Why did Hitler hate the Jews?

If I google this question all I get are results from the anne frank museum or israel times
I want real answers to the question, not politicised ones
What was the reason Hitler wanted to wipe them out?

Other urls found in this thread:


They tried to take over his country and enslave his people via communism

Sources for further reading?


The sources at the bottom of the article are a good start, but google the German Revolution of 1918-19 and you'll find plenty of them. The leaders of the attempted communist overthrow were all Jewish.

Also, he didn't want to wipe them out. He just wanted to expel them. Nazi Germany relocated thousands of Jews to Palestine before WWII.


Watch this


They were responsible for losing Germany WW1 in late 1916. Watch The Greatest Story Never Told if you want to find out a lot more reasons.

Something I don't understand about the Jewish problem.
Why is it that they end up causing problem wherever they go? What is it about the being Jewish that causes this? Genes? A secret manifesto passed through generations? How do they, seemingly as a race, continue to hold positions of power and cause corruption?

Look up The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Because when Hitler was a young man, he became homeless,
>But instead of blaming his parents for kicking him out on the street, he blamed the upper-class which happened to be Jewish.
>Some of those Jewish people in Germany were as poor as him.

>browsing Sup Forums
>has not watched the greatest story never told


An early 20th century hoax?
The Jews have been around longer than that

Who knows why they do it, but if you lurk here long enough, you'll start to see the pattern of international jewry over the course of history

How is it a hoax?

Wait, what are your thoughts on the holocaust

How is it real?

A motive and where it stems from and how it has been coordinated over generations is obviously important.

The Jews are parasites, thats how they get by in life. Every creature has its niche in the environment it inhabits. The group that became European Jewry existed as social parasites and others like them joined the group as allowed. The best of parasites survived the many expulsions and pogroms and had the most children. Evolution! their genes were passed on at a more frequent rate than Jews who could not adapt to the way of survival.

>If you lurk long enough...
Assuming I'm stupid enough to believe everything I read on Sup Forums.

It is explained in Mein Kampf. I couldn't tell you why since I haven't read it, but I know it is in there.

They had power over Germany and the world.

the Talmud has been a guide on how to exploit gentiles for millennia

So you're saying Jews are genetically predisposed to rise to positions of power and cause troubles because they evolved differently?
This is impossible according to how Evolution should be understood.

Didn't even the Jewish leaders wanted him to expel them so they could get them into Israel?

Karl Marx and origins of communism, communists within his own country who were going to sellout the german people to suffer both depression and unwarranted WW1 reparations - all Jews.

And just in general, just as it was back in his day, and today - greedy conniving bankers, infiltrators in our country's politics, and degraders of culture - all Jewish.

You pick up a book like The Ulysses written back in that time - it depicts a time when Jewish conspiracy was common knowledge. But nowadays, Jews have won, and have either censored or created social mechanisms of dismissal to all public criticism towards themselves. Hilarious how it would do society actual good today to qualify certain people to wear stars of davids - people are just that dumb they can't connect the dots and wake the fuck up.

Jews come in 3 breeds: the economic/social/poltical power hoarders, the Zionists, and then the regular Jews whom are either consciously, unknowingly, or could be potentially reaping benefits from their ethnicity/religion. Obviously the first 2 classifications are the problem, and in various dangerous cases they can be one and the same type of Jew.

And those are the types that took control of Germany's politics, lost Germany WW1, sold out Germany, made it poor and disgraced, and conspired Germany towards communist system completely run by Jews.

Hitler didn't want so much as to intentionally wipe them out as he wanted them to either do actual work or leave the country (even helped the Zionist Jews take steps towards establishing camp in Palestine, just so they would leave his country). But because the Jews were conspiring against Hitler during a time of WAR - concentration camps became a logical must. And also due to the circumstances of war, fucked up shit happened to prisoners.

Always remember - Jewish communist regimes have committed greater atrocities with worse intentions.

>Assuming I'm stupid enough to believe everything I read on Sup Forums.
No. A lot of infographics and such that you'll see here are unsourced. Research the claims made yourself.

No, they needed other governments to create Israel, which is exactly what happened after WWII. The US, UK and others created the new country.

Because it matches the Talmud and their tendencies.

Well believing you're God's chosen people might have something to do with it

Jews are cancer anyone who is red pilled knows this and WW1 red pilled the shit outta hitler

Read Mein Kampf is you care that much about learning about this as well. If you do, make sure you also research what was changed in the post-war and translated versions.

Most modern Jews in positions of power are cultural Jews at best and uninvolved with the religion mostly
Unless you think they're secretly praying and spinning dreidels when nobody's looking?
Could you give examples that relate to a motive for destruction of the societies they live in or something along those lines?

I don't know how you understand evolution. My belief is that individuals who have genes that give them an edge in an environment or mode of survival are more likely to live longer/attract mates and breed. The traits that come from these genes become overrepresented over time because they lived longer and had more kids that survived to have kids of their own.

Okay this is why they needed to put them in Palestine and establish the Jewish camps, so that the more Jews that are there the more easier they can put pressure to make governments UK USA to accept helping create Israel. This was at the time when Zionists wanted Israel (for obvious reasons) and they aligned with the Rothschilds who wanted Israel for its financial connection to the red sea.

If only he wrote a book about his struggle, you could read it in his own words.

It seems that the Talmud shaped Jewish culture because the non-religious one follow the same pattern of behavior.

And this process takes a considerable amount of time to develop new traits from, let alone ones sophisticated enough for social manipulation.
Further, we don't even have a strong modern understanding of how genes relate to behaviour
It just seems like a very weak point that you shouldn't try to argue with if you want to be taken seriously

Here's another good explanation of it


Because the Jews were behind Communism, because he thought, as many did, that they were behind the German Revolution (and I'm sure they paid a major part), and because of the Weimar Republic. It's not fucking hard.

They rejected him from art school

its my understanding that in the bible it was said that all humans are equal, but the israelites were the princes of the world aka rulers.

so you basically have this group of people who think they were told by god that they rule over humanity.

ohhhh cringe

yes Sup Forums wrote all those history books too

In the book "Gatherings and Conversations" the Great Rebbe tells his followers that Jewish people are an extension of God and Gentiles are destined to serve the Jews.
"Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness."
>"A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews."
>Rabbi Ginsburgh, a leading Chabad Rabbi, has argued that because Gentiles are genetically inferior to Jews, a Jew should be able to take Gentiles organs if he needs one. He was recorded saying, 'As for the goyim… Zalman's attitude (was): "Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever."
>'If every single cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA.'
'If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value.'
>The Jewish Daily Forward reported a talk given by Chabad Rabbi Mani Friedman.
>Asked how he thinks Jews should treat their Arab neighbors Friedman responded, 'The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).

Because fuck jews


He was envious of the successful Jews just like you guys are.

The banks were all jewish-owned.

The country was crippled with debt.

Literally children starving to death in the street. Germany was fucked after WW1.

I got really high the other day and this same question popped up in my mind.



And did he hate them the amount how we perceive it?

Did he REALLY hate the jews?

What did he say that makes everyone think he was the biggest jew hater in history?

To me this makes no sense. I think everyone forgets that back then, being racist or hating another faction of humans was quite normal.

So how was his dislike, different?

How did he grow into the position he did and follow each step he did in a rational manner?

These are all questions that really haven't been answered because too many bias's out there.

And documentaries can't be taken seriously because there isn't ONE HONEST documentary.

Do any of you have any sources on his history that are based on facts and not emotion and feelings?

That would be helpful, thanks.

Go and be 12 yo somewhere else

there is this one Sup Forums screencap of a guy who claimed to work closely with jews. he says they are really good at making decisions that benefit them in the short term but have disastrous long term consequences for the goyim that surround them. the goyim eventually get fed up and remove them.

OP the joos are here. They do this all the time.

So when it comes to these writings and authors, are they something that all or most Jews are privy to and have studied?
What distinctions are there between Jews? Are the Jews in power fighting for the supremacy of all Jews, or just a particular set?
I say this because it seems there are many Jews that would seem to be in a weak position of the apparent will of the Jewish oligarchy came to fruition.

Much of germany was antisemetic after ww1, blaming them for the economic struggles present at the time

This is only one interpretation.

Many Jews believe they were not chosen for privilege, but chosen for suffering or chosen as servants and teachers.

The Jewish community as a whole has failed this mission, mainly because they rejected Christ and then compiled their spiritually polluted Talmud after, which is a perversion of the true Scriptures

>Why did Hitler hate the Jews?

he was a self loathing, part-jew manlet with a tiny, mutilated penis who managed to pull off the greatest con job of the 1900s by fooling a bunch of sheep into being afraid of a boogeyman.

he was such a brilliant con artist that he still has flocks of retards convinced over this shit.

>mfw some doughy, soft little bitch "neo-nazi" thinks he's not a shining example of the kind of "untermensch" that hitler was supposedly so disgusted with


That was another thing, Germany was incredibly unstable.

And the british buttfucked the germans hard.

This all had effects on the german population.
But, did jews benefit on this instability? And did adolf really grow up hating the jews.

Actually i think reading Mein Kampf will answer this.

We are able to breed dogs to have certain behavioral traits in a short amount of time. Consistently too retrievers always retrieve shepherds always shepherd, even when we are not trying to make them do it. A shepherd living as a family pet will try to shepherd the children and protect them even though it is unusual for such different species to care about the well being of another. Jews just turned out the way they did. They are like Alpha-Gypsies!

This was the leadership of the early soviet union. 5/7 of these men were Jewish. Jews made up about 2% of the Russian population. But it's a pure coincidence I'm sure.

In Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's 200 years together, there always seemed to be an elite Jewish group that controlled the other Jews, and any Jews that went out of that group were in a way excommunicated (for lack of a better word at the moment). It's largely the same situation. You have a Jewish elite, and Media group that speaks for and speaks out against all the Jews, and keeps the tribe together. There doesn't seem to be an infighting among the oligarchy (of which is apparent).

>blaming them for the economic struggles present at the time
Do you think they were right to?
Even a little bit? Was there smoke to that fire?

The jews hitler wrote about were both in the higher economic classes and on the same olane as himself. He talked of immoral banking practices (usury loans), predatory unionizing of industry and debaucherous behavior sensationalized in all forms of media owned primarily by jewish businessmen. He talked of having political arguments with jews on the street...beating them (in the argument) firmly with well researched facts and the jew would move the goal posts so to speak. The same jew would try and argue the same point a different way seemingly forgetting he had been soundly beaten nust the day prior.

Read mein kampf. If nothing else it is history. I read it and was amazed at how the dots connect.

>he who forgets history is bound to repeat it

>They're smart.
>They see that average goyim is not good making long term decisions even for their own interest.
>Jews will lead the goyim for the betterment of society
>Goyim are cattle, the better the cattle is the richer the owner.
>They start "leading" the cattle by deception and backroom deals
>Some goyim start noticing it (e.g. MSM ownership)
>The goyim are not pleased to be treated as cattle
>Expulsion/anti-antisemitism follows

He didn't. Himmler did though, who mostly seems to get away unmentioned

If the international jewry was in fact a giant club that every jew was a member of then yes.

The club told its members to boycott everything german and to subvert its progress by any means necessary

What motivation do you think the international bankers had for kneecapping Germany?

The shortest way to put it is this:

Their entire religion is based around this one core, immutable idea.

They are God's Chosen People. They are destined to lead humanity. Everyone else is a subhuman who exist purely to serve the Jew.

Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

Have you read Mein Kampf?

Thats what you think, but thats not what you think hitler thought.

Hitler wanted to centralize the banks under government (his) control. Everything the jews made money on was to be taken over by the reich

>Why did Hitler hate the Jews?

I really don't know. He had good friends who were Jewish. Some how he decided that all the problems in the world/Germany were caused by Jews. It's ridiculous.

>there is this one Sup Forums screencap of a guy who claimed to work closely with jews.
Anti-semitism was a ancient and proud pan-european tradition

>And the british buttfucked the germans hard.


A world without Jews and it would be very possible that we would never have had the Bolshevik revolution, the two world wars, and all the modern American wars leading up to today. The worst events in history, which caused the most bloodshed and loss of life. More than the total number of Jews living today.

We hate them because they hate us. Time and time again, they are welcomed into a host country, and then they wage unrelenting war to milk said nation dry.

Every. Single. Time.

I wonder why?

Sanhedrin 59a: "A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death."

Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."

Schabouth Hag. 6d: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording."

Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

Aboda Sarah 37a: "A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated."

Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

Germany fucked with the international bankers by not using their preferred system, ie the Germans didn't let themselves be controlled by foriegn subversion.

Again, you really aren't thinking of the big picture, but what Sup Forums has theorized what jews were over the past 5 years.

So they were doing it as revenge?
Or perhaps similar reasons for US involvement in Syria?

What motivation was there to overthrow gaddafi?

He kicked out the banks and threatened to only accept gold for libyan oil. This would upset the usd as only acceptable form of payment for oil internationally

Watch this youtube.com/watch?v=h2_pCITBdmg

>doesn't know
answers anyway

Well, I referring to the end of WW1, I'm not defending them. But their was huge resentment toward germany by the british and french, they perpetually kept the german state in poverty.

Oh I got it. He hated jews because antisemitism worked: The nazis gained popularity and power by way of antisemitism. It resonated with people, for some reason. They threw a lot of things against the wall, and antisemitism stuck.


Don't be a nigger.

This is history, not personal politics.

Whites were kicked out of 3 continents. Your point?
> the Germans didn't let themselves be controlled by foriegn subversion.
What concrete measures are you talking about?

Bingo. And that is why this plan of greater Israel, and the downfall of Syria and Iran won't be stopped as long as they remain in power. More people will die.


Do you have pants on your head?

Germans were literally fighting eachother over bootleather so they could eat just after ww1. The jewish bankers still wanted their loan payments. Suicide was at pandemic levels. The treaty of Versailles was meant to obliterate germany so that france and england could split it up


why dont you actually read a fucking book, Mein Kampf. He explicitly states why.

Read his book you fucking ding dong

>But their was huge resentment toward germany by the british and french
Because the germans forced a war that killed the entire generation of french and English young men.

Of course there was going to be resentment.
Are you some sort of cuck that you don't think resentment is normal?

>they perpetually kept the german state in poverty.
Germany was the 2nd biggest economy in the world in the interwar period

Stfu with your retarded meme history, you fucking retard.

Pick up a book for once and read it, trailer trash

The fundamental issue is one of non-belonging. The "host nation" is called such for a reason. The Jews as a drastically different ethnic group are bound to end up in ethnic conflicts with those around them, and generally lose due to their smaller numbers.

They will also identify with other Jews rather than the host populations. They end up being perpetual foreigners - like Moses says to Jethro, "I am a stranger in a strange land."

Jews aren't the only group of diaspora merchnts. Look at diaspora Christians from the Ottoman Enpire- Greek, Armenian, and Maronite populations. Very successful economically and politically wherever they go. The merchant castes of India are similar. Gypsies are a nomadic perpetual foreigner population of really shitty people - blue collar criminals instead of white collar criminals. Irish travelers are Irish who adopted the Gypsy mode of life.

Of course, intermarriage waters down these communities a lot and they often end up assimilating. What REALLY is assimilation? Intermarriage. Per Theodor Herzl
>Assimilation, by which I understood not only external conformity in dress, habits, customs, and language, but also identity of feeling and manner--assimilation of Jews could be effected only by intermarriage. But the need for mixed marriages would have to be felt by the majority; their mere recognition by law would certainly not suffice.
Two ethnic groups side by side will fight unless they merge. It's simply nature. Judaism is designed NOT to merge, but remain distinct.



Read mein kampf. It literally answers your question from the man himself.

A weak Germany would be easy prey for expanding the communism meme.

Read the Red Simphony by Dr. J. Landowsky


Israeli writer Ari Shavit summed it up
neatly when he said: “We may murder
with impunity, because the Holocaust
museum is on our side”. The Enemy

>Germans were literally fighting eachother over bootleather so they could eat just after ww1.
Next time don't start a war with someone you can't win.

>The jewish bankers still wanted their loan payments.
So Germans don't have to pay their debts? They are special? Lemme guess, Germans dindu nuffin dey be gettin le GROSSSDEUTCHSLAND BAK ON TRAC N SHEIT

>The treaty of Versailles was meant to obliterate germany so that france and england could split it up
But instead only returned alsace-lorraine to France and gave the majority Polish districts to Poland

tis like anotha shoa!!!!!!!!!

>a rabbi says the west will be settled by muslims
I really hate these people

>So they were doing it as revenge?

It's what they do.