Does he get a second term?

does he get a second term?

No it's her turn

Nope, he's getting impeached

definitely not
i give him 6 months tops



and a third

i'm not interested in third world country's opinions


Donald "Master shiposter and Lord Lib feefee Roaster" Trump 2016 -2024

Ivanka " Thats one jew d screw" Trump 2024-2032

Barron " Bots on the ground in Eurabia" Trump 2032 -2040

y-you do know trump is pro kike right?

You are a fucking retard.

Trump and his family members will be the president for the next 100 years.


8 years!!!!!

He wont even finish his first.

I hope so, i have 500$ on him.

If Kek wills it

it doesn't matter because the next president is already chosen before you get to cast a "vote" POTUS doesn't actually ever change the underlying policies that both "parties" support behind the scenes.

infinite terms.

I get this reference

Here OP, if you want a non-retarded post.

No one knows is the only correct answer. It's too early in his presidency to tell.

Anyone saying he's going to get impeached doesn't know shit.
Anyone saying he isn't going to get impeached isn't right either.
So far he seems qualified in intention and has good goals to reach. But he's made a few mistakes.
>Lets the media influence him
>Lets his opposition influence him
>Seems like he's letting himself get overwhelmed at times
>Does moron tweets like telling the mayor in London off when the guy was doing something the EU needs. Stricter law enforcement against terrorism

Honestly, I don't understand why Leftist hate Trump so much.
>Is pointing guns at Assad just like Hillary was going to do
>Isn't removing Obama-care but wants to replace it with something better (Actually has to be something better to pass cause no reds in blue seats want to lose their job over it)
>Paris Accord wasn't helping the environment anyway, we can do other things like preservation of ocean life and forestation
If we pull out of the Paris Accord we can discuss a new pact with NATO to classify certain regions as zones that it would be otherwise illegal to destroy or harm.
>Poisoning oceans/seas no matter what and whose territory there are in is internationally illegal
>It isn't yet though

Honestly though, I still don't see why the Left hates Trump so much, its very obvious he's an easy to influence guy from either side. If the Left presents itself from a point of trying to work with him rather than against him. I'm pretty sure in a desperate attempt to pull in support from across the table he'd give them anything.
