Multiculturalism never wo-

>Multiculturalism never wo-

>minorities, homeless and homosexuals accumulate in one spo....

>Literally every different ethnic group carved out their own enclave so they wouldn't have to interact with other races

Multiculturalism is not a homogeneous blend. It is just a disarrayed amalgamation of all the other cultures being irritated by the other's presence

>cultures being irritated by the other's presence

Not really.


>wanting to live in that

>literally the worst place to live in america if you arent a millionaire
>liberals think its a good argument in favor of mass immigration
lol why are white boys so easily separated from reality?

You and me both, as Canadians, know exactly how hated the Polish are in places like Buffalo, NY.

Not to mention the Irish hating Italians, both hating the Russian Jews from 1890 and the Chinese being a fragmented and segregated few blocks.

That's mono-culturally Jewish.

would you walk through Harlem at night? Do you like all the little carts selling fake bags and cheap shit in chinatown? Do you like being yelled at in various spanish accents as more and more hispanics immigrate here?

Isn't New York of those times famous for its gang warfare? Besides, all of those cultures were white.

>New York
>A place to aspire to.

This is what Neo Liberalism wants to create. Just pave the entire planet over and turn all of humanity into a mass of grey genderless consumers in an international corporate state, with a starbucks and pizza hut on every corner.

We can all unite in our love of capitalism and Apple note books and Taco Bell which will unite all of humanity.

all non whites

Most segregated state in America

>extremely high crime rate
>extremely high living expenses
>subsidized by rest of the nation which isn't multi-cultural
>kept together by a small army of police otherwise it would descend into sectarian violence

Yeah multi-cult sure does work.

where is Ktown?
your city sucks

In recent times? No. You're thinking of SoCal, Detroit, or Chiraq.
In the latter? Yes. It still exists to some extent but it's more laid back compared to the 60s/70s/80s/90s. Nowadays, most people committing crime are the FOB Chinese and Koreans.

However, NYC proves that multiculturalism doesn't work though. The ethnic groups still carve tiny subtle enclaves for their own just so they don't have to mingle with other ethnicities, the Italians/Irish were famous for this. Nowadays it's more so the Greeks and Asians while Italians have more so assimilated to some extent depending on where you look. That doesn't mean they won't ramble on and on about their Italian pride, and how they're Italo-Americans but it's all in good intention, an extreme version of muh heritage I suppose.

I know this place is a garbage dump but, it's home, it's all I ever knew and continue to know. I've grown to love it in some shape or form.

t. italo-american who grew up up in nyc

>tfw I'm related to the first Europeans who settled New Amsterdam in the 1620s

>Tfw the only white guy living on the island of manhattan now

Ahem... I'll just leave this here.


Jew York Shity

The Irish didn't clump together because they wanted to, they did because they HAD to, landlords wouldn't rent to them outside of the slums where they lived. Same for Italians, and the rest of the immigrants. Upper crust Manhattan kept the white niggers in the ghettos where they belonged.

Once they escaped the city, into to counties outside of New York City, they mingled and blended in with everyone else just fine. Westchester county is the best example of that.

Yeah sure that's why micks and Pollocks used to kick the shit out of Italians back in the day.

Tho it's more along class lines than ethnicity. There's a reason polish and Irish people lived together and puertoricans and niggers. They're just proletarians cursed by the disease of capitalism.

If we had communism, we could breed out bad genes through state sponsored eugenics like melanin overdose and hairy palms.

>O (((-)))
Shit tier meme/10
Fuck off failure

No one asked for your fucking bravado you guinea

You're full of shit dude. Only rich white people can afford to live in Manhattan, they're even taking over Harlem now