Maybe now all the cringy the_donald posters will finally fuck off to reddit

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>a fucking baguette

>zero arguments
>1 post by this frog


Yeah doesnt look so good for Drumpfty Dumpty. Say herro to President Pence.


>didn't actually read the statements
Maybe now all the faggot frogs will finally fuck off back to their own native-based IP websites

Really makes me think


>thinking Jeffrey Toobin has any integrity or impartiality at all
>is CNN's chief legal analyst
>is a total activist and has been even before Trump

>divide and conquer ahmed


You're still here faggot. You didn't get banned permanently (like I did in td for shitposting) or your retarded post didn't get sent to the bottom of the page. Quit being a retarded French fry

> mikeing intensifies

>asking to drop Flynn investigation
>asking to "lift cloud" of Russian investigation

he said period, so it's over guys.
pack up, it's over
drumpf is finished

holy shit btfo
say hello to madam president
I'm with her & also, fuck drumpf as well as white people

Seriously who tf are these guys?

But seriously, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes. period.

Is he on his period?

No but his career is.

It doesn't establish enough to impeach him

>Jeffery Toobin
>His mother's family were secular Jews.


Sniff. Burp

They literally don't.

Jeffrey Jew-bin called it.

Check mate drumpfkins

Daily reminder

>maybe if we sage it and deny it enough it won't happen

The media is at the "make shit up" point of desperation, Comey could spend the entire hearing jacking Trump off and they'd claim it established one of their retarded theories.

Fucking digits
good lord jeedbus


Kek. Apparently Comey didn't think so.

Covfefe. PERIOD!

It's not obstruction of justice.

If it was, Comey would be admitting to a crime (failing to report obstruction of justice).

You are all retards.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Meh, not really

Literally a waste of anyone's time. No source. No quote. Just a verified account on twitter. Ok.

Digits confirm your correct.


The only reason this is being hyped by the leftist jewish media is so when Comey doesn't say what the sjws had hoped, they'll then have to believe "Trump got to him", and perhaps get violent on the streets again. It's just to agitate them further. It's already obvious Comey can't change his story he's already stated under oath: Trump didn't impeded the investigation at all.

>Comey's statement

What statement? He's not supposed to talk till tomorrow and if Trump was obstructing, Comey will be in trouble for not steppong down immediately.

Fucking saged

What the hell dont you people understand? He said period, its over, there is no discussion to be had anymore

I really fucking hate when people do this. It's the most obnoxious shit.

Can someone find me a source with a White, non-Jewish male agreeing with him?


Flynn mislead Pence that he spoke with a Russian official. Trump asked Comey if tbis could be 'let go'.

Which part of this is a crime? Can someone explain how this fits the legal definition of 'obstructing justice'? No emotional arguments please

>and perhaps get violent on the streets again

They've been uppity since January

He released his statement in writing just a while ago. He all but outright says Trump fired him because he wouldn't drop the investigations into his campaign staff.

Do Americans menstruate that much?

I was considering replying to him but then he said period. Goddamn it all.

Read the memo. Comey lays it out very clearly,

Nice digits


I read the memo. The memo doesn't detail what part of this is a crime or how this is considered 'obstruction of justice'

Don't be a shitlord...he's letting you know he's having menstrual cramps.

Reading everything Comey has said in it's entirety it just seems like Trump was pissed the rumors of the investigation were impeding the work he wanted to do and he stressed to Comey that it was impeding his job as president. It also seems President Trump is unfamiliar with what typical politicians do and act towards different members of the government, which isn't unsurprising as a he was not a politician before he was elected.

>They've been uppity since January
Well I mean like more massive shit like in chicago. But a detail. Whatever. It's meant to agitate the left further.

>posts a meme instead of an argument
Want to guess how I know you're one of those nigger import """"""french?""""""


Not intimidated

I'm starting to get numb from all the anti Trump shilling... the crying from the left will never stop. It's more annoying than when Obama was in office


The memo stops after the April 11th phone call. Comey said Trump was angry that the FBI wouldn't make a public statement that he wasn't under investigation because then 'they'd have a duty to correct if he did become under investigation'


Puh-reach queen, yaaassss!

t. upvoted

Or maybe they removed it because Comey already just released his testimony in writing? Could be.

He said that a month ago.

He was grandstanding and wouldn't investigate the classified leaks.

Old news.

Trump: You're wasting fucking funding, give me a deadline for this investigation. You are not carrying it out forever.


So it basically proves the Dems have nothing. Again.

oy gevalt, bad goy


Nice word choice

No, you don't get it, it's all a (((conspiracy)))! Also, this helps Trump somehow. How? Not explained, ever, but...

How does it do that? If you don't think this is a big deal you must be way up Trump's ass.

Explain how it's a big deal.

Their whiney bullshit fell of def ears in their own echochambers so they came to Sup Forums to bitch.

These people are worse than Alex Jones with these conspiracy theories.

>On the verge of Shia-Sunni: The final showdown
>Care about some traitor even when Hilary lost

does hoping for or even expecting a certain outcome constitute a hinderance or blocking of an undesired outcome?

holy shit cant argue against him now

Toobin's anime avatar is very very generous.

It doesn't even come close to obstruction. Democrats are huffing political jenkem at this point.

>muh two scoops

Butthurt shills abound

"I hope you see your way to clearing flynn, he's a good guy"

" I hope I can have your loyalty"

Comey was fired for not saying he wasn't under investigation. It had nothing to do woth the investigation of his campain.

It does look a little shady and if your a delluded liberal, I could see how you could interpret this worse than it is.

I don't think you can charge someone with the crime of being a 'big deal'. Or are you making the Lauer argument that this is 'emotional obstruction of justice'?


Comey outlines how Trump heavily implied that if he wants to keep his job he will drop the investigation into Flynn and make a public statement that Trump himself isn't under investigation.

Youre so committed to the destruction of Trump you cant even realize when your side overplayed a hand badly. Christ I can't believe I have to defend this imbecile president but you guys somehow manage to be even more disgusting

This is so ridiculous.
Faggot Comey didn't even testify yet.

They are really frightened about Trump aren't they

Stale memes won't save your daddy.

Shitpost while you can until your range block comes in courtesy of big brother


Implication of a crime isn't a crime dip shit.

So nothing, then.

If we want to talk about obstruction of justice, what about Hillary destroying e-mails using BleachBit and telling her aides to smash devices with hammers?

Which part of this is a crime?



Is this embarrassing saga finally ending? How do you guys think Trump's presidency will be remembered 10 or 20 years from now?

Why does he brings up periods? Is he insensitive about women's issues? I think the systematic appropriation of the menstrual cycle is yet another proof that the patriarchy still reign supreme in the mind of the privileged white males.

Nope. You just fell for Democrat gaslighting.

It trust these media people. They were so right about Hillary winning and Brexit. Clearly they can predict political happenings accurately.

But wishful thinking will lead to impeachment?


Why do leftists always sound like retards trying to impersonate Mark Twain?

people will question whether it even counts as a presidency