Say one negative thing

...Obama did that no other president ever has.

Michelle jokes and racial jokes don't count because they're low hanging fruit.

If you really believe in your point, please provide examples.

Other urls found in this thread:

Obama was unironically a good president desu

Obama wasn't really a "bad" president, just a disappointing one. Whether you think that's because of the Senate/House obstructing him or just because he couldn't live up to his promises is up to you, but I think everyone can agree he didn't get that much done. Didn't really do anything terrible, though.

that nigger bitch ruined the best part of school: lunch! im honestly glad Trump is doing something about this and Michelle is crying about it.

Forced individuals to bail out private health insurers on pain of tax "penalties"

I guess this forum has just become a liberal bastion...

A 7 year old can choose their gender but, not their lunch? Thanks obama.

as long as people have valid arguments, i don't care about their identity.
reality is reality whomever says it, be it liberal or conservative. i don't give a fuck, and neither should you.

His policies caused the recovery from 2008 to last way to long. 8 years without a raise in the FFR rates is a very big red flag, especially considering the economy is likely to crash again soon and now we will have nothing to fall back on since FFR is so low as it is


Easy: He exponentially increased the national debt to a record high.

Sell guns to Mexican cartel while also trying to shut down lawful civilian firearm ownership domestically.

What the fuck is that? Macaroni goo with some cocktail weiners?


>Wheat, wheat, unidentifiable organ meats and fillers, hormone-filled dairy
Pizza is totes a vegetable, eh?

He was just another establishment politician

>that no president ever has

Why do you need this qualifier? A past mistake can't be a mistake again?

Also, raised the national debt more than any other.

Just look up #ThanksMichelleObama, and things like this is all you get. Also, you forgot the fact the roll is
No kid will eat that shit.

he pushed our greatest ally to the side!

That is what sucks so bad about Obama. He hoodwinked everyone into thinking that he would be different from the rest and he was just as bad as Bush II.

It's the goop filled with preservatives and hormones to keep future generations docile. But that's just a conspiracy. There haven't been exponential increases in trannies and gays. Oh wait...

Dude you have to give credit where credit is due. US economy was hemorrahging to the tune of hundreds of thousands of jobs a month when he first took office. He brought the economy around and look how great it is! Trump hasn't done shit and he's taking credit for all of Obamas economic policies (he literally hasn't changed anything except issue EO on regulations like dumping coal into rivers).
Obama achievements:
>Healthcare (HUGE)
>Stimulus & Bailout (HUGE)
>Deescalation of conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq (HUGE)
>Peaceful Iran nuclear deal that even republicans now want to keep because they begrudgingly concede that it's working (HUGE)
>Revived the economy
>Strengthened our alliances, especially with Western Europe. Israel being exception but who cares fuck Netanyahu
>REPEAT: Not a single fucking scandal. The worst thing Fox News could bitch about was that he didn't salute a soldier or that he put his feet on his desk.
>Obama admin was so scandal free that people had to conjure conspiracies like FEMA camps or that he was going to take everyone's guns, or that he was born a Kenyan Muslim, Jade Helm, etc. NOTHING HAPPENED!
In summary, Obama was a good, decent guy. Not the best, but hey no one is. I did one attribute his success to his wonderful white grandparents and mother who raised him. AMERICA FIRST!

Wasn't that mostly debt acquired by republicans and their numerous wars. And those retards in America voted for them again. Truly they never learn

maybe it's not his fault. Maybe the reason why the same thing happens every election is the deep state.

Drone striking American citizens to death w/o any shred of due process.

Handing over control of the internet DNS to the U-fucking-N.

Not prosecuting one single wall st fuckhead for the recession.

Being a bitch about my dudeweed and kicking the can down the road cause he didn't have the balls.

Libya. 'Nuff fucking said.

Syria. 'Nuff fucking said.

Would you like some more examples?

I don't need that qualifier. It is simply the specific question.

You must certainly see the difference, no?

What's weird about this is that, why did none of Obama's policies have any effect until he left office? It makes zero sense. This is one of thos. Liberal pipe dreams. ALL OF TRUMPS ACHIEVEMENTS ARE OBAMA'S! Fucking bullshit I say.

He does have a major share of the blame. He could have fallen on his sword, but he played ball instead.

You mean like those wars that Barack hussein took part in? Every day of his presidency?

Republicans are the protest party. Look at American history, Republicans always fuck up the country. Nixon may have been the last decent republican and the fucker got impeached! Say what you want about Democrats, but they always make the economy better, increase America's standing diplomatically and are more reticent to start military adventures.
>Trump himself said Economy does better with democrats:

But you felt the need to include it. So you must have felt it was needed. Also, difference between what and what? Lol

Most tax dollars actually go to social programs.

Presided over the first downgrading of US credit rating

Only good answer.

I still disagree, but this person makes an ok point.

i dont want healthcare but i have to pay taxes if i dont get it, so fuck you saying its a good thing

Are you fucking kidding me? The recession ended by the end of his first term dumbass, how do you think that happened? NAME ONE THING TRUMP HAS DONE THAT HAS AFFECTED THE ECONOMY? The fucker has been in office for 4 months, you don't change anything that quick. And like I've said he has literally not changed a SINGLE thing obama started. No tax changes, no budget changes. He only repealed like 10 regulations on fucking coal industry which employs very very very little Americans. Quit the partisanship bitch. AMERICA FIRST!

>health care
>health insurance
Corporate dicksucker spotted

Nice meme, faggot.

Is this bait?

Fast and Furious scandal
IRS scandal
That economy "boom" only hit a few west coast cities
Fucking nonstop race baiting


>not changed a SINGLE thing

>except for those things he did change


Fuck you bitch, 25 million Americans depend on it, overwhelmingly whites in red states so fuck off you race traitor cunt. Boo fucking hoo you gotta pay taxes. It's the price you pay for living in the best damn country on earth! Don't like it then move to Russia! AMERICA FIRST

Obama was raised by a college educated white mother and a white grandmother. His black father was never really around him. His family never really struggled for money. So the inherent discrimination associated with black people did not exist in Obama's case.

Fast and Furious
Doubling national debt
Allowing illegal aliens amnesty through executive order.

He pulled the troops out of Iraq. I saw so many good men and women die in that shit hole for absolutely fucking nothing. We trained their military for ten years, only for those fuckers to throw down their guns and run from ISIS instead of fight.

I hope all of the middle east gets destroyed. What has become of the once mighty Arabs and Persians is a travesty and a historic embarrassment that should be swept under the sands of time.

He stood up to the Zionists. /s

One word: Pipeline.


The economy depends a whole fuck lot on the level of confidence and the level of optimism.

New Nasdaq and DJ records aren't due to anything but DJT. Think Hillary's economy would be the same?

be black

I can see there are some feels in the room

Must be nice having exciting politics to kill each other over - NOT


Nice ad hominem senpai. Lmao this is all you lefty fucks ever have. Hilarious.

Fuck off, other corporate dicksucker. Get your lame liberal ass out of the way and get single-payer like every civilized country has. Kike.

Spent money like the national budget was his credit card for Jordans. Spent it on a bunch of bullshit that was more bad than good. Typical nigger.


Say it with me
President Michelle Obama

He was the prologue to the second American civil war.

An old sandwich in office would have resulted in the same economic recovery. The president has very little to do with the economy.

thought that giving the cartels guns to stop the cartels from getting guns was a good idea

pulled out of Iraq even though the cost of staying there and protecting the fledgling democracy was nothing compared to vietnam. Combat casualties were completely over yet he pulled out for cheap political points. This created the space for ISIS.

changed the way deportations were recorded so that people turned away at the border counted as deported. That way they didn't have to actually deport anyone already here, yet the numbers still looked ok.

made a deal with Iran where we give them money and they get nukes

made race relations worse and more tense

I'm bored of this but I could go on

Following every presidential election since EVER stock market optimism rises. As I've said and as no fucking low IQ degenerate will give a good answer for is the FACT that trump has literally kept 100% obama era policies. He is riding on the coat tails of a growing economy left by Obama. He has repealed bullshit regulations which have added 1,600 jobs (literally absolutely nothing in terms of America's giant economy and man power).
>Think Hillary would be same
I'm not gonna theory craft a Hillary Clinton build. But as ive stated consumer and market optimism ALWAYS rises after elections. May be argument that it might be better seeing as every major corporation supported Paris Climate Accord. Also, Trump's roiling administration and 24/7 scandals are definitely not helping.
>TLDR: Economy is growing DESPITE trump

He literally promoted race riots during the last years of his presidency.

Terrible foreign policy (Libya and Syria) and the fact he militarized the police more than any other President. Plus the fact he eroded the constitution, Trump is not much better tho


I'd like to bang Sara Carter.

libya alone is enough for me. what a fucking disaster and for what purpose? iraq was a mistake too and you've heard about for 15 years, where the fuck are all these "anti-war" whiners when it comes to further destabilization of the region under obongo?

>His lack of effective action in response to the Arab Spring led to the rise of IS in the first place
>He failed to actually withdraw from Iraq or Afghanistan
>His ACA was a disaster, forcing people who couldn't afford insurance to bail out private insurance companies

Now I'm not gonna say he was a bad president, but he's definitely not the best we've ever had.

>A-A-A-Ad Hominem! hah suck it lefttard XD
Fuck off cunt. High IQ liberal whites made this country. WASP's built this damn country and we will continue to run this country. I know facts hurt bitch but it's okay I know concession and you just conceded. AMERICA FIRST!!!!!

>The recession ended by the end of his first term dumbass, how do you think that happened?

He just made the problem worse with bailouts, creating another boom and bust cycle. If you think that stagflation is what the ending of a recession is supposed to look like, you are truly fucked in the head.

hes the antichrist

As if Canadian politics has never come to blows.

But that's precisely why they threw their guns away. The US was doing everything while the troops we were training was untested and its leaders corrupt. If anything, by withdrawing US troops it let the competent Iraqi commanders shine from the incompetent ones. It was either that or 30 years of continuous occupation in any area that is a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. 30 years of occupation means 30 years of resources diverted to an area that you do not give a fuck about. Cheney should be in jail.

Newfags won't sage this obvious b8. Go ahead shills, post a few more responses to make it looks like this thread is """something""".

Doubled the national debt of the US. I think the last guy to pull that off was Washington...

Force shitty private health insurance on every citizen.

The best response to the Arab Spring would have been to help the regimes stay in power. But (((they))) did not want that to happen. At least Obama chose not to intervene in Syria, unlike our Jew-in-Chief

>the democrats built this country

>B-but the parties switched platforms in the past.

Pick one.

Ok dudes, you can relax

I am OP, and I am a big lefty

I love Obama and I only started this thread because I was curious about what would happen

You guys are clearly more nuanced than I expected!

I give you a sincere kudos!

Mods, please nuke this thread and ban me again!

Either way, thank you to anyone who posted, you are (mostly) genuinely smart people.

I've been saying it. Obama is a testament of the power of WHITE FAMILY. Sure he is mixed but his white household provided him with the nurturing to succeed. Obama should be a banner of the power of white parenting can have even on a mixed nig.

>first black president

>keeps marijuana illegal

>doesn't make it schedule II

okay op?

No budget for seven out of eight years as president.

>also, Trump is doing great on the economy XD!!
You have to go back to T_D

First act as president was a 6 billion dollar bailout that didn't do anything

u ever read a constitution?
what u call liberal today certainly wouldn't apply to those high iq fellas

>People who disagree with me might have legitimate reasons for believing what they do!
Go figure.

Shit in the White House urinal

Drones. Continuing to promote a pro-corporate government that shits on the citizens of the country.

>He literally promoted race riots during the last years of his presidency.

and found a literal planeload of unaccounted for cash, euros, and ? to give to Iran in exchange for a couple of old hostages in that same year


Uranium One

Who the fuck are you even referring to you borderline psychopath? Oh you must be referring to the high IQ progressive (for the time) WASP's, many of whom were agnostic and open to Islam (some had Qurans!), who drafted the constitution. They certainly didn't envision a bunch of low IQ hicks in bodunk USA scamming and being the biggest welfare queens. Get a job! AMERICA FIRST!

>Bailed out the banks
>Lowered interest rates to record lows and kept them there for 8 years
>Injected trillions of liquidity into the economy

He practically caused the next recession to be even worse than the one in 08 considering so many bubbles have been inflated during his tenure

50 million people are on food stamps and race relations are the worst than they've ever been. That's his legacy

Presided over America's credit downgrade.

Yup, he's black alright.

He fueled the massive victim complex blacks in the US already had and created a sense of entitlement in them that lead to civil unrest and basically worse living conditions for everyone.


Hey man, I'm trying. I still believe what I believe, but you folk aren't so bad. Honestly, I kinda like you.

Continues with the ad hominem attacks.

It's okay pal. We know it's hard for leftists to make an argument or hell, even form a coherent sentence. You'll get it one of these days!

He was a nigger

Faggot """marriage""".