Lefties are getting jacked and looking to fight Sup Forums

Lefties are getting jacked and looking to fight Sup Forums

The average pollack could easily take on all of them at once while unarmed. Just yell "Nigger tranny faggot!" and all of them will collapse in fear and agony.

Not really.

The average pollack would scream over a fence then run like a bitch.



choose a band name Sup Forums

suicidal tendencies

my roommates were just like this. I would randomly say Nigger sometimes and they'd either cry or start breathing heavily and acting like they'd been shot

the maxi pads

You were doing God's work.

green hair seems hot from this distance

i would pay to fight these guys, thats how absurd they look. i'd take them all on at once and unarmed. thats how confident i am in their faggotry

does she?

Just fucken yank it out of their hands. Before they hurt someone, if you cannot you do not deserve to be on this board

well that's good, because ive been working out for a month while taking muai thai lessons.
already gained 5 pounds of muscle and considerable strength.
only going to continue along this path.
i WANT them to try to fight me

These kids are just living out their comic book/video game/anime/ fantasies. Live and let live. There is no reason to be fickle with young adults that suffer from peter pan syndrome

Is this Groucho Marx great grand-daughter?

well fuck, not so much anymore. I mean she's still better than the others, but damnit man

id facefuck those eyebrows right off

Phew that's a stupid idea on their behalf. They are going to bother the wrong person and get absolutely WRECKED and it will end this whole joke.

Where are the terrorist when we need them?

Only the black tranny could pose a threat, physically. The rest are just ugly cunts with an attitude.

Wish some UFC type user walked around Evergreen with a Trump sign. Read up the laws on self-defense in the jurisdiction, and use them to your full motherfuckin' advantage when they assault you.

This is all coming form a degenerate drunk Attorney though

arya starck really let those cheesburgers get to her.

obvious bait is obvious