Wealth is decided mostly by geography. Look at the EU - the closer to the center, the wealthier a region is

Wealth is decided mostly by geography. Look at the EU - the closer to the center, the wealthier a region is.

Why is everything past Austria so dirt fucking poor? It's like the Africa of Europe.

wealth is overrated


Should not have defeated the wrong enemy in WWII then, burgerbro.

it's poorer but not dirt poor. reasons are hinted in OP's post. eastern europe was exposed to asiatic hordes: turks, mongols, etc. Soviet union did not help either.

Have you ever looked at a map of the Soviet Union?

Sadly this.
Commies fuck up everything.

Would you please explain why beig closer to the center gives more wealth?

>asiatic hordes: turks, mongols, etc.
Comrade blaming Sowjet missmanagement on mongrels. Classic Boris.
>Soviet union did not help either.

>Would you please explain why beig closer to the center gives more wealth?

No clue

>Swiss jews weren't gassed during WW II and horded all the wealth there.

No! Dont tell! Is secret.

Simply put:
1)East Europe had no colonies,so no slaves and no foreign trade goods or resources
3)Since joining the EU foreign companies had it easy to dominate the market and the use the fact that most of our industry went to shit after communism cause of corruption to sell more expensive and of poorer quality goods while people are forced to work for salaries that sometimes are lower than refugee allowance in germany.The only reason Romanians like the EU is that they can travel to countries where they can get a high salaries or getting gibs from the EU


Op is a Poor Man's Zeihan.

>Wealth is decided mostly by geography
so you think Ostpreussen would be less wealthy if it was german, than NRW?

It's not about geography, but about identity issues and inner clashes among catholic countries. Protestants and France were peaceful and united compared to catholic countries like Spain, Portugal or Italy. You've never had any counter-secular movement, as in France for instance. This allowed your countries to develop peacefully and without bigger disruptions

Haven't some Eastern European countries become more capitalist than most capitalist nations since 1990s?

if they didn't have EU gibs, they would be Africa tier. Russia is the only Slav country that supports itself financially and only because it happens to sit on a pile of natural resources

If by capitalists you mean oligarchy,than yes

>This allowed your countries to develop peacefully and without bigger disruptions

Germany developed peacefully and without disruptions? Srsly?

If Eastern Europe is the Africa of Europe, then what is the Africa of Africa?

Well, yeah. When you've had a protectionist racket for that long, of course the ones orchestrating are going to profit.

Well that has geographically to do with Switzerland being in the mountains and hard to attack, not to do with it being in the center.


>being in the center.
It does mean, however, that we can collect many shekkls by means of road tolls.

slavs are subhumans compared to aryans. they murder steal and are alcoholics. they're pussies that can't recover from 50 years of a different economic system.

Fuck off jewfag, we may be a bit poorer, but not immoral. I would much preffer an empty stomach, than an empty soul, because I can get to the first one easier.

Don't bump this retarded thread with your feelz, faggot

Oh it could certainly look that way, Hans.

Until you reveal the full map.

Look at Norway - the closer to Norway, the wealthier a region is.

Ehm, no? Poland is relatively close to you.

You're like niggers in Africa. Although they had genocide and you only had communism.

Polands closer to you though. That's why it's only colored in blue.


why doesn't UK just become Switzerland 2.0

Well, at least we have green, which is the best kind of poverty, I guess.

Jews killed based Patton

Maybe it has something to do with logistics.

>Wealth is decided mostly by geography
Europe used to be entirely dirt poor except for a few Greek city states. Your theory is shit: geography obviously helps with wealth but is not a cause of it: people cause wealth in the form of mental and physical labor.

Swiss gubbermint still refuses to give gold back stolen by the Nazis from the Dutch central bank in WWII. Fucking jews.