Picture from a holocaust museum in Moscow

Well, this proves it, doesn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:


if its illegal to question it. why bother?

Bottom of a Jew blender. No idea

the fuck is it?

The joke is jews kept stealing the jug therefore the chain

some pretty good grouting there
must have been built by some poles

Is that the masturbation machine I've heard so much about?

What is that?

>cause russians are up standing people

U deniers should be found and publicly humiliated u keyboard warriors hahahhahah.

so sad
I'm sorry Jews
....I just can't... what can I possibly say
I'm so sorry for this

unbelievable, how can people even deny the holocaust now

The only Russian I ever met gave me a refund on a light oz. That's unheard of here.

with memes

Yeah this really...just wow. Really made me think. Honestly, I'm just going to open my marriage up. That outta fix things

>gave me a refund on a light oz.
Not sure what you are saying. But I'm sure most Russians who are able to go out of the country are fine.


Dude it's illegal to question it. Kind of like how it's illegal for you to question Muslims.

That proves it OP. That is obviously a first place trophy for the Auschwitz swim relay. Last place went straight to the oven.

Dumbass brit your country should be nuked. You roaches are breeding like rats and producing shit offspring like yourself.

I bought an ounce of weed from a Russian guy, got it home, weighed it and found it to be less than an ounce. I called him up and he gave me a new ounce that was chockablock

Exactly Satan, also kind of how it was illegal to question the directions Stalin took for the country, tyranny died eventually.

what is this

Protip:its not a brit

Is that supposed to mean that jews steal everything thats not fastened in with metal chain?

I thought that's what you probably meant as ounces are used for weed measurents in the US but figured Austria was metric. But I guess illegal industries in Aus don't follow metric.


more proofs

Yeah it's weird but some things we always say in imperial, like height, drugs and penis size.

Interestingly I found out America uses the metric system as it's official standard and then everything gets converted into imperial.

Actually already seen that video, great youtuber who is also Australian.

Having an imperial penis is one of the birthrights within the Anglosphere.

>drug dealer is a good guy

KYS degenerate