Nuke us

Nuke us

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Wow, so tolerant

You have nukes, do it yourselves.

even my fucking ID has nog in it.

ez fixed, just dont pay the $15


Do you have activities like these to introduce muslim children to chirstianity and traditional british culture?
no. of course not. its you who needs to adapt to them.

good lord what the fuck happened to Europe.
(its a rhetorical question I know its the jews)

>whipped cunts

are you really surprised? isn't the archbishop a fairy? he did criticize trump I recall

what if you just write on the bottom "muhammad fucked a 9 year old, piss be upon him?"


This. If they aren't expected to adapt to your customs, why the fuck should you have to adapt to their backwards bullshit?

fourth reich when?

Making prayer mats and having to buy your daughter's headscarfs. Kek.

Just buy them a nice basket for their heads to land. Fucking pussies.

I'd pack my kid 3 ham sandwiches. 1 for himself, the other two for him to share.

>action packed day
It'll be a real blast! Look at what they have planned
>take part in an activity making Muslim prayer bombs
>a guided tour of a mosque, including throwing gay people off the roof
>Girls are asked to bring a headscarf, and boys are asked to bring stones to throw at girls who don't
>Additionally, your child must pack a bagged explosive
>The bus will be departing from school at 9am and will run over anyone in its path

the use of comic san ms is just the cherry on top of the racial and cultural destruction of the british people

I am sorry but we are in front of the line.

Right answer

They'll immediately be arrested by the thought police for having an opinion that goes against the hivemind.

Take a look at this it's a picture of the Archbishop of York, you stupid fucking numbskulls what have you done this is Planet of the Fucking Apes reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I've got to be honest.
If I saw that, the climate is such that; knowing I would be arrested for arguing with them about it, I would slit my own children's throats so nobody else could hurt them, walk into school and stab everyone I could find responsibly for this cowardice.

at least that would make a difference.

>Because if you don't they will turn into terrorists and as we all know Islam has nothing to do with terrorism.

and then they collect info on who didn't turn in permission slips

Yeah it's the worst typeface you could have picked in 1996 but the Archbishop of Canterbury is still a white male

When your country is so cucked, the ID system of a Venezuelan cherry picking discussion board knows it.
On a serious note: pack your kid a ham sandwich with some bacon on it for subtle trolling. Or just don't allow your kid to go, if questioned bring up the terror attacks you guys have had in just as many weeks.
>action packed day isn't written as explosively fun, no reference to bridging a gap between ideologies.
ffs user, send your kid to a better school.



>packed lunch

>he did criticize trump I recall
Well, there is nothing wrong with that. Your President is an oaf

It really is.
And it looks just as ridiculous as they did in the film.
Monkeys pretending to be people.

someone should do something

Just refuse.

watch out everybody, we got us a badass over here

Lol... So do they come to your church and learn anything?

>school trip in fucking July
>baseball hat
>school asking for additional clothing to be purchased

Anyone that has been to an English school knows this is fake

I've got my hat ready to go.

>Sincerely, Mrs-

as expected

this is the teacher

>Action packed
>BOMBay store
>Muslim related

Oh Boy

I always thought Sweden would be the first to fall

no that can't be real

>We shall look around a mosque, shop at the Bombay stores, and take part in an activity making muslim prayer mats
>shop at Bombay stores
>Bombay stores

> the bus will be departing at 9AM and will run over everyone in it's path

>in ID

this is a reddit meme.


>don't send child to school that day
Alternatively just done do anything that paper requests minus the pack lunch. Make sure it's all haram food too

>mine has "msn"

Get down. They're watching!

>If not enough donations are received then we will be forced to cancel

We can only hope enough parents don't go along with this.

Make your kid take a picture of Muhammad he drew, attach a camera livestreaming it to periscope without the kids knowledge, pump it up on here and other areas just before live and then observe the shitstorm as leftist try to defend the actions of enranged adults acting like barbaric monkeys at a child's drawing in real time live on the worlds stage

Good reason why the church shouldn't have split. It's probably a lot easier to infiltrate and subvert the Church of England than it is the Roman Catholic Church. Same thing can be said about all the sub denominations of protestants. If they were one whole being it would be difficult to take over them and spread shit like this.


