Why do Conservapoors always vote against their own economic interests?

Why do Conservapoors always vote against their own economic interests?

Because every dipshit in the rural US thinks they are one lotto ticket away from millions.

Because the niggers that pretend they have our economic interests have even less to give.

Because they believe in something greater than themselves.

I guess that's only a noble cause, though, if they're not white.

>Gibsmedats = economic interests
>The Government taking and wasting other people's money benefits me in any way.
Maybe to lazy niggers and Faggotry Studies majors.
The rest of us would rather be Free Productive Citizens rather than Government Owned Livestock.

Try again.

Actually, many of those states don't even have a lottery.

Also the shill faggot posting the thread is making a completely bullshit argument. If you get more money off corporations then they will outsource more and import more labor to cut costs.

If you force them to pay for health care they will find loopholes like cutting peoples hours.

No free lunch, no free money.

we demand no tax at all for anyone. sink or swim you welfare communist bitch. produce something of your own for once faggot.

They're natural cucks, that's why they even made memes out of it, they're projecting.

Because they are all a part of a noisy minority that want a wall on the mexican border, are or oppose the use of contraceptives... etc and the conservatives promise them just that

If Democrats were so good at running the country then why did they lose the presidency, house and senate?

Hoosier here. Fuck you I won $20 once

>giving a shit about economics

Because they are the most susceptible to lies

Then why did pretty much all the billionaires want Hillary?

They're not voting for tax cuts for rich people, they're voting for tax cuts for themselves. You see poor niggers would rather be unemployed and have the government support them so they vote democrat. Poor white people would rather be employed and support themselves, they don't want to leech off the government like leeches so they don't want welfare and don't care if voting for republicans to get tax cuts for themselves leads to tax cuts for the rich and less gibsmedat.

Because we aren't so short sited. We realize the implications of taxing the rich. Also that money never comes back to us.

Theyve been conditioned to be schizophrenic and not trust the govt, or non-whites.

How does taxing the rich benefit the poor? It mostly effects - if all - the middle class

Corporate rich donors favor the Republican Party , voting supperssion in battle ground states and Gerrymandering laws favoring Repukelicans

Because billionaires have enough money. It's power and control they crave.

>voting with people who take care of themselves.
>vote to make those people take care of me

Lower taxes are always in their interests. Zero taxes altogether is even better. Libtard faggots need the big cock of the state in their asses before they feel safe, hence their voting for higher taxes that actually are against everyone's economic interests except the state and corporations. Obamacare is corporate welfare, fuck you.

Tax cuts on the wealthy leads to more jobs created. Left wing parties have a tendency to bring in low skill migrants that threatens the job security of the working class.

That's why the working class are right wing. If most leftist parties accepted some form of nationalism they would be a lot more electable.

I guess you overlook the fact that New York, California, and Washington are all free Democrat states.

California alone is almost 1/5 of the amount of electoral votes to 270.

why do people keep posting this?

There is not a nationalist party that makes sure employers act in the nation and its people's best interest. You have a party of gibs and one of only some gibs. They're barely different. The working poor tend to be right wing, and they don't want to be in the same category as the unemployed and crackheads.

tax cuts would create new jobs if the country was isolationist. instead the jobs get sent to asia

What if I told you that I vote Republican for non-economic reasons?

Because they are dumb.

>you shouldn't do this thing or corporations will keep doing the stuff they've already been doing
Sorry, we've done nothing but cut taxes for corporations since the 70s and they've still exported work, imported labor, used illegal immigrants, and cut hours to the bare minimum for workers. I'm tired of this shit where the only welfare that's fine in America is welfare for corporations.