GMO thread

What place should GMO have in our lives? Is it necessary to regulate or even prohibit? I am studying bioengineering so I want to know your opinion on the social aspects of this innovation.

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It's at least necessary to document, and that requires some forms of regulation. More than that, the public needs to be better educated on what GMOs are, how genetics works, and probably some basic digestion facts (e.g. you don't incorporate DNA you eat into your DNA).

One of the examples of genetic modified crops is so-called "golden rice", whose creators state that it has higher levels of vitamin A to combat sight deficiency and other ailments.

But it's not all good. There could be negative ecological consequences as well as benefits to humanity.

Most of insulin consumed today comes from genetically modified E. Coli cultures

Please don't capitalize species names.

Yes, I have seen this article. We even had a case study at our lab about induced sterility in further generations.

Damn iPad autocorrect

>about induced sterility in further generations.
And there's another side. Farmers that replant their own crops would not be able to do so if the crops are sterile. This forces them to get their seed supply from the GMO company.

Buy or die goyim, Monsanto controls the world's food supply

By the way, you sound like you are pretty immersed in something biological. Am I right?

GMO's are nothing, but another step of civilized humanity trying to control the energy fluxes of the planet's ecosphere to it's own subsystems, effectively destroying the miriad balances that made planet habitable in the first place. First fire, then agriculture, then this: the short-sighted meddling of the hairless ape into something far greater than the collective capacity would be able to comprehend.

GMO's are an excellent move to destroy self-reliance and relative sovereignty for a short increase of profits followed by effective enslavement to the fossil-fuel nased mechanized agriculture technology: a form of imperialism.

With an appropriate regulation, I don't see anything bad about GMO. It's also fun that liberals pose themselves as science-loving progressives, yet protest against genetic modification and opt for overpriced organic food instead.

Expected antisemitism, was not disappointed

Do you know Sterligoff? If you are not using proxy you probably do.

Monsanto coincidentally shares it's name from a Jewish owned slave trading ship of the same moniker

What has GMO got to do with selective breeding or progress? Zero things. GMO is nothing but company owned plants which they push to eliminate historic and selective plants in name of Scheckelberg GMO plant with his name on it + pesticides with mr. Scheckelberg's name on it, all in name of progress and fighting world's hunger when mr. Scheckelberg created world hunger by introducing GMO, which eliminated all other plants. We don't need pesticides and GMO, it won't solve hunger, it never benefited anything other than maximization of profit.

Yes, when it was decided that companies can't copyright species of wild plants, pharmaceutical companies research into botanical compounds dropped off significantly.
GMO's are a sort of backdoor into being able to copyright plants.

Rather valid point you have there. But most modifications just don't fall into this pattern.

May I kindly ask to receive a quick rundown on such patent matters?

They don't understand what GMO means. They think it means pesticide or DNA that will mutate theirs.
GMOs can be used to increase the yield or desiccation resistance of important crops and help feed more of the world. They can also allow plants to incorporate more nutrients so there is more energy or minerals per volume. Or they can grow taller to save space, withstand cold, be easier to digest, form better symbiotic microbial relations, etc.
The question is, how to balance food resources (how many people we can/should support) with our impact on the planet, and what we will end up doing to other species... as well as who gets to control the GMO tech and all the societal/ethical problems that comes with.

He знaю тaкoгo. Дa, Poccия - cтpaнa кoнтpacтoв, вo вceм миpe пpoтив ГMO выcтyпaют лeвaцкиe дoлбoeбы, a y нac - peлигиoзныe фyндaмeнтaлиcты.

GMOs are not needed. There is enough food around to feed everyone plus a few billion more already, the issue is its distribution as the rich countries theow a lot away which is then missing in poorer ones.
Furthermore once in circulation you wont get rid of them. They spread their seed through wind and will be everywhere afterwards.
Also GMOs are usually created to either withstand more aggressive pesti and herbicides, which then causes more resistent pests which will make them create more resistent GMOs to then use more aggressive pesticides leading to more resistent pests and so on. Pretty much like the excessive antibiothiks usage.
Another thing they do is let the plant create its own pesticides which gets rid of pests, but in turn will also poison the consumer.
Furthermore genes interact with another which can be on the other end of the DNA string leading to outcomes we cant expect in advance and if causing some damage for the consumer might only be visible after decades of consumption when its too late to do anything.
Also GMOs can be patented and is another moneymaking sheme to get rid of small competitors

Tl;dr: fuck GMOs

How not? Supermarkets always sell GMO, always tastes like shit, always needs to be sprayed with 1000 different pesticides to survive. You know what mr. Scheckelberg also does? He drops insects from foreign lands on your plants to prove it needs spraying. They want to kill off everything in name of copyrighting every plant. I don't need advanced research from people who's mission is to destroy me. I don't need help from gods of science who's mission is it to own every water i have. I feel sorry for people who never grew any fruit and vegetables themselves from old seeds, since they will become ill fatasses, since GMO tastes like water with sugar, it's all crap fruit and vegetables, literally no other payoff than profit and getting poisoned by pesticides until your penis starts to turn into a vagina.

Forgot to mention, with the emergsnce of more resistent pests conventional crops stand no chance anymore as they will face those pests which are immune to pesticides the plant can endure and thus the farmer would either lose its crop or be forced to grow GMOs

Ecли кopoткo - нaдo выключить вceм элeктpичecтвo, инaчe вoдa yйдёт вглyбь зeмли из-зa нeyeмнoй дoбычи пoлeзных иcкoпaeмых

GMO advancement will continue though. Someone will come up with improved strains of crops and grow them in developing countries to subvert the problems in distribution. And they will be necessary in terraforming should we make it that far.
We will always be in a battle with pathogens that try to destroy the crops, so there will always be a cat-and-mouse game of how to protect those populations from the next blight.
There are complications with modification of interacting genes, though some of those can be detected by feeding them to generations of small animals.
Modification can be used for a lot of good or bad and it will not stop progressing, so the best thing would be to understand the paths it can take and alert people to push for the best outcomes.

>penis turns into vagina.
/d/ is down the street

Idk m8, I tried GMO watermelons in the US and they tasted so fucking sweet compared to the shit I can buy here. The fact that they are seedless also makes it so much better.

Seedless watermelons are a result of tetraploid and diploid parents, so probably that were not GMO watermelons.

No, it isn't your own DNA that's in trouble, its the billions of microbes that have innumerable effects in your gut that are at risk of having the spliced DNA transfered into them. Thats a very real thing that the 90-day studies of monsanto doesn't factor in. Also, it has been found that the damage from gmo foods affects your next child and that 90-day "health study" also doesn't cover.

GMO's only purpose is to extend the patent laws into the very foundation of our food supply.

Fuck off with your inept arrogance.

To add, tetraploid watermelons were engineered by using a mutagenic agent called colhicine back in the 50's. Then they reproduced normally.

That's some big lie, i grew watermelons myself. Tell those lazy oligarchs to stop using their sperm inside GMO and it will taste better. You trying to tell me that fruit who never seen sun tastes better? Yes, GMO is also without sun most of times and as we know sun is important to this planet. So you telling me that 1000 different apples types and 1000 different grape types isn't enough to work with? They need 1 GMO type and without trying those 10000 types they know instinctively they are the best? They have no quality control, they have no sun, they are sprayed. That's nothing but garbage, even the soil they grew on has constant fake minerals added to it, always the same, nothing added to that plant is of any value. Sometimes, which lately becomes almost always, not even insects want to eat that. I would find it alarming that no insects wants to eat fruit and vegetables when already picked.

Not exactly sure that a significant amount of DNA will survive the intestinal enzymes to transform the bacteria.

I have a suspicion you have mixed it with soil-free growing

if we did not have gmos, we would not be here to day, people would be starving everyday if gmos poofed away right now and we went back to how food was before gmos. gmos are needed, but should be regulated.

That image is odd -- it says that we first began modifying the genes of crops 10,000 years ago, but they only came to market in thew 1990s.

I bought apricots before, i ate before apricots and you know what amazing thing happened. As i was opening apricot the stony seed inside broken off by 1/5, which is amazing how low mineral and quality that is even if it tastes kind of 1/5 decent compare to homegrown. I notice this with many fruit from supermarkets, their hard as stone seeds just easily break apart or have holes inside, like peach for example. This is indication of very poor quality of minerals and fast growing with no sun, maybe even a lot of spraying, which is normal for big industry. I mean if your soil needs added minerals then you already have shit soil and this shit you can taste, it tastes like pissy sugar water, maybe they use sugar water for watering, since it literally tastes like some shit sugar, other tastes i also taste is not being ripe taste.

They aren't needed, it won't solve any current food problems. What is the point when there is no problem to solve? Is it 100% profit and patent driven? Yes. The tech should continue to be developed in lab setting though. Genetic mistakes paid for with blood and bullets to scientists like op. With no potential for patents and a death penalty for things like terminator genes, it'd work.

>This forces them to get their seed supply from the GMO company.

No it doesn't. They could chose to plant regular old non-sterile crops. But if it better for their bottom line to buy seeds for a crop they can sell for more money, then they have that option. Nobody is forced to use something just because it is available.

The Hungarians man, they always get it.

>What has GMO got to do with selective breeding

Selective breeding modifies the genes of an organism. It does so in a more hit-or-miss method than modern techniques, and less knowledge or control of what changes you are inducing, than is possible with modern gene splicing and such.

It sure as Hell does not leave the genes unmodified -- if it did, it wouldn't result in a new, improved strain.

Basically, farmers are poor, they buy seeds of gmo plants that grow better to ensure a profit, if they replant the seeds, or the plants seeds end up anywhere nearby, they get a visit from the gmo companies lawyers and have to sell everything they own to pay for the patent breaking fines.

ok nigger, everything you eat, meat included is gmo. if we were not doing gmo long ago, we would not be here right now, we would have been stuck with food that tastes like shit, isnt very nutritious, and would not be able to grow copious amounts of food.

Cutting a tree isn't the same as adding corals to tomato genes. I had different plants getting married to each other naturally, like you take two dogs from 2 continents, but they are dogs, not one cat and other dog in laboratory love. Also breeding very big dog aka wolf with very small already bred dog is disaster and newer dogs have many more diseases than a wolf for example, which in my opinion is pure-blooded dog, not some lord bred dogs.

Inspection of plants around farmers that bought your seeds sounds like a waste of money.