Hey guyths, do you want to donathe to my charity? I promith that itsth 100% effithient

Hey guyths, do you want to donathe to my charity? I promith that itsth 100% effithient.

This is a new low for shills

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Pleath I need money 2 hunt animalth plz donate to my St Judth!1

This is what the left has been reduced to. When will they show evidence of being human?

You tell me which side has the most evidence of being human.

Because that aint the right.

Man has had dominion over the animals since well, as far back as it goes. Being at the top of the food chain is one of the things that literally defines us as humans.

>food chain

Found your problem.

They didn't kill them to eat them. They killed them to make their dicks hard. Only subhumans do that.

You aren't even human

You you have child cancer patients to be slapping in the face, Eric?

>They killed them to make their dicks hard.

Don't dox me, faggot

Food chain is a broad phrase to descibe man's superiority. Hunting for sport is a civilized Anglo activity unless your a subhuman that goes nuts over animals rights.

I have an anal orgasm every time I shoot a quail

if niggers could take care of the environment, rich humans wouldnt have to go hunting there to incentivize them into not ravaging every species

Is cumming on birds still degenerate?


and how does this charity benefit me?

>this snowflake trumpkin

you gonna fuckin cry?

It's a shame you don't know anything about nature conservation. Crying about hunting animals doesn't save them. Hunters are the biggest animal/nature conservationists on the planet because they know a lot more than you FEEL like you do.

Grammar flames. This is what your argument has been reduced to. (Oh shit, I ended that sentence with a preposition.)

>period inside of the parentheses

You had nothing to reply to, you were just ranting and trying to excuse a subhuman degenerate's behavior.

It was a complete sentence, not a phrase or clause.

False premise = false conclusion. Why can't liberals into logic?

Keep on being desperate, shill. That paycheck won't last indefinitely.

Teddy, another subhuman degenerate.

Won't someone think of the children? Muh Disney movies!

This made me laugh hahahahaha duck this guy

More or less effithient than your father thin air wall ?

Americans continue to get softer...