We must repeal and replace the second amendment

First of all, I am an American living in Canada so my opinion is relevant.

Firearms do more harm than good these days. For every good news story about the use of firearms, there are ten bad ones. The bad stories are usually about mass shootings where a lot of life is lost. Children are disproportionately affected by firearm violence. Whether it is being attacked at school by a lone wolf shooter, or because of an accident with an unsecured firearm, several tragedies happen everyday involving children and firearms. Our children are the future of our world and we must do everything possible to protect them. Even if that means repealing the second amendment and replacing it with common sense gun laws.

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Reminder to sage all shit post


The right to defend yourself is important.

Banning guns does not stop criminals from having guns, or from committing crimes. How are you supposed to defend yourself against a gun-toting criminal if you don't have a gun?

The gun is the great equalizer. Old, sick, woman, disabled - it doesn't matter if you have a gun.

You cannot control the thoughts and actions of people, all you can do is teach personal responsibility.

There are professionals who are trained in the use of firearms. Their job is to protect people against criminals.

They are called the police. Ever heard of them?

>Their job is to protect people against criminals.
No it isnt

Police exist to apprehend criminals after the crime, not to prevent it from happening

You cannot control the thoughts and actions of people

Sure you can. Laws do exactly that.

Laws dont control people, they punish them

The punishment may influence people from taking actions but it does not control their thoughts and actions



It does though, you are yet again wrong. The only thing stopping you from walking out your door and robbing a store or killing someone is the laws that prevent you.

The NFA is the real terrorist organization.

Created in an era or bank robbers and bootleggers, if it actually, somehow, in any form, saved lives, it would be acceptable.

But it's so silly how someone came up with an arbitrary number and determined how things would be for everyone. Especially with the advent of the sig brace/Shockwave blade, an ar pistol is now pretty much ubiquitous with an sbr.

Planned parenthood?

>The only thing stopping you from walking out your door and robbing a store or killing someone is the laws that prevent you.
How is that stopping me?

I could go kill somebody right now.

fuck off leaf

"AK47s - in a barrel containing loose dog food at the El Socorro Bond area of Piarco Air Services.

Apart from the seized weapons, however, Customs officers realized that about seven or eight more units (weapons), together with 5.5 ammunition and caches of assorted ammunition and magazines for Mac10 and 11s, were cleared undetected by a first consignee just a few minutes before they made the second discovery and seizure of the AK47s.

According to a source at the bond, two barrels of dog food originating from Canada"

>>originating from Canada



Women have a right to proper healthcare

do it then

but you won't because of the laws

If you want to talk about dead children, let's talk about abortions

Niggers/Muslims do more harm than good. Let's get rid of them to.

A law can influence my actions with a punishment for taking an action, but it cannot stop me from taking that action.

If you don't understand the difference then you're a retard

>I just naturally want to go slaughter people
Kk leaf

Your argument is invalid

What are "rights"?

So why haven't you murdered someone yet to prove your point?

post proof

Libshits won't apply the same logic to Islam.

fuck off leaf.

Problem is we have guns. So you could try to take them but youd end up in the same boat as these propagandized children

>posts in english
>replies in english
>can't fucking comprehend pic related

This is the "the entire thread just got destroyed by basic logic, so I better wax philosophical to prevent looking like a horses ass" post

Your flag gave it away.

stay in Canada and keep sucking their dick faggot

You give us a bad name. How many children need to die before I vote for gun control?

All of them.

Die in a fire


Every goddamn day

didnt read lol

If your argument is to "think of the children" We should ban bath's first. A shower will suffice and has significantly less chance of drowning children.

What if it was your kid killed by a gunman? I bet you'd be all for gun control then

>post proof

Every person who has ever broken the law is proof that laws don't prevent crimes.

If a law against murder somehow completely blocked all murders, we wouldn't be having thousands of murders a year. The fact of the matter is that despite knowing the penalties of the law people still commit crimes for any number of reasons.

Goto Hell.

Bullshit. What are you, some psychopath whose moral compass is dictated by the promise of retribution? You're not driven by your own ideals, code, or compassion for your fellow man?

The FIB did an extensive research project on shooter statistics, and found, "good guys" with guns killed or injured way more innocent civilians than assailants.

Controlling one to aim at the person who did it, yes.

I literally jaywalk every single fucking day of my life

laws do not stop me from committing crime.

Because, despite what the mentally unstable left thinks, not everyone is a murder crazy lunatic that's only being held back by some law written in a book.

Why are you so scared of what you would do without laws? Have you gotten yourself evaluated for psychotic tendencies?






nice Freudian slip

FIB is right

Laws dont stop me from kiling Leafs, lack of guns and distance dose.
Send me continental balistic weaponry nad I will prove you laws dont stop people.

If you were caught and ticketed you would never jaywalk another day in your entire life.

You are treasonous slime, stay in leafland you meatheaded shitsack

>664,500 aborded children in 2013
>11,200 children and adults killed by guns in 2013.

If you care about kids, then you cant have the stance of "PRO" abortion. If you are PRO abortion, then your anti-gun stance because gun deaths for kids is in direct contradiction.

Tell that to people with multiple DUI citations or tickets for speeding.

>Oy! don't be a bum! Bin that gun!

nah I got done one when cops got told to target jaywalking because they needed more cash

I still do it

Except a cdc study found firearms are used at least the same if not more often then used in crimes. Because the majority of times a firearms is used in self defense a round is never fired. So it doesn't get reported in the news.

The estimated annual mortality rate for allopathic physicians adverse drug reactions, medical errors, among other things, is in the USA, 783,936 people a year.

And this estimate is conservative. See Table 1. This includes no disease. Purely medical errors.


The biggest problem in the USA isn't 10 or 20,000 gun deaths, it isn't diseases, it's incompetent allopathic doctors and what their taught at their Jewish universities.

Meanwhile in Europe having dead children because of an Muslim chimpout just blongs to the city life.
Also sage. Fucking leaf.

The police literally have no obligation to show up when called, and even if they do, they're several minutes away at best.

You sure remind me of the type of Canadian faggot that would let an insane man decapitate and mutilate an innocent passenger on a bus bc you're too pussy to put the rabid subhuman down.

A fetus is made of cells, and cells are alive, and have human DNA. Living cells with human DNA means its life.

Whether its legally alive or not is irrelevant, it is BIOLOGICALLY ALIVE and abortion kills it.

Fetuses are not Children, and women have an inalienable right to proper healthcare. This isn't the 1930s anymore. Get over it.

>For every good news story about the use of firearms, there are ten bad ones
ban niggers. not guns.

That's completely false

Guns save lives everyday.

When dead and raped children became the price to protect multiculturalism the Democrats became domestic terrorists.

americans are the niggers of the white race. You idiots keep killing each other over the stupidest shit.
At least with terror attacks it's some whacked out religious idiot who hates us 'cause he 'aint us.
You people are so retarded you actually go out to kill each other.

funny you post a pic of a guy killed by a gun, I bet he instantly regretted not fixing the 2a during his presidency

Every news story...
There's your answer if you apply yourself and think really hard you'll figure it out.

You're full of shit. The Federales' own estimation of defensive firearms use rests pretty comfortably over a million per year.

>We must repeal and replace the First Amendment

>First of all, I am an American living in Canada so my opinion is relevant.

>Free speech and association does more harm than good these days. For every good news story about gathering together peacefully to assert a controversial point, there are ten bad ones. The bad stories are usually about mass riots where a lot of life is lost and property is destroyed. Children are disproportionately affected by ideological conditioning and violence. Whether it is being attacked at school by a lone ideologue, or because of reading hate facts on the internet that wasn't censored, several tragedies happen everyday involving children and free speech. Our children are the future of our world and we must do everything possible to protect them from harmful ideas. Even if that means repealing the first amendment and replacing it with common sense controls on free speech.

I get that this is bait, but let's just not go through all of this and say we did instead.


If you can kill a moose with it you can kill a president, too, leaf.
Allowing people to have bolt action rifles for "hunting" fixes nothing.

>I am an American
>so my opinion is relevant
oh I am laffin

When dead children became an acceptable price to preserve diversity, the left became an international terrorist organisation.

The absolute madman! He called them out!

When you subtract our rambunctious niggers from the equation, White America has gun violence on par with Western Euros, even with astronomical rates of ownership compared to you clawless queers.

What's your excuse for being a defenseless faggot with no discernible benefit? Your situation guarantees that only jamal and muhammad are the ones with the guns.

14 mintues response time for me, so Id likely be dead. Why are you trying ti stop me from being able to protect myself? What gives people like you the right to tell law abiding citizens why they cant have guns because criminals do bad things? Additionally most of the shootings in the US are with handguns that are unregistered and with peole who arent supposed to have them i.e. crimjnal records. Doesnt stop niggers from killing 100 if their own kind every week in Chicago just because they have the strictest gun laws in the country

"Canada is in America" is the new "I have tits, trust me. Give me attention."

I wonder if you'd let 3 Muslims with knives chase you around for 8 minutes until someone with a gun shows up to kill them?

>Sees flag
>"B-But I am American guys, I-I just l-live in Canada!
Regardless of whether you are American living in Canada, or a Canuck in general, your flag still has a leaf on it, so your opinion is irrelevant on any subject pertaining to an actual country

checks flag, why can't jap moot just ip range ban all leafs. saged

How about you take steps to prevent yourself from being targeted by someone looking to do harm.

Properly secure your home so no one can get inside it.

Don't go outside when it is dark out.

Always travel with a friend.

Do I need to go on?

take the ultimate red pill

Laws arent stopping me. Common sense and repercussions are

fuck off, leaf

>First of all, I am an American living in Canada so my opinion is relevant.
No its not.
I bet you moved after Trump won.

I know this is an easy way to get replies, and lurkers come out to fight, and it's all good fun, but this type of thing does real harm. We have children on this board whether you like it or not and they can't tell you're joking. What if they think you're serious and become anti gun? Is that a world you want to live in?



Walk yourself through the procedure to repeal or add amendments to the US Constitution. The repeal or revision of the second amendment will only happen if noble and brave, righteous preachy people like yourself move to red states in large numbers. You need to colonize fly over country, coastie. Or just keep making your superior leftist memes and see how that works.

First of all, I am an American living in America so my opinion is relevant.

Women do more harm than good these days. For every good news story about women, there are ten bad ones. The bad stories are usually about mass cucking where a lot of life is made. Children are disproportionately affected by women violence. Whether it is being attacked at school by a lone wolf, or because of an accident with an unsecured women, several tragedies happen everyday involving children and women. Our children are the future of our world and we must do everything possible to protect them. Even if that means repealing the nineteenth amendment and replacing it with common sense women laws.

>why don't you just cower in your safe room from dusk to dawn

Canada in a nutshell

Fuck off shill

"have you tried living in constant fear?"

lol, stay classy, Canada

That is my intent and I would love for that to happen.

>This isn't "x" anymore, get over it.

How about no.

First of all, I am a Brit living in England but for some reason Sup Forums gives me a US flag so my opinion is relevant.

Chicago pizza is vastly superior to New York pizza.

It will never happen, even if every gun on earth vanished this second. You can make a gun with a piece of pipe, a ball bearing and some gunpowder. From there, criminals would design more and more sophisticated weapons and and sell them on a black market.

Just gonna (You) myself because this is the most important post in here and I got dùbs.

A fucking leaf. Shitposting as usual.