Why aren't you a nihilist? Don't tell me you believe in stupid, pathetic fairy tales or something

Why aren't you a nihilist? Don't tell me you believe in stupid, pathetic fairy tales or something.

wow BR-kun you are so smart how's highschool treating you

Everyone on my class was a retard, they didn't understand me. Unfortunately people are not educated enough to know the truth around here. I'm 19 now, as a man I should do my best to spread the truth.

No i am trying to get threw life and keep some optimistic vews
You know hope and shit

because if you dont shoot you always miss

hope will not help you when you are on the ground rooting away.

neither will hopelessness

yes, that's the whole point, nothing can help us.

Because its a phase and I grew out of it. Also I don't think Rick and Morty is very funny

yeah but i dont believe im just defending them.
i just think doing nothing is boring.

>Why aren't you a nihilist?
Everyone is nihilist to a degree. It is how we understand our shared reality

You don't need to believe in any "fairy tales" to not be a nihilist. Looking around your room and gazing upon all of our works should be enough to engender a deep wellspring of faith in humanity to answer all those questions that lead to nihilism in the first place.

Because it's presuppositions are anti-life, and I'm not playing that game.

What's the point?

How do I kill the empathetic part of myself and become a fully self-realized nihilist?

>Hey guise nothing has inherent meaning xddd

no shit

You're 19. You don't have a clue how the world works.
t. 19 year old

I'm 25 and I still have no idea what's going on

Nihilism is an oxymoron.

>Don't tell me you believe in stupid, pathetic fairy tales or something.

don't confuse agnosticism with nihilism.

Because I'm not a 14 year old