Canada cucked once again

There was a new vote today in Canada's house of commons to reaffirm our counties stance on the "Paris Agreement".

Our new Conservative leader Andy Scheer voted in favor of it, as well as the majority of the conservative MPs. This is one large step towards a nationally enforced carbon tax. Scheer pressured all conservative party members to vote in favor of this motion, and only 1 Conservative member refused.

Sup Forums my fucking blood is boiling right now. I am outraged by the scheer absurdity of this situation. We officially have 2 liberal parties in Ottawa now.

Absolutely disgusting.

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Um that's wrong Canada is th number best country ever you're just a jealous aminigger stealing our wifi fuck off back to buffalo

I meant to say amerinigger but autocorrect changed it

Scheer is a cuckservative
>berned out again
Trudeau 2022

>we will never have a prime minister who will hang all gays
>we will never have a prime minister who will abolish all gun laws
>we will never have a prime minister who will deport all non Europeans including injuns
>we will never have a prime minister who will make bible education mandatory in all schools
Why even live

Bernier was our last hope. Scheer is a moron. The next election is going to be "liberal cunt #1 vs liberal cunt #2"

Where do I turn in my leaf card? I'm ready to leave this marxist hell-scape

I don't even care about any of that crap.

I just don't want to take part in forced wealth redistribution. We are going to be Venezuela in a decade at this rate.

Your the reason why this country is going down th drain, but I agree we should abolish all income, corporate, property and sales tax.

I'm really sorry for you Canadabro.

You guys have a lot of land however, so setting up communities with sound values isn't that far fetched. You should look into buying a larger chunk of land in your homeland.

Well there's going to be a new tax on your list soon, and it's the carbon tax. Congratulations - we have horrible politicians.

Hey guys sorry im late to the party. How long before we have an islamic primeminister? Should i move to yukon?


Nigga, that shit is nonbinding. There's NOTHING in it that can force any country to do ANYTHING. Why do you care so much about trying to piss off 200 other countries?

Thanks for your condolences. Unfortunately, the prices in the housing bubble are making it very difficult to buy land right now.

My main priority right now is leaving Canada.

Taxes are unconstitutional Canada had no taxes until the First World War which was a "temporary" measure. We cannot rely on our government, the government has lied to us for 100 years.
Canada is the most corrupt country ever, we are turning into a communist nation

Trudeau wants a federally mandated carbon tax, and his opposition Andrew Scheer decided to agree with him today.

The Paris agreement is non-binding, but federal taxes are very much mandatory.

Move to Alaska if possible. This country is headed straight into the toilet

When Andy won the conservative leadership recently, I really wanted to give him a chance. Sure he wasn't my first, or even second choice; but he claimed to be a fundamental conservative, so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Now, the first move he makes as the conservative leader is to vote in favor of the Paris Agreement? What a friccin let down....

We should remove ALL environmental regulations we impose on our industry, it's damaging to Canada. We are so rich in natural resources but can't mine for anything because of these dumb laws.

hear hear

Canada has the cleanest air in the world and the cleanest water, if we even doubled our industrial output, it would probably just make us equal to Europe in terms of pollution. It's not the end of the world

and canada is one of the most expensive housing in the world. perfect compared to the europe housing bubble!

>We officially have 2 liberal parties in Ottawa now.

It's been forever dude

>The Paris agreement is non-binding, but federal taxes are very much mandatory.

I love all the lefties calling an agreement where you're required to pay other nations money, "non-binding". Fucking liars, and they know it.

leftists demand everybody pay their fair pay but refuse to do so themselves

It wouldn't be expensive if we deported every non European

>We officially have 2 liberal parties in Ottawa now
>In Ottawa
If only were Ottawa

Yeah all the down-playing by the liberals is infuriating. I wish we had a leader like Trump who is willing to stand up against the globalist rats

Dude you're fucking retarded. Climate change is happening and renewables are the future, just like oil and gas was the future beyond steam engines.

>b-b-b-but they're not efficient yet!

They will be, eventually. Give it another couple decades. The internal combustion engine wasn't built in a day as well, nor were AC hydro dams or distribution systems.

we will never have Prime Minister Rob Ford


i second this notion

Have fun with your higher electricity bills and increased taxes canadabro

>spend the earth as quickly as possible

>Canadian conservatives

Yup. It's really ironic considering the whole National Park Service was an invention of Republicans to protect lands for future generations.


Please accept me for refugee status. I will take whatever shitty job is available, I swear

>Arguing against factual statements

Climate change is real, but I'm not an alarmist like yourself. Keep on marching to the globalist's drum, goyem

Even if you take climate change out of the equation, millions and millions of people die every year due to air pollution alone. Something should be done to stop this, right?

>since we didnt fuck everything up already it means we should now;

well gosh what a great idea, surely you don't have down syndrome

>I hate industry I hate progress I'm a dumb backwards liberal

truthfully we should just stop using cars and technology entirely and revert our societies back to the middle ages. But thats literally never going to happen so shut the fuck up with your liberal bullshit and fuck off.


I was thinking about abolishing cars and replacing them with full automated bullet trains.

yes because wanting to move to more future proof energy sources like solar, hydro and wind is being against progress and industry

you sure got me right; clearly there is no industry to be found in those and sticking with the limited resource over investing in our own future is obviously anti progress. shit why did we start with these shitty cars? we should have just kept horses there was an industry there to breeding them.

>a sex Jewel
oh the irony

>bullet trains
That's for fags

Solar, hydro and wind are pointless.
You need "dirty" energy to even make the equipment necessary for those and their lifespan is so short you pollute more than if you just used coal or oil.

sweet, I've thought about that too! but then I thought about all the people who own cars and wondered who the fuck is going to reimburse them?

we can easily switch to a more eco friendly system since we have the technology, but who is going to pay for it? who is going to reimburse the fucking billions of people that own cars?

so what your saying is you don't actually know anything about energy production but really like to complain about how the left is some scary monster coming after our 18th century jobs; did you think computers were going to be a fad when they started showing up aswell?

We need to phase them out slowly. By destroying all car manufacturing plants and making it impossible to import cars or old spare parts after a certain time like 10 yrs


again who pays for all of this? when you make technology obsolete who is going to foot the bill? Money may not be important to you, and I can respect that, but its certainly going to be an issue with switching to an eco friendly system.

unless some company is willing to give every car owner a new free eco friendly car, the switch will never happen.

At least your country can use nuclear power to offset carbon tax

In australia nuclear power is illegal, liberal lefties AND retarded luddites.

Yeah I actually did, when we had to learn how to use computers in school I thought they were pointless and never understood why anyone would want one. To this day I don't own a computer

hey merica... leafugees welcome?

>did you think computers were going to be a fad when they started showing up aswell?
did you not?

so you are about 40 years out of date with society but we should listen to what you think the right course of action on subjects you don't have even close to viable levels of understanding on?

U wanna be muh frand irl ?

do u live in Toronto ?

Canada has always been this way. Awful government.

Hey, can you post that meme where a smug girl hugs a sad girl and grabs her boob?

How am I out of date, computers only entered people's homes in the 90's even in the late 2000's I still remember you had to go to your friends to go to the computer because not many people had one.


>partied literally called PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVES
does not compute

home computers were out by the end of the 70s
1977 to be exact which if i look at a calendar was exactly 40 years ago; your ability to be wrong about things amazes me endlessly

Computers are pointless anyway, people use them for porn and video games, and porn should be illegal

vote green faget. Those Druids are where it's at.

Good. Realize what Canada has going for it: we have every potential to be a sparsely-populated, well-armed nation of landed gentries, supplying lumber, freshwater, and minerals to America and the rest of the world.

Granted, that requires halting the influx of immigrant speculators and ceasing to pretend we have some sort of up-and-coming technology sector, but it also requires us to keep the place clean so that we can continue to parcel it out over the long-term.

so we should destroy our air and water; but people shouldn't be allowed to look at porn

you should keep going, im having a hell of a laugh at what you think laws should be

side note how can have any sort of relevant job without needing a computer? do you work at wendys serving burgers or something?

Wait I thought everyone already had the carbon tax?

No, I do private security. I use a tablet to shitposting on Sup Forums and research about the bible and find companies that make stuff in Anglo countries

right now it's just some provinces doing it
weedman is going to set a minimum amount that provinces have to charge

Out of all the Politicians in Canada
I fully believe over 50% of them are in corruption scandals (just not exposed yet)
and the rest have less than 75 IQ points and are sheep.

Not only that, but the only thing any of them can think of for the "environment" is heavy taxation, heavy restrictions on solar panels, and selling off percentages from Hydro One to pay for Safe Spaces.

Address carbon emissions by trying to find alternative fuel options for shipping freighters and the shipping industry in general instead of Diesel?

"Well to do that we would have to introduction a 40% tax on everything, and 99.999% of that tax will go to teaching 3rd graders that "Being Gay is the Only Way" and how to Anal fist safely.

It almost makes me want to run for politics and try my fucking hardest to finally have a Non-Cucked Identity for Canada.

How do we halt the influx of immigration, when the government is so hell bent on flooding our land with them? The government is stealing billions of dollars from us, and using it to destroy our country by it's foundations. It is sickening

You hit the nail on the head, guy

I wish more Canadians would wake up to the crisis developing around us, but sadly there are so many young people here with their heads buried in the sand.

They will dump so many rules on the population that they will start to bite back.
The annoying thing is that theyre so brain dead they wont understand why.

MP's don't really do anything anymore, they just tow party line. so there is really no incentive to research your local candidates, because your gonna vote for a party anyways. Ideas dont matter unless they come from the top.

In the long term this has created a political class that is just completely devoid of talent.

>i use a tablet
a tablet is still a fucking computer you mongoloid, in fact its an exact example of progressing to a more viable tech in the way we should to cleaner energy
>research about the bible
what a shocking surprise, a christian with strong opinions about technology and science that they don't understand
>find companies that make stuff in anglo countries
this is a strange way to use your time, but I suppose its no dumber then what you have done so far and its not like there's any chance of you using that time to try and learn about the things you are so opinionated about

Vote BLOC Quebec Fags. We're better off with the Bloc than pseudo conservatives!

Free Quebec when?

i laugh every time i remember that he just never went to the gay pride parades

100% this


I never heard of him until he was elected. The Jews pushed everyone else, and then voted in (((their))) guy.

I can guarantee that strategic fuckery took place.

The only hope now is a putsch.

I've had this in the back of my mind since the CPC election night. Everyone expected Maxime to win it, and he won every round except the last - where Scheer won by less than half a percent.

Scheer came out of nowhere; it really seems like he sold his soul to the devil to win the leadership race. Something definitely happened behind the scenes

i dont doubt this for a second. mad max was too off the cuff for canadians so they raised a random ashkenazi offspring at the last second

>solar, wind
Hydro is way more valuable than gas because you can change the loading fast. Everything else discarded because you are a fucking moron.

I've stopped counting the times per week this place gets more cucked. I can only hope that whatever SHTF total collapse scenario is coming, would come fast and hard and sooner than the marxist police state. don't care what it is, a mega-CME or EMP/cyber attack that permanently brings the grid down by North Korea/China/Russia/whoever, or total social and economic collapse, etc.

Then we can all go back to the fucking dark ages (literally cause no more lights and figuratively), live in smaller communities and have people care about things that actually matter, survival, security, family, building strong communities, trade, etc.
No more transgender bathroom drama, no more having to battle the education system about poly-sexual unicorn in their curriculum teaching your kids the benefits of buttsex, no more marxist bullshit, no more gibsmedat, no more victim culture, sjws and retards on social media -- no more social media! no more islamists/moslems -- well, there will be, but the could have their own communities and not push their shit on everyone else by soft tyranny of the government. and if they tried to "conquest" they would have to do it themselves, in the open and most other communities people would shut that down fast. and since no more globalism and interconnected world, no reason for Ahmed to kill a bunch of kids half-way across the world. speaking of globalism. no more fake economy, debt-slavery to banks, actual ownership, respect for property, etc.
>TL;DR: return to a real fucking world from this delusional ideological nightmare can't come soon enough, we must meme harder and beg for Kek's mercy

>the butthurt over the fact he'd rather go to Muskoka with his family instead of the degenerate March

Those were the good ol days. RIP Ford Nation.

I tend to agree with you user. I sometimes sympathize with the anarchists; I think mankind would benefit a lot if we burned the whole system to the ground and rebuilt it from the ground up.

The only downside is it would be really terrible in the transitional period; as many people would starve and die in the process of adapting to a new way of life.

It will be interesting to witness how the country changes over the course of my lifetime. My guess is that it will come down to one of two scenarios: either we will continue down our current path of slow decline and eventual war, or the citizens will get fed up and radical change will erupt. Whatever happens, we are in for a wild ride.


There's that word again.

The Paris Agreement doesn't require any country to do anything. Any suggestions otherwise is wrong. Why do you guys lie so much?

pretty much
it seems to me a collapse of some sort is inevitable, which is why I'm hoping for a spontaneous and total collapse that doesn't involve everything glowing for the next 10,000 years. and also, a collapse that isn't being directed or controlled by someone like globalists or marxists, who decided if it's happening anyway, might as well set it up to come out with the society we want on the other end of it. although I hope they're not really doing that, since they're clearly so focused on taking control in the here and now

yup, it's definitely buckle up buttercup time all the way forward, I agree

Yes, but the federal government of Canada can require Canadian citizens to pay higher taxes based on this agreement.

This is where you have a misunderstanding. The countries that signed the agreement can't force Canada to do anything, but the Canadian government can force it's citizens to pay higher energy prices based on this agreement, that no Canadian citizens had the opportunity to vote on.

I'm voting Trudeau I want this basic income thing to go trough so I can be a neet forever. this is my first election and I know voting conservative will be better for the country but I want legal weed and tits.

Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
(timothy 5:8)