>Brought to you by Slovakbro

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of all things small government, free market, and self-determination.
Welcome: paleoconservatives, minarchists, laissez-faire capitalists, agorists, ancaps, paleolibertarians, constitutionalists.
Anybody else is welcome to debate us.
Posting Soviet propaganda with no added information is spam and shall be treated as such.
/lrg/-approved people - Bastiat, Hayek, (((Mises))), (((Rothbard))), Pinochet, Timothy McVeigh, Hoppe, Llewellyn Rockwell, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Augustus Sol Invictus, Christopher Cantwell, and the 1st Irregulars. Some of the Liberty Hangout goys are approved too.
Not approved - Anarchyball, Jeffrey Cucker, or reddit anarchists.
All others - ask before trying to use them as a strawman against us.

>PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/vriBmd6A

>Do you support open borders?
No. The government does not own the land, therefore it cannot determine the border policy. Seeing as 90% of immigration is harmful to the country, by default a vetting system is essential to protect the rights of the citizens.
>Whom'st'd'll've builds the roads?
The people who are going to use them will pay the road crews, and maintenance is provided by the toll money.
>Do you support drug use/other degenerate behaviour?
No, we strongly discourage it as it damages a society built on non-aggression. Most covenants would be built around family (to fill the void after the government is largely/completely gone), and family life is vulnerable to these socio-pathological behaviours. If degenerates want to form their own communities, they are welcome to choke on their own filth or clean up and become productive members of the society.
>Are you Jewish?
No, our Jews are better than their Jews. Few movements (apart from NatSocs, duh) have been accused of anti-Semitism as much as we have, and that's including our more moderate/mainstream figureheads, such as Ron Paul. We support Palestine over Israel (because it's their land, not because they're brown) and we strongly support cutting all foreign aid to Israel (and to pretty much everyone). The international financiers would be significantly set back by freeing the currency system and implementing an actual standard for money to prevent over-printing and inflation. Also we don't trade with our enemies, what the fuck.
>What will you do when governments take over you/reform?
Toss them out of helicopters again. Our crusade is eternal. Liberty or Death!

>The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
>A Treatise on Political Economy by Jean-Baptiste Say
>The Law by Fréderic Bastiat
>The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich August von Hayek
>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Man, Economy, and State by Murray Rothbard
>Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
>Democracy - The God that Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Second Treatise of Government by John Locke
>Anarchy, State and Utopia by Robert Nozick
>For a New Liberty by Murray Rothbard
>Against the State by Llewellyn Rockwell
>Reactionary Liberty by Robert Taylor
>What Must Be Done by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

>Minarchy Memes on faceberg - sometimes posts edgy stuff
>Liberty Hangout on faceberg - libertyhangout.org - adamant fighters against communism
>jasonstapleton.com - The Jason Stapleton Program - right-libertarian podcast
>youtube.com/user/ThatLibertarianT - That Guy T
>Hoppean Snake Memes on faceberg - the source of the snake memes we keep posting - keep up, nerd
>youtube.com/user/FreedomFighter631 - radicalagenda.com - christophercantwell.com - Chris Cantwell - host of the Radical Agenda
>youtube.com/channel/UCRr7mGBwURyRGM2BRPV3hNQ - Augustus Sol Invictus' ramblings and other content
>youtube.com/channel/UCIwnY7Ee4Kfn8g6tz9tjfzA - 1st Irregulars - former Cantwell's supporters, decided to go even further right
>1stirregulars.com - 1st Irregulars' main site
>youtube.com/user/stefbot - Stefan Molyneux
>tomwoods.com - Tom Woods's podcasts
>mises.org - Mises Institute
>cato.org - Cato Institute
>propertyandfreedom.org - Property and Freedom Society
>lewrockwell.com - Lew Rockwell

>Christopher Cantwell - How I started hanging out with Nazis - youtube.com/watch?v=2RdnvahTAnU
>Christopher Cantwell with Mike Enoch - youtube.com/watch?v=aSz_L1WZS7w
>Christopher Cantwell with That Guy T - youtube.com/watch?v=7QYL4w3V_mo
>Christopher Cantwell with Jared Howe - youtube.com/watch?v=szqxmnMfB8U
>Christopher Cantwell with Morrakiu - youtube.com/watch?v=E6r9ZjIoW1Q
>Augustus Sol Invictus - Becoming a Reactionary - youtube.com/watch?v=HPQ9yh0gWoE
>Augustus Sol Invictus - The War on Terror - youtube.com/watch?v=wy2O7CPNmqI
>Hans-Hermann Hoppe - What Must Be Done - youtube.com/watch?v=d_ybi1MeC3c
>1st Irregulars - 1433: National Capitalism and the Correct View - youtube.com/watch?v=eVnDAa1LWpw
>That Guy T - The Case for Libertarian Fascism - youtube.com/watch?v=l2-jH1vFrW8

>Eric July - AnCap Rap pt.1 - youtube.com/watch?v=pGuj-Z3PNg8
>Eric July - AnCap Rap pt.2 - youtube.com/watch?v=zqV4RXLX1Hc
>I Need a Pinochet - youtube.com/watch?v=zhrYY3ocQ5o
>Ain't I Right - youtube.com/watch?v=XxIbq7HkalQ
>Metallica - Don't Tread On Me - youtube.com/watch?v=fh-TKJTCtnw
>Dixie's Land - youtube.com/watch?v=IUjLE_N1Cuc
>Yankee Doodle - youtube.com/watch?v=IzRhFH5OyHo
>Battle of New Orleans (if you counter-signal Jackson I swear on me mum I'll skullfuck you - plus it's a good song so fuck you) - youtube.com/watch?v=50_iRIcxsz0
>Mi General Augusto Pinochet - youtube.com/watch?v=R9R4zPTpS9w
>Adios Mi General - youtube.com/watch?v=5rsb7dT6sEM
>Rhodesians Never Die - youtube.com/watch?v=r1J8F6YQjBg
>Hammer Of The Right - youtube.com/watch?v=5WzAFG0Wntc
>The Edgytarian Song (/lrg/'s anthem) - youtube.com/watch?v=3qX8B02NDHI

ancaps are fucking retarded and capitalism only works up to a point (it no longer works in modern society)
debate me right wing retards

>Hoppewave - Physical Removal - youtube.com/watch?v=u-wMmYSG9JQ
>Cato's Speech - Let's get Physical - youtube.com/watch?v=XMqPWqOCGJU
>Hoppean Snake Memes - Let The Commies Hit The Floor - youtube.com/watch?v=yy9VvAuCCEg
>Stefan Molyneux - In-Depth Analysis of Marxism - youtube.com/watch?v=SGunPi4G2Ns
>Hoppean Snake Memes - Shadilay (Meme War against Agoristball) - youtube.com/watch?v=8xBsJUYySNo
>Hoppean Snake Memes - Snekintosh 420 - youtube.com/watch?v=JJMdttBmtsY
>That Guy T shitposting about the Alt-Right - youtube.com/watch?v=77CdqY4IdgU

Anything not right-wing is wrong-wing.
Capitalism with no government interference is the natural order, a hierarchy established through division of labour.
Konkin was wrong and Marx was much, much worse than that. Take tghe yellow pill.

profit maximization leads to the degeneracy we see in modern societies. Advertising and marketing (look up edward bernays) leads to a population controlled by the corporations, and leads to destruction of real culture and replacement with consumer culture.
on top of that, immigration and the destruction of a racially unified nation is what occurs naturally in capitalist societies, the economic powers that be will profit from immigration, which lowers wages, providing cheaper labour, and also increases the number of consumers that the economic elites can profit off. Divide and conquer, in a way.
sure capitalism is good in its early stages, but it goes real south real fucking quick.

That's why you oven those who advocate for anything that goes against the rules of your covenant.

>That's why you oven those who advocate for anything that goes against the rules of your covenant.
by "you" do you mean my ideology? beause that would be wrong
or by "you" do you mean one who advocates your ideology/capitalism, if so that isnt very anarcho-capitalist, more authoritarian corporatist, or socialist even.

>what is the right of discrimination?
Nobody can force you to tolerate unwanted people on your property/ in your gated community. If they try to get in anyway you are allowed to defend yourself and your property by force.

Don't mention Georgism, m8. Do you want that autist spamming the thread again?

?? what the fuck
how does this relate to consumer culture or profitable immigration
you literally arent disproving anything that i say

Immigration is only possible into communities that want immigration. Private borders are a thing. If you want to flood your community with niggers, go ahead, but you can't force the same behaviour on a white nationalist gated community. And about the consumerism and dissolvement of culture: A community of degenerates consists of people that are a lost cause in either case. Traditional people will form communities that actually uphold culture and tradition, but they are only able to do this because they have the freedom of excluding people they see as unfit and damaging for their private society.

>on a white nationalist gated community
aka a white nationalist government
ancapism is literally not a political ideology, it is lack of a political ideology, you solve all your problems by having another hypothetical "Gated community" pop up.
ancapism is the same as any other form of anarchism, you are no better and no worse than ancoms. it makes no sense either way.

what you seem to be actually advocating is decentralized governance, which is when the power comes from the lower levels of government up. see pic for a general gestalt

Other anarchists want anarchism for the sake of le fuck da rules, AnCaps want private, voluntarily run states. If everybody agrees with the terms of a gated community, nothing is wrong with it being basically a micronation. Anarcho capitalism advocates self governance, not the absolute lack of order. Why do you think AnCaps are hated by all the other "anarchists"? We want the freedom to have voluntary order.


thats not ancap then, ancap is what you have in the jungles of africa. what you speak of is just mass decentralization in government
see previous post. Ancap as a label implies anarchy as the ideal, as the final goal. Not a starting point for then building a micronation or gated community on top of.

>screenshotting memes

See here . I never said something different. I want small, local governments, that have to compete for inhabitants. You are a social conservative? Look for a conservative community you agree with. Sure, it basically is a government, but nobody is forced into it and you always have an alternative. It's actually comparable to the many city states in medieval times.

It's just semantics. If you want you can call it Hoppe libertarianism. It is AnCap, but a specific way of running it in reality.

then that isnt ancap as a political philosophy, thats decentralization
ancap, perhaps, can be the means to achieve this goal, a starting point, but what comes after ancap is what is really important.
also i dont think having an ancap society is a realistic goal in the modern world, the world is currently too interconnected for an ancap society to last long enough to produce a real "ancap nation" the UN would just call it human rights abuse and invade and inject freedom. A better goal is to advocate for states' rights and the like.

yes it is semantics but its unclear when people are talking about ancap and implying it as an ideal, just say decentralized government, much clearer and does not imply anarchy.

Where does LRG stand in the Spandrell triangle?

Friedman should be Sup Forums-approved