than Earth's, all from vulcanism so extreme it melted the entire surface less than a million years ago. Its impossible to even get near those density levels on Earth for several reasons. Even if humans went off the rails amd tried to mog up the atmosphere.

>"Stop talking, I'm not finished"
>"You won't allow that on CNN"
>"Hello people, there's no global warming"
>"That's a manipulated figure"

CNN: "I'm not a scientist"
>"That's the truth."

amazing, CNN will never have him again.

>this years hot summer CAUSED BY CLIMATE CHANGE provoked a heart attack of which Mr. Coleman died. We are very upset about his death and would like to warn about the global warming again. Mr. Blumph, you have to accept that climate is changing.


EROI doesn't account for finite principles.

Crude oil infrastructure is a dead end. You should try calculating the cost of a complete overhaul of a synthetic intrinsic system that is dying before you spout off like you know what you're talking about, Luigi.

EROI crude oil...
>1930 1 barrel in, 100 out.
>1970 1 barrel in, 30 out.
>2010 1 barrel in, 15 out.

If/when we become dependent on bitumen tar sands, and shale, oil will have a negative EROI, so don't even bring it up.

isaac newton believed in alchemy

francis collins was a creationist

who the fuck cares what he says, he is wrong

There was 8X more carbon in the air in the carboniferous period when all hydrocarbons were initially seeded by trees that didn't decompose. According to physics the interaction of Co2 in the atmosphere is logarithmic and we could put 100X into the atmosphere and still have less of an effect than water vapor.


>he is wrong
Your religious leader tells you his wrong.
Like a moslem fanatic you attack him for being wrong.
Not because you know physics - but because your religious leaders order you.

I find liberals amusing, not just because they love muslim terrorists,
but because they are like peas in a pod with them.