Ask white, blue eyed, well educated Serb anything

Ask white, blue eyed, well educated Serb anything

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wanna play 1v1 heroes of might and magic 3 ?

no necros

Im Dota guy myself, so nah

Jebem sve shiptari?

Favourite anime?

Kosovo is what ?

Only Kosovars

I don't watch anime, i'm normal and as i said well educated


Redpill me on that neutral country between Serbia and Croatia?

>Turk rape babbie
Kek post, Marko.


>i don't watch anime
Fair enou-

>i'm normal and as i said well educated
Is this satire?

Koja je razlika iymedu Ljoticevaca i Cetnika? want the kanvleđ

How many kebabs have you personally removed?

do the serbs hate the jews

It's a swat of territory Croatia and Serbia are in dispute about. An useless swamp with no recourses and infrastructure. They want to create antcappstan in it, good luck with that.

favourite ice cream flavor

will u fugg mi papi

Honest opinion on Jews?

jedina sličnost između ljotićevaca i četnika jeste to što su hteli da unište komunizam i ljude koji veruju u dotični. ljotićevci su takođe hteli da zbrišu i jevreje. smatra se da su isti samo zbog te antikomunističke ideologije, ali to je otprilike jedino što im je slično

Non existent bullcrap made by some liberal faggot cuz he got nothing else to do in his shitty life like most of libturds

Fuck off Ahmed

Actually i'm lying, i watched Yu Gi Oh when i was a child and year ago Seven Deadly Sins, but it was nothing special

Ljoticevci su podrzavali Hitlera i Srbiju koja je saradjivala sa Nemcima jer su to videli kao dobar nacin da zastite civile (Gde su bili u pravu). Cetnici su nekada bili ok, kraljeva vojska, danasnji "cetnici" su nista slicno.

I don't think that's important now, akhm

Totally neutral towards them, at least i think so


I don't like them, but if you ask me if i would rather be friend with a jew or muslim, i would choose part human creature called jew

read Mein Kampf to find out why you are wrong

10/10 si iz Vojvodine

>trusting a semite

im am dissapoint

Macva centar sveta brotooo

Yeah, nice try Mohammad

I think it's still better then muslim, do you?

muslims are semites you fucking mountain nigger
>be invaded by muslims
>get buttfucked by globalist jews
>trust either

What the fuck is wrong with you?

what is serbia and why should I care?

Call me whatever you want, but if Adolf Hitler says you are not white, then you are not white.

I'm speaking from my point of view, in history Serbia never had any troubles with jew because they have always been minority in Serbia (like under 10.000 in 7 million country, which is nothing), meanwhile throughout our history we had a lot of problems with muslims. That's why i said it like that

A country on Balkans and you shouldn't care

>Butthurt cuz Serbia is now whiter country then Germany was 50 years ago

since you apparently don't even know your own country's recent history

Kakav je sentiment prema Vučiću u Srbiji? Koliko razumin, ne vole ga ni desni koji su uz Rusiju niti livi. Pari mi da ga jedino Europska unija i establišment podržava


Navodno ga cela Srbija ne voli a opet sa druge strane pobedi na izborima ubedljivo. Ukratko, kontrola medija, kontrola od strane inostranih lobija itd itd. Oni koji ga stvarno podrzavaju su ljudi koji su glupi da shvate neke stvari.

Opet, ukratko, najbolje receno, uskoro ce Srbija biti svacija samo ne nasa, ko razume shvatice

ty now I know

do you hate communists and do you wish for the rehabilitation of ljotic and nedic?

When will we wage war on the muslims?

I'm taking a big shit right now

How is your country become whiter?
All I see is Slav subhumans.

t. shkodran ramadani

what do you think about belgrade

Call me whatever you want. It doesn't change that Hitler was pretty clear on that.

oh hey dude, add me


What is this narcissistic and self-gratifying crap? Stop giving serbs across the west a bad name. Serbs do not brag, don't expect a handout or a pat on the head. We keep our cool, tend to work and chores and take care of our families while contributing to the good of our society to the best of our abilities. All children of the baby boomer generation are encouraged to pursue the highest possible education in consonance with their abilities. You are not special. You are part of a proto-european tribe which dosen't give two shits whether you have blue or brown eyes.


sage this stupid slide thread

Doesn't make you any whiter.

I heard Serbs generally like Russia and Russian people. Is that fixed by education?

I also heard that kosovo je srbija, but is that still the case when you're well-educated?

how do you feel that your country will be full-blown africa in 20 years while we still remain the whitest compared to our neighbours?
krauts, the only thing worse than jews

kosovo will always be serbia

t. Sidiq Khan


When is the next kebab removal scheduled?

post pics pls

How do you feel about the outcome of WW2 and the Nazi regime in general

Zasto se srbi pale na hrvatice?

I am sorry that we lost the war and the allied government forces us to stoop down to your non-white levels, but this is a purely Aryan problem and does not concern you.
It's just sad that with the downfall of Aryan bastions, darkies like you and the Slavs can come out of the wood works and literally wash themselves white through revision of history.
I wonder if Mein Kampf is edited in your countries for this purpose.

forbidden fruit

will you fugg me daddy

How badly to serbs hate the USA?

Btw were sorry bill Clinton the rapist bombed you when you were fighting the Muslim hordes

I don't like 'em. I'm neutral about that topic

Developing to fast compared to other big cities, but it's beautiful, nice and comfy.

will do

Yes we do, and no it's not, it's more cultural part of Serbs. Kosovo je Srbija is just a slogan but people are tied to it so it's like a prayer to them. Me personally would like if Kosovo would stay with Serbia although i know it's almost impossible since majority of population there are albos

Excuse me, what are you?

Whenever you promise not to bomb us again when we try to do it

I like some of ideas of it, tho there are some that i don't agree with. I'm against multiculturalism, or at least against race mixing, faith and similar, i think that everyone should get what they deserve, and i don't think that everyone should get equal rights


Well mostly dumb people hate USA cuz they don't realize that whole USA didn't bomb us but only Cliton and his army of kikes. I personally don't hate USA but what i do hate about you is too much liberalism leading to BLM and feminist movements which in my opinion should be exterminated

What do you think of Ireland?
(I'm Irish myself working over here for a bit, always admired you guys for Removing Kebab.)

Beautiful country, beautiful culture and i like you accent

>purely Aryan
Jews are not Aryan

the wh*te man is weak
step aside cumskin

>well educated Serb
b a u s t e l l e

>attention whoring on Sup Forums

>while we still remain the whitest compared to our neighbours
Even the albos are whiter than you man, i don't have anything against greeks, but honestly get real with yourself.

Hey, education in Slavic countries is actually bretty gud if you don't bribe.

For example, Ukrainian literacy rate is 99,9%

their accent sounds sexy to us

Education in post commie countries is high anyway, everyone had to be the best of the best of the best right?

Shit tier.

>always admired you guys for Removing Kebab
they didn't remove kebab, kebab removed them:
After the Yugoslav Army withdrew, over half of Kosovo's Serbs and other non-Albanians flew or were expelled and many of the remaining civilians were subjected to abuse.[110][110][111][112][113][114]

>a kike and a muslim agreeing

based Serb is based. i like you. can we haz stealth plane back?

they're right tho, this thread is shit and all you do is attention whoring yourself

Pјypичe, дa ми пoпyшиш oвaј мoј oгpoмни динapcки мacни кypaц?

П.C. Jeби Пyтинe нeк цypи низ бyтинe.

They were actually during 60s and 70s coming from Albania to Kosovo to work in mines for high wages (Yugoslavia was pretty rich back then) and buying houses from Serbs who sold them and moved to Belgrade. I admit, there are Serbs who stayed and who were literally expelled by violence but most of those who fled sold their properties and they are swines.

It's much more complicated then looking at simple statistics chart.


Just heard you might be getting a lesbian as the prime minister, is that true?

Nobody important speaks nigger ya fuckin monkey

Most probably, Vucic will slowly break us apart

игpaјмo ce

>white, blue eyed, well educated

Does not compute.

Northern Albania.

2/11 making me respond

Adjolfe Xhitlar here I come

you have to go back, zerg

He simply have to go back dude


You have to go back to Afghanistan, shitskin. We've been here longer than you.


here's all you need to know about muslims
(edited google translation follows)
B бoльшинcтвe cвoём кocoвcкиe цыгaнe — мycyльмaнe пo вepoиcпoвeдaнию. B хoдe кocoвcкoгo кoнфликтa цыгaнe, нeзaвиcимo oт вepы, пoдвepгaлиcь пpecлeдoвaниям, пыткaм и yбийcтвaм co cтopoны кocoвcких aлбaнцeв, в peзyльтaтe чeгo 85 % цыгaнcкoгo нaceлeния Кocoвo пoкинyли пpeдeлы кpaя.
Most of Kosovar Gypsies - Muslims by faith. During the Kosovo conflict, they, irrespective of faith, were persecuted, tortured and killed by Kosovo Albanians, causing 85% of the gippo population of Kosovo to leave the province.


How much do Serbs hate Hungarians in general?
I never know that you guys hate us or not, I get mixes signals.


>alboshit delusions

> Serbs & Cros nationalistic as fuck

> Serbs & Cros hate muzzo's

> Serbs & Cros hate each other

Why not unite against the common shiptar enemy?

I want to take my family on a vacation to another country. Can we stay with you? If so we will send our list of needs for the 36 months we will be with you.

Serbs and Croats will never unite , it's literally the point or "Serbs and Croatians"