Why do republicans vote against their economic interests?

Why do republicans vote against their economic interests?

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Tfw rich (worth mid 8 figures) and only vote republican for tax reform

>we demand unfair unequal treatment
>you must work for the government for a few hours a day every day like slaves and send that money to us (the government)

Slavery is alive and well...

Because the piece of shit democrats wont to anything for them either so might aswell vote for someone who fucks everyone equally.

I'm sure you know exactly what those are.

They demand tax cuts for everyone, themselves and the rich, because it's fair, and they aren't selfish faggots .
Why are democrats so dishonest?

>economic interests?

Pic related is why

Because you're all a bunch of retards living in a memory hole

Because American degeneracy have made most Americans fat, lazy and score 25% less on IQ tests compared to Europeans.
- Destroyers of civilization

There is literally not a single good party in American politics right now.
>republicans have a valid chance to legitimately fix economy in america but are blinded by Trumps isolationist rhetoric
>democrats preach equality and peace, while consistently allowing policies that will only widen the income gap and horribly backwards "social projects"
>libertarians are economically literate, but their platform is just "republicans who do drugs"
>constitution party is too right-wing to be taken seriously with even a modicum of racial tolerance
> green party doesnt understand tragedy of the commons

I just want to live in a country where the rulers are actually concerned with making the country great. I am beginning to see where anarchists come from.

Because it's not in my economic interest to hand out free shit to people who don't work?

Or maybe they just don't care about the economy when they're being exterminated?
Here's a fun fact for democrats: In West Virginia you're 27x more likely to die from an overdose than a gunshot. When was the last time you saw them do a cry-in on the senate floor to stop drug overdoses?

>isolationism is bad
>ethnonationalism is bad

wew lad.

45x*, my bad, had the wrong state

>other people have different opinions than me

how much do they pay u to make this thread every night?


where can i buy that donald pump shirt

I like ethnonationalism, but america is too diverse now to do anything about it.
Isolationism is fine, when it's not economic. A free market benefits every party involved, and closing off borders does nobody any good.

muslim truck of peace in D.C. get in here

Do you ever wonder if blacks in Detroit ask themselves that about dems?

why does "poor" people.

>A free market benefits every party involved,

How do you retards fall for this shit? Do you ever wonder why we have an entire economic school named after us that's focused on protectionism?

Because they're righteous people who allow ambitious people to make money.


Why do you post this bait thread every fucking day
>unironically kys world will be better place

The only 'success' story democrats had was Bill Clinton, but he wasn't a progressive.
Bill Clinton ran on a 'third way' centrist platform that was similar to Trump's now.

>falling for the "protecting trade" meme
>not realizing that any form of tariff is implemented for the government to make money, thus funding the broken social programs that are leading to American culture's downfall
> not realizing that "protective" tariffs have historically done very little to deter foreign competition, instead just leads to higher domestic prices
>not realizing that trade tariffs was literally the thing this country was founded to avoid

Why do democrat vote against their national interests?

yeah, USA became a world economic powerhouse simply out of sheer luck
>what dipshit libertarians really believe

>>not realizing that trade tariffs was literally the thing this country was founded to avoid
Did your history class just skip over the "No taxation without representation" part?
The first major act passed in US history(and second law) was the Hamilton Tariff.

Why are libtards so fucking communist ?

how are there any liberal whites? why do they vote against their own continued existence

Trade tariffs deter export of accumulated capital, meaning it deters lowering of the marginal productivity of our labor.

because economics are second to culture and the dems give tax cuts to millionaires

because people are dumb.
it is not like the democrats are great but the republicans really fuck the poor.
same shit in other countries, for example germany, people vote cdu, fdp or afd (spd and greens are shit too but they take less from the poor than above).

poor people don't vote for republicans
democrats fuck the middle class

poor is even the wrong term because most working people consider themselves somehow wealthy, nobody want to be in the lower class.
i don't know enough about US politics, maybe you are right but the point is that many people vote against their own interest because of populistic topics.

Is that you obama leaf

Blacks continually vote for democrats why are they still poor?

>reality is bullshit
>freedom is bad

You're retarded. The main thing "fucking the poor" is the value of labour being weakened by shit the populists are trying to avoid.

Along with the fact that social capital plummets in a "diverse" society, how in the fact are they voting against their own interest. How do you reconcile the fact that the world has been moving away from the message the populists preach at quite a clip, speeding towards a more globalised world, the wealth gap has been exploding.
You're literally incapable of understanding causality and think taxes are the be all end all of the economy.

>random faggot on Sup Forums makes the case for tariffs.

Free Trade is good for the mean GDP, not the median GDP.

what's your point mate

Free trade means economic equalization with the Third World, as accumulated capital moves abroad for labor arbitrage. The marginal productivity of home labor drops. Comparative advantage has nothing to do with this process, it's arbitrage gain to owners of capital.

yeah but if we can get a better product for cheaper from overseas, why does it matter how productive our labor force is?

so because free trade has allowed us to sit on ass, it's a bad thing? kek.

How productive you are determines your income, determines your ability to demand products. Who cares if consumer prices drop, if my income drops more. Other things equal, adding more labor inputs means lowering the marginal product of labor, lowering it's value/income. Free trade/open borders with the Third World equites to this, to adding more labor heads to the same supply of accumulated capital. More accumulated capital per head or the population equals more productivity per head, and vice-versa.

Pretty much this, bernie supporter voted trump, but i honesty couldnt think of a single person outside that i would vote for.
Demoshits are just that, shit. statusquo liberals most are high and mighty hypocrites
the repubitards that Will literally vote against their own interests just for the people in OPS photo to act like fucking apes and say stupid shit.
In the restaurant i work at I work with 2 former legal immigrants from china and 2 (now one) trump supporter,
The trump support is a spoiled kid who literally gets his life style for free and doesnt know shit about politics, the other trump supporter at my job literally had an autism attack in the kitchen an screamed "YEAH IM REPUBLICAN AS FUCK" yet he was the worst employee i ever saw, he'd hide from work, you'd tell him to do shit he wouldnt do SHIT, we had to send him home early almost ever night because he'd just sit around doing jack shit.
I love hearing the right wing voters work oh so hard especially when my experience with right wing voters seems to be terrible who are lazy little shits.

thank me later
>IᖴᑌᑕK TOᑎIGᕼT .ᑕOᗰ

Why do democrats think that more government program and spending is in their interest when they barely work?

Lefties need to understand that the ONLY way of putting power in the hands of the working class is to GIVE them power. The ONLY way they can get power is if they HAVE something worth bargaining with. The ONLY thing they can possibly have TO bargain with is labour, hence why strikes and the like were so effective. Globalism and unchecked immigration takes that power away from them because they, as individuals no longer have
There's not a law you can pass, not a union in this world that can do anything if there's no weight behind their words, and the only bargaining power they can ever hold is labour. When an employer can replace you with a tenth of the effort that you can replace your employer, well then who has the power? You literally have nothing to bargain with, why on earth would anyone meet your demands?

Because they have other, more important interests.

I mean, to put it in a simple example with a microcosm, imagine there are 50 employment opportunities available, and 40 workers in the field who can fill them.
The worker holds all the power here, because if the employer doesn't satisfy his needs, then he can find employment elsewhere. Thus, it's the duty of the employer (ie. in the best interests of the employer) to meet the needs of the worker. In this case, the worker holds all the leverage in the power dynamic between the two, thus he is literally empowered.

Now imagine 50 available jobs, but 60 available workers. Suddenly, the power dynamic has changed. The employee is invested in meeting the demands of the employer because HE stands to lose out if the contract is terminated, HE is powerless here because if he gets uppity, it's the employer who has all of the leverage in the relationship because he can get a new worker easily, while the employee will have a problem finding new employment, thus the employee must remain invested in pleasing his master.

tl; dr, letting the Democrats flood your labour market is NEVER in your economic best interests you silly cunts. If you think taxes are the be all end all of the disparity between the rich and the poor you're a fucking disgrace.

>1 post by this ID

This asshole again.

But tariffs aren't a solution to this problem, it's actually lowering barriers to trade between employers and our own population (min wage for example). Besides, companies would most likely rather pay the tariff than pay their employees 8 an hour to put plastic tips on shoelaces.

Why do democrats vote against their cultural interests?

Conservatives like living in poverty. I'm dead fucking serious.

They can't handle the future world so they choose the simple life, barely getting by with their children they can't afford. It brings them happiness knowing they're suffering for a spot in heaven. They're one backwards step away from being Amish.

People have asked this a lot, and apparently there actually are intelligent Republicans that realize the party is corrupt and that it is not in their interests, but vote GOP down the line anyway.

They appeal to these culture warrior voters that are either super rustled about gays or blacks or that think that God is upset with liberals or whatever.

idk. it is stupid

>Spoiled/has money
>Doesn't know shit about politics
>Anyone that isn't born poor doesn't have valid opinions

Am I getting this right desu?
I really see the connection there.

you mean short-term economic interests. theyre voting for their long-term ones, meaning they dont want to be communist because nobody is a communist for long

>cultural interests?

>Worth ~50 million dollars
>Browses Sup Forums when literally the world is at his fingertips
If you're gonna larp at least make it semi-plausible. People don't even try and make their bullshit believable anymore.


fucking shill trying for fucking hundred time again this stupid thread


needs to be firearm suicide

>In West Virginia you're 27x more likely to die from an overdose than a gunshot. When was the last time you saw them do a cry-in on the senate floor to stop drug overdoses?

Liberals want to legalize drugs and stop the drug war. This creates a regulated market for the substances and will reduce overdoses by controlling how much is in the drugs. Additionally, a part of the revenue would go to recovery programs.

You're a fucking idiot.

>we demand unfair unequal treatment
...and that's what we're getting.

>hand out free shit to rich people
...like billion-bux Ben bailout Bernanke

>how much do they pay u
like a moderbater, he does it for free

>Why do republicans vote against their economic interests?
they take one for the team, you greedy kike

>free market
L0Lno fgt pls

>Do you ever wonder if blacks in Detroit
no, and neither do you Florian

>i don't know enough about US politics

the rest of you sonsabitches don't know dick

Not him but you'd be surprised how little wealth influences your day to day life. Especially things like browsing the same forums every day tends to stay the same no matter your net worth.

t. head of HR department that monitors browsing behavior and has access to income data.

Anons, answer me this. Why don't we have a labor party?

If the democrats only care about unemployed niggers, and Republicans only care about business OWNERS and the 1%

Then there's no party that gives a shit about the people who are employees, and are working class or middle class. Democrats USED to be about working and middle class but now it's all about niggers and diversity.

40%-50% tax is 40-50% tax
I've been taxed 60%
it's not fun
fuck taxes
fuck you
there are plenty of people
getting plenty of taxes
property tax
death taxes
and all sorts of SHIT like WHITE TAX: where you're WHITE so you pay for EVERYTHING like college, and every other fucker doesn't - that's another tax
so fuck yourself nigger
saged and report leaf

60% tax is the norm here in the Netherlands if you make above 50.000 euro a year. Has been for decades now. And I'm still one of the happiest motherfuckers ever. Blame your society and how they spend the taxes. Not the taxes themselves.

I was a lifelong lib until this election cycle. I have never voted R, and still have grave misgivings about most members of the party. But some things are more important than money, like being able to sleep at night - which I wouldn't have been able to do had I voted for Clinton.

They are the best of goyims.

The "white trash" population of America are a special little group where they vote against their interests. Why? Well they don't want to BELIEVE they are poor trash that need handouts. They've been preached masculinity and asking for help makes you look weak

The poor Democrats realize what's up and vote in their interests on the other hand.

Because voting to give yourself free shit is stupid

Pay denbts

Bringing in boat loads of shit skins is for my interests?

Insecure white people.

Americans are generally rather dumb. /thread

t. white person