LAST PREDICTIONS: How big will this woman's majority in the UK Parliament be after the next 24 hours have passed?

LAST PREDICTIONS: How big will this woman's majority in the UK Parliament be after the next 24 hours have passed?

Corbyn shall win. ALL HEIL the comrade!

Ive thinking either very small or Labour/Lib hung parliment.

YouGov now forecasting a 50 seat majority.


I thought brexit was supposed to save UK but it's just more fucked than ever with an authoritarian hag and a textbook socialist

What is happening? :O

is that the witch literally ruining UK and cucking their internet?

I don't understand how anyone can be dumb enough to vote for her

From what I got, she called another election because she was popular and there was a chance she would get bigger majority then she had. Now it looks like, she will lose the majority or some shit and everybody is shilling for that Corby guy faggot.

I might be wrong tho.

Hahahah geez oh man. Way to shoot yourself in the foot

I estimate her power to grow beyong belief. 85% of all seats will be reserved for her. She will have the power to dissolve democracy and establish an autocratic monarchy with King George IX a the helm.

There's no saving it at this point without a lot of bloodshed.

polls will be wrong again

she will win a majority, Labour will lose seats but will be second largest party still

the Labour leader has done what Hillary did, only ever went to constituencies that have high Labour support already and has ignored the north of England like how the Democrats ignored the south.

It won't be as huge a majority as the Tories wanted but May will still probably win a good 15 to 20 seats off of Labour

I would choose moderate socialism, no different to what we had before, over the removal of my fucking liberties.

because if we don't we lose our economy, infrastructure and get taxed to fuck

We'd become Venezuela 2.0 under his socialist plans

Since May is going to win on the back of Brexit she's announcing a bunch of unpopular policies since she knows she will win

It sucks but we can get rid of her next election if she goes over the top with it

weak, those are temporary things, you are letting Soros manipulate you

It'll be a hung parliament. Conservative minority government. She blew her lead

>either 5 years of socialism, economic decay
>or 5 years of using a VPN

hmmm what a difficult decision

also Labour plans to let 16 year olds vote so if they win we will never get a right wing government ever again

how will she have a minority gov if no other party will vote for her?

Calling it now:

Tories 47%

tfw tory-ukip coalition

>inb4 shy Tories ruin it for everyone again

Guess what: I'm a woman.
I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
Whether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No. I won't show you my tits, but I'll be your CEO one day.

labour will win, i will the universe to my bidding and i wish it so

screencap this post

you should not vote for either for the cancers!

then gtfo.
shit bait & larp

nah man ukip is dead, they won't get a seat

without Nige they lost their charisma and they got Brexit that's all they wanted really

Gonna go asleep, and if Comrade Corbyn wins my bad happenings quota for Thursday will be filled. I root for Theresa May, she seems sensible, compared to Corbyn.



now you might lose brexit! the moist and molesting hand of the globalists is far reaching

hope your country gets binned for not voting Sir Nige ungrateful scum


she will ban any dissenting opinions for sure, vpn or not, good luck in your next election, bet VPN's themselves have been banned by then

worse than merkel

LARPing faggot LARPS.

she knows she has a clean sweep with the courts jester Commie Corbyn prancing around like an idiot.
this is why she chose for a snap general election, she has it in the bag.
this also means more seats for the Conservatives, less people to cause her any issues when she is running the country as an autocracy Orwellian authoritarian totalitarian draconian prison island.

Well after a 37% win then had 51% of seats, so I'd say with 42% of the vote they're probably looking at 60% of the seats

>inbf bait
>ahh, whatever
I don't think Sup Forums actually wants to send every woman to the kitchen, that would be nonsense. I think we just shouldn't allow clearly inferior women getting job instead of men with more skill/experience. These types of women are more skilled at destroying their opponents at proxy warfare with bullying, grouping against any well-bodied individual, stirring shit and sucking cocks instead of actual working. These types are exceptionally able to fuck up career of women, which actually have skills and want to work. You would have to think about getting new bag or new dress instead of new project, to avoid being ostracised at work. I think women like you are the biggest losers in current situation - you are clearly on par with men, if not better. And yet everyone will look at you being inferior, only because mongrels - which happen to be of the same gender like you - need to get better treatment, and are still shitty.

Any retadd saying Conservatives won't get a majority has no idea what they're talking about
37% was enough of a majority last election and they're polling at 5% better than that in literally every poll. Tory majority guaranteed, it'll just be a closer election than expected.