Brexit is safe; no reason to vote Tories or UKIP

Vote Labour to save NHS and keep the Police well funded and enough police on the streets.

Corbyn's a brexiter so Brexit's definitely happening. No reason to vote Sharia May unless you love Saudi cock and cuckservatives cutting your healthcare

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Gtfo out of here op you fucking shill. Bunch of socialist losers vote for Corbyn, he wants to tax people like me (people who ACTUALLY WORK) 50% of my pay. Serious losers who aren't prepared to actually put in time and effort want him to win. And hear me out carefully - HE WILL NOT WIN LMAO. Wait for tomorrow and see, it will be a Tory landslide

Just go back to rddit you idiot. It harnesses people with IQ under 100

Fake image


Jews are the Anglo's best friend tho

I'm already taxed 50% out of my pocket, run, britfriend, run! Don't let socialism get to you! The gibs aren't worth it.

>Corbyn's a brexiter

But he is pro-immigration like the left wing generally is. you won't have Poles anymore, enjoy your Nigerians and Pajeets though.

>>Corbyn's a brexiter
Are you serious? He wants to have a second referendum(another brexit vote) if he gets in power. You're seriously brain dead

Don't trust May

>wants to stay in single market
>EU has said that means keeping freedom of moment, adhering to EU legislation, and paying contributions
>basically be a member state

He is no brexiter, just a commie. Plus, Corbyn sucks as many Muslim cocks as Sharia May.

May and the Tories are terrible on immigration but Corbyn will be worse. He is retarded because he thinks we can simultaneously pursue a massive welfare state AND open borders.

What about non-EU immigration? Where does he stand on that?

>user thinks he will ever earn over £80,000 per year
See you at the polling station comrade

Tras su manto de neblinas
No las hemos de olvidar
Las Malvinas Argentinas
Clama el viento y ruge el mar
>Behind their misty quilt
>We won't forget them.
>"The Argentine Malvinas!"
>The wind cries out and the sea roars

Ni de aquellos horizontes
Nuestra enseña han de arrancar
Pues su blanco está en los montes
Y en su azul se tiñe el mar
>From those horizons
>Our ensign won't be ripped either
>As its white is on the hills
>And the sea is tinted on its blue

Por ausente, por vencido
Bajo extraño pabellón
Ningún suelo más querido
De la Patria en la extensión
>For absent, for defeated
>Under a strange flag
>No land is more wanted
>Of the Fatherland as a whole

¿Quién nos habla aquí de olvido
De renuncia, de perdón?
Ningún suelo más querido
De la Patria en la extensión
>Who's talking us here of neglect
>Of renouncement, of forgiveness?
>For no land is more wanted
>Of the Fatherland as a whole!

It's all the same, he thinks that immigration is some kind of force of nature that we just have to learn to live with, same as Labour thinks about terrorism.
>it's just something that happens!

Anyway, Labour used to send search parties to south Asia and Africa and convince people to migrate.

It's such a shame, really. Corbyn would be such a great PM if he promised to reduce immigration.

post doesn't exist on reddit

Alan Moore likes the Labor Party

Oh fuck off, he's already admitted he'll pay the "leaving fee" and won't deny a shit deal. He'll bend over and take it from the EU.


the biggest risk is not a corbyn victory but a hung parliament. that would fuck brexit up completely.

we're going to make double sure that brexit will be safe. then in 5 years time when everybody is sick of the tories we'll vote in corbyn if he's still around

>to convince them we need to present ourselves as nationalists

I think most people would respond much better to an honest "hey, our goals have temporarily aligned." than inept attempts at deceit.

>Vote Labour
>Get mass immigration and globalist control.
>Vote Tories
>Get mass immigration and globalist control but they promise they're not for the mass immigration part, they just don't want to stop it.

100% agreed. Jeremy 'murder all kikes for their crimes against the white race' Corbyn is the right man for the job.

>vote labour
>get faggotry shoved down your throat and gas the kikes

>vote tories
>get faggotry shoved down your throat, totalitarian state and underfund the police during extreme terrorist threat

tough choice

Your shillery has no power here. GTFO.

he might be a brexiter. but the kind that will keep the things that we wanted to get away from! everyone wants to fund everything if they CAN, labour just doesn't realize everything must be paid for and when theyve taken so many loans and cant pay them back with desperate money printing, inflating our currency making it worthless, were fucked