Sorry if pulling out of the Paris agreement triggers you but Nobody expects the average person to understand physics to...

Sorry if pulling out of the Paris agreement triggers you but Nobody expects the average person to understand physics to the degree necessary to understand why the greenhouse effect is false.

>not implying climate change isnt real
>simply implying you're a fucking moron if you think our CO2 emissions have an effect on climate change

Other urls found in this thread:

Bolling oscillation interstadial
Older Dryas stadial
Allerod oscillation
Younger Dryas
8.2 kiloyear event
Holocene climatic optimum
Older Peron transgression
Piora Oscillation
5.9 kiloyear event
4.2 kiloyear event
Roman warm period
Medieval warm period
Little Ice Age

All of these occurred in the past 12,000 years when evil SUVs didn't exist. The climate has been relatively stable for the past 160 years, yet catastrophists have been predicting imminent doom within a decade for the last 50 years--and have been wrong every single time.

The only credible piece of edvidence supporting this article was the decrease in OLR however i looked up the graphs and the data shows the exact opposite

I want to get off this fucking ride

oops wrong picture lol

nothing to see here move along

Good thread.


Ah, yes. The famous skepticalscience website, ran by the famous Australian SCIENTIST John Cook.

From the skeptical science website itsself, ran by the great Australian scientist John Cook:

>This site was created by John Cook. I'm not a climatologist or a scientist but a self employed cartoonist and web programmer by trade

>>simply implying you're a fucking moron if you think our CO2 emissions have an effect on climate change

CO2 is a fucking greenhouse gas you troglodyte

Changes in the climate are governed by hundreds of variables, and the notion that we can control these changes predictably by taxing and manipulating the margins of one politically selected factor (CO2) is bullshit.

oh really? Arrhenius figured it out on a napkin 100 years ago.


this is such an idiotic premise, conservatards keep pushing it though to their gullible flock

>this is such an idiotic premise

Of course it is. Move along, nothing to see here.

>500 billion payment to shitholes so they can buy shitty Chinese solar panels
>USA pays 30% of this while China and India pay 0%

What a deal!

The greenhouse effect is very real
And recent changes in climate are also very real

The issue is that the concentration of atmospheric CO2 has only increased from 300ppm to 400ppm since the beginning of the industrial revolution

That's right, lads, what is supposed to be driving climate change is CO2 going from .03% of the atmosphere to .04% of the atmosphere. Needless to say, this is terminally retarded, and there is no way that it can produce a "greenhouse effect," which is why they have to keep changing their computer models.

>The greenhouse effect is very real

>And recent changes in climate are also very real
Theare aren't any

the entire CO2 signal of the glacial cycle has an amplitude of only 100ppm


>Theare aren't any
Have you been living under a rock for the last 10 years? Or are you 10 years old?

Whats the problem cuck, still upset you lost the election? Just wait until he gives whites national open carry to put down feral niggers with.

>reminder your opinion is literally worthless for the next 8 years

Cry about it. No really, please, film yourself crying about it and post it here.



>>Theare aren't any
>Have you been living under a rock for the last 10 years? Or are you 10 years old?
No and no

This is the worst meme.

I bet you don't/won't vaccinate your kids either.

Ocean acidification is bad, and real. Thats the only thing I lightly give a fuck about. White genocide, I couldnt give a flying fuck if the entire west coast went under water. Whites are dying off, thats the most important problem in the world today, and anyone who is more concerned with the niggers in Africa and how climate change impacts them - doesnt deserve to breathe the same air. Send them to fucking Africa, let them bitch about it over there.

Yea, because its been objectively proven that it causes autism and other developmental disorders like a couple months ago. You lost the truth argument, you are on the wrong side of history. Suicide is an option. I bet you feel really stupid, too.

You will try to look through it and poke holes, and then realize you were wrong, and youre a scumbag who argued for forcing autism on peoples kids. You should be executed, several times over for mass child abuse.

>the entire CO2 signal of the glacial cycle has an amplitude of only 100ppm

I'm not saying humans aren't responsible for putting most of that 100ppm CO2 into the atmosphere, most likely we are the biggest single contributor. But there is a noticeable downgrade in the quality of air at around 1000ppm (0.1%) CO2, and it starts being a serious health problem at 2000ppm (0.2%) CO2, long before there is any reason to expect a "greenhouse effect" related to heat. This is what we need to be concerned about, not muh global warming.

I mean if you can explain to me how a 0.01% change in the concentration of a gas is supposed to trap enough heat to make a difference on the scale of the 6x10^24 J held by the ocean, go for it. But the blunt fact of the matter is that the only real example the alarmists can point to is the atmosphere of Venus, which is 96% CO2.

>White suicide

FTFY leaf.

Ocean acidification however is almost entirely the fault of chinks and poos, open dumping all their industrial shit into the rivers etc.

Its not suicide when a Jew pushes you. When you try to downplay white genocide, you promote white genocide and greenlight yourself for execution under international laws. No one will miss you.

No. That's just made up, you can measure the increase in co2 and carbonic acid in the sea but not "industrial shit".

What happens when you take distilled water and add a bunch of minerals to it?

Venus is fucking 30% closer to the sun than earth

I would argue the higher levels of CO2 are an effect of its relative heat

The PH changes.

the anthropogenic forcing is about 2 W/m2.

The Earth has a surface are of 510.100.000.000m.

That means the human induced increase in greenhouse gases is influencing the energy balance of the planet with W = 10^12 J/s

Fuck off, flat earther.

humans have well studied effects on climate change, but we're not entirely sure how they're happing.

Greenhouse gases was a theory and ends up the reality doesn't match the theoretical science.

This has a truth in it but on the other hand - shitting in the pool does turn it into shithole, user.

actually the united states had a trash island the size of texas in the pacific that sunk. it was a shit load of trash barges no country would take so they tied them together

americans throw away batteries instead of recycling them. and the bulk of the organic material would affect the oceans more than gases which dont even enter the ocean because of buoyancy and point of origin.

basically emissions starting above sea level prevents almost all of it from entering the oceans since it requires rain to drag it down

france and germany are so fucked in the head

Psh, I know the earth isnt fukin flat dude. Ive seen it from space with my own eyes

Every other countries conservative party in the world agrees that man made climate change is real.

The only people you're making happy are the jews and the lobbyists.

>Its not suicide when a Jew pushes you.

It is suicide when you choose to believe a Jew, and not only advocate for but actively work toward hastening your own demise.

If I tell you to jump off a building for Social Justice, and you do it, did I really murder you?

Liberals would say YES!!!
Conservatives would disagree strongly, because we understand that free will is involved.

if you're not baiting please give me a source. I have a STEM degree with plenty of physics but no climate science background, and am legitimately undecided about this issue

>popular opinion = fact

fuck you're stupid aren't you?

>actually the united states had a trash island the size of texas in the pacific that sunk.
not even close to being true

I assure you that industrial dumping of liquid shit and all the associated treatment chemicals is not helping, and the main cunts behind that are chinks and poos, on top of all the other things they dump, industrial waste, tailings etc.

Some kid came up with a little thing that floats on the water and just kinda gets pulled along with the tides, and collects all the little plastic microbeads over time. Costs like nothing at all. Problem solved... there is a lot of garbage and shit floating around though.

>Venus is fucking 30% closer to the sun than earth
And? The greenhouse effect only relates to the amount of heat that is retained. A black body (kek) 30% closer to a radiation source will absorb more radiation than a black body that is farther away, but the absorption rate will be the same for both.

>I would argue the higher levels of CO2 are an effect of its relative heat

Venus had the same amount of CO2 as a protoplanet (except I guess for statistically insignificant comet strikes) that it does now. How exactly would its greater relative heat affect its % CO2?

Hold onto your trousers

Conservative parties are Jews you retard. This is not a conservative board.

It's funny how people like you are so quick to cry "PHARMA SHILL" or claim you are a "science skeptic" yet you base all you're beliefs on the word of the world's biggest pharma shill known to man. Andrew Wakefield.

You should be castrated.

>on the other hand - shitting in the pool does turn it into shithole, user.

Of course the climate is changing—sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly. But, it's quite a bit more complicated than Climate Change™ missionaries care to let on (or often understand).
Many people are too blinded by their faith to ask or consider difficult questions.

Hasn't the climate always changed? Are we capable of stopping the climate from changing? What are the negative consequences for attempting to stop it? Is it economically viable to do so? Is it necessarily a bad thing that the climate is changing? To what degree are humans really responsible for current trends; for example, there were no SUVs during the Younger Dryas or the Older Peron transgression, so were those caused by campfires and caveman farts?

Climate Change prophets have been predicting an apocalypse for at least the past 50 years; first it was Global Cooling—we were supposed to be entering a new ice age 20 years ago, caused by particles from industrial processes blocking out sunlight. Then it was Global Warming—the ice caps and Himalayan glaciers would be melted by 2012, and there would be no more snowfall.
Now It’s Climate Change™, a wonderfully vague term that covers anything that could possibly happen.

Also, 80% of the Canadian conservative party voted internally among themselves to accept fag marriage, just to come out in the open and say its fine. Not even oppose it, not even in principle.

Conservatives care about money, thats it. They get hanged on rope day, just as much of traitors as anyone else. Kevin O'Leary is a conservative, and he loves open borders because its cheap workers. Bring all your niggers in, as long as they keep whitey out of a job.

Venus has such intense heat that it cant sustain liquid water.

Must be funny believe you're smart while you're so fucking retarded

>implying you're a fucking moron if you think our CO2 emissions have an effect on climate change
you're literally fucking retarded

So Sup Forums is a liberal board?
Trump must be a super liberal candidate.

Make a thread about that and see what replies you'll get. I'm sure they'll be forgiving.

>the anthropogenic forcing is about 2 W/m2.
This is a theoretical calculation, not a measurement

>10^12 J/s
Even if this were true, it is statistically insignificant next to the 5.6x10^24 J held by the ocean.

There are legitimate reasons to be concerned about atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (serious health problems at 2000ppm), but the alarmists' calculations never passed the Fermi "back of the envelope" test.

just so you know: the current warming of the last few decades isn't included in your graphic

Stop implying only liberal and conservatives exist, you are no better than the commies in /his/

this is good, thanks senpai.

Vaccines cause autism. Thimerosol is linked to developmental disorders, thats exactly what people said was causing it. You were wrong. You look stupid, again.

Its funny how people like you said the NSA doesnt spy on your phone records and called everyone tinfoil hatters, and given the facts are out there now, you all seem to have disappeared. I know you retards are out there, I was saying this shit when bush was in office. Your phones a mobile microphone, they can use it to listen in on you any time they want, and they have giant databases because they record everything all the time, and just look it up when they need it. Thats reality, a whole community of people called me an idiot for talking about things like this, dismissed my arguments, just called me idiot. Theres the idiot. Ha ha, its the idiot again. Everyone laugh, he thinks the NSA spies on peoples phones and stuff.

Yea well, when people become aware of the reality of white genocide, they are going to hunt down and HANG people like you. Laugh now, cry later, chuckles, and stop knowingly pushing autism on other peoples kids. People get their knee caps blown off for less, you and I both know that.

We aren't capitalists either. Mind blown, I know.

This graphic has a 250 years spacing, and there is no need to make last years special just to prove your theory.

>Venus has such intense heat that it cant sustain liquid water.

Uhhh... gaseous H2O does not magically become CO2.


Conservatives only care about money. Conservatives are as cancer to whites as anyone else. We need a Golden Dawn, thats the only real party in Europe that I would vote for and feel confident they would actually make real change. They proposed to solve the demographic problem so they dont become a minority in their own country. THAT is a pledge to combat white genocide.

No other party has done that. No other party is worth voting for, except the worst party, to create revolutionary sentiment and put in a group like Golden Dawn, or rather, like the NSDAP... since GD is just some shitty Greek excuse for NatSocs.

>Every other countries conservative party in the world agrees that man made climate change is real.

The work of science has nothing whatsoever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results.

6,999,999,999 people could all decide to agree that the Earth is flat and only 7000 years old.

Doesn't make it so.

>GD is just some shitty Greek excuse for NatSocs.
Absolutely true. Bookmark this thread, because I am unironically planning to form a non-retarded anti-EU anti-invader party in Greece to challenge those alt-retards (not even) from the right.

Stay tuned...

I didn't demand that the last decades be made special, it just seems to me that when you are interested in how the current warming relates to temperatures of the past, you should look at a graphic that actually includes this recent warming, don't you think?

Reminder that the Paris agreement would have allowed the UN to issue pollution certificates (or whatever they call a carbon tax credit) that would be bought and sold on the global market. Basically if you possessed a pollution certificate you were allowed to pollute. Banks could buy and sell them as commodities. Companies would not be required to reduce emissions as long as they purchased one of these certificates, the cost of which would have been passed on to you, the customer.

In short if you support the Paris agreement you support corporate welfare. Companies will still be allowed to pollute, but they would have to buy a new certificate whose cost they would pass on to you. In the meantime, big banks would get rich as hell by speculating on the value of these new pollution certificates.

And you wonder why Goldman Sachs proposed this policy?

CO2 has a set limit on the energy it can absorb, everything at set wavelengths.

Once you absorb all the energy at those wavelengths adding more doesn't cause more warming.


If the world will warm up then it's going to emit more energy. Hotter objects radiate more energy. What's the negative forcing from heating the atmosphere and losing more energy out to space?

Venus has an atmosphere that's 96 times more massive than the Earth's and is 30% closer to the sun. If we stripped it down to the atmosphere of Mars that actually has a higher amount of CO2 in terms of PPM than Venus it would be an ice ball on one side and burnt on the other.

It's the mass of the atmosphere of Venus not it's CO2 that makes it hot. Almost any gas would still retain heat to a similar degree.

>Canadian conservatives

Mexican intellectuals

To be fair, your party will probably be a shitty larping moderate white russia/civic nationalist group, which will undermine the people who could actually stop the communists (GD)

The problem with GD is they have been tainted by things like that guy slapping the woman (who deserved it, and left him no other choice because hed be seen as a coward and weak otherwise, mocked and made fun of as the weak nazi who got told by a woman) and the murders of people like that rapper etc... it will take a seriously infuriated public to get them into power.

>Thimerosol is linked to developmental disorders
And pirate activity is linked to global temperature. It however doesn't mean one is caused by the other.

Their is no clinical evidence that thimerosol has ever caused harm in the quantities used to humans.

somebody give this user a fucking medal

When you want to see the big picture, you need to use big regular intervals.
This graphic is far more clean and useful to understand long cicles climates changes, than simple comparative between modern, 30 years and 60 years ago common graphic.

So youre going to take the tobacco lobby line for 2 decades until its "scientific fact"? You people are scum, I dare you go to around telling people that shit after they already know for 99.9% sure that its what was causing it all along. Youre going to get a broken nose, real fast.

>the people who could actually stop the communists (GD)
They can't stop the communists if everyone hates them because they beat up 70 year old invaders in the street
Also they are themselves shitty occultist LARPers
There is a hunger in Greece for right wing safety squads that are not comprised exclusively of retards. I intend to satisfy it

>the current warming of the last few decades

Is that warming out of the range of the 6 major warming events of the Holocene in any way?

As far as I know, the temperatures during the Holocene Climactic Optimum are still far above current temperatures, and increased far more drastically.

It's funny that modern climate research work the same way as tobacco funded research, huge grants are given to professional with the "right" opinion by NGOs, science magazines are paid to post some articles...

>Even if this were true, it is statistically insignificant next to the 5.6x10^24 J held by the ocean.

The most painful thing about climate change arguments is seeing people like you on the right side but still retarded.

Number of seconds in a year ~ 10^7

so a forcing of ~10^12 per second becomes ~10^19 per year, ~3x10^21 per century, about 10^22 from 1900-2100

10^24 ~ 10^22: 1 part in 100 on a 300K global temperature is 3 degrees celsius, in the ballpark of what they are predicting.

They've got their feedback responses modeled poorly and some other problems that have caused alarmism where little is justified (and totally missed the boat on the real issue of ocean acidification in favor of a warming scare), but back of the envelope calculations are fine. Everything is in the right ballpark for them ignoring feedback and dynamics.

Why haven't any of you geniuses mentioned the fact that California a developed new Glaciers up and down the Sierra Nevada Range?

Or that the Greenland Icecap has grown by two fold in the last two years?

Or that there is more Ice at both poles now than in the last 10yrs???

Study solar dynamic and astro physics then come back to me . Specifically the "Maunder Minimum" and "Mini Ice Age."

We are going into a cooling trend right now.
Global temps are DROPPING!!!!
Thus the HUGE storms that have been plaguing our planet of late.
And the huge crop losses.
Prepare for food shortages.
And Higher food prices.

We will be 15-20 degrees cooler by 2030.
Mark my words.

Sorry but climate research fulfill all the criteria on the left.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but the graph is technically incorrect, GISP2 is measured from 1950, not 2000

Fair point, but this is no excuse to put a lot of modern decades in this graphic, like Hans wanted.

The Paris agreement has nothing to do with climate change™.

It's just a huge wealth distribution scheme from Europe and the US to Africa, Asia and South-America.

Well, fuck.
Thanks for the correction user

In over 30 years none of the predictions of disaster or ill effects have come true. NONE.
I say the onus is on the man made global warming supporters. Prove it! You've had 3 decades. Nothing is underwater and polar bears are thriving.

>graphs can't be calibrated

That graph also projected into the future, at the time it was published.

The real world still hasn't cooperated with Climate Change™ hysteria.

>snowfall will be a thing of the past
Nope. It still snowed last winter.
>New York and Washington D.C. will be underwater by 2000
Nope. Still dry land.
>Faggots will shove buttplugs with furry tails up their assholes and pretend to be women
Fair enough.

>>New York and Washington D.C. will be underwater by 2000
>Nope. Still dry land.
Unfortunately. Imagine how many pozzed coastal cities would disappear globally

People just like apocalypse prophesies.

>People just like apocalypse prophesies.

Think back to when faggots were crying and gnashing their teeth over the Apocalypse of 2012.

Think back a bit farther, to the Techapoclapyse of 1999, when every computer on earth would stop working because "New Millennium, LOL".

Religion and belief are a part of humanity, because evolution.

People want to BELIEVE in imminent destruction, because it makes them feel something.

Good for the followers of Heaven's Gate.
I hope that was the best Kool-Aid EVAR.

For the rest of us, time marches on.

>Think back a bit farther, to the Techapoclapyse of 1999, when every computer on earth would stop working because "New Millennium, LOL".
That was a real issue, banks compute were made to work until 2000 because they had only 2 digits for year, but them they just changed the internal cloaks.

>That was a real issue

Of course it was.
I'm now living in the post-apocalyptic world predicted by doomsday cultists and fucking virgin QTs who live in the underground capital of Topeka...

Oh, wait.

You poor dumb bastard.

>Of course it was.
It was, people have solved the problem in 1998.

If someone could prove a link they would become very famous and win a number of prizes. However no such link has ever been proved in a well made clinical study.

We are 99.9% sure that vaccines do not cause autism, and their is no credible research to suggest they do.

The medical research into smoking and cancer was rejected because the early work was done by statistical studies conducted by the Nazi government. Yeah by the mid 30s we have evidence that smoking caused cancer.

>people have solved the problem in 1998.

And yet, mody people still BELIEVED that the world was going to end at midnight on December 31,1999.

They bought rice and noodles and batteries.
They truly believed.

And, nothing.

My personal conclusion?
BELIEF has very little to do with the real world. People, as a group, are so fucking stupid that they will believe anything sold to them with pretty pictures, like Climate Change™.

Science is a process, not a belief.
Anyone who claims otherwise is trying to sell you something.

I agree with you just pointing a curiosity.

>just pointing a curiosity

That's cute and all, but not scientific or reproducible.

Humans are silly creatures.
We live in an unpredictable world, yet desperately need to control it when we can't even control ourselves.

Doomsday cults are a relic of evolution.
We know this. Yet, we still have a need to believe that we can control our environment so much that we invent Human Controlled Catastrophies so that we have an enemy we are capable of fighting.

If you can't punch Climate Change™ in the face, invent an enemy you can punch. It makes you FEEL so much better.