Extreme sjw and feminist for a long time

>extreme sjw and feminist for a long time
>gets a boyfriend who thinks differently
>immediately changes opinions to be more like his

why are women such fickle band wagon whores?

Other urls found in this thread:


>gets a boyfriend who thinks differently

That's not what happened, tho.

what happened then?

Be wary. She is a political temptress.

Look at her and tell me you don't think she hates herself
These people are as loud and shrill as possible because they have no self-esteem

>gets a boyfriend
she was attacked by other SJWs for being straight cis scum

It is real in OPs mind

Liberal women all crave the BCC

Or maybe she just goes in whatever direction the wind is blowing, making profit off of being an ideological whore

I'm so tired of seeing this ugly cunt on Sup Forums stop shilling her

>immediately changes opinions to be more like his
And it will continue until her views are indistinguishable from her peers in whatever ideological cluster her boyfriend is part of.
The SJWs will push her away from their cluster and she'll float for a while until she's firmly cemented in another one.

>she acts in a way you don't like
>she changes her views as actual adults tend to do, actually aligning more with views you share

This is why you're going to die a virgin, sweetie. Grow the fuck up. I respect her 100x more than your pathetic ass.

She'll soften him up and bluepill him before he completely redpills her.

It'll start with the sex getting used as a weapon in the relationship. Ray Gun has taken enough redpills on women, but he'll have his head in the pussy clouds.

>respecting something that wears those glasses, ever, in anyway
Better just kill yourself user

This, beware of the vaginal jew

Fuck off faggot

They lack the mental capacity to hold strong opinions and beliefs. Nature didn't design them for that.

>vaginal jew

*blocks your path*

State your business, thot.

women and men are not equally intelligent.

>>gets a boyfriend who thinks differently

More cultureshift is coming and she follwed the money

Epic xD

Laci Greene is a turncoat Jewess. Don't trust her.
>Let's talk to the opposition and debate them and hear out their ideas, that'll show that we're nice and we can convert them that way!
Pretty much this Jewess' strategy.

>Chris Ray Gun
>in a committed relationship with that needle drug using whore

Kek. If true, what a massive cuck.

>in a relationship
>theory based 100% on a single picture of them together and nothing else
Do you guys get embarrassed being literally worse than teen gossip blogs?

It's exactly what happened, and it's why her fans are freaking out. They know women are weak and will just adopt the thoughts of people they hang out with, it's what this whole thing is about.

Is it bad that I want to photoshop jizz all over her face and stick a [Brazzers] tag on that picture?

This is why kikes want to destroy the family
Married women are actually slightly more conservative in their values than single white men.
While single white women are even more leftist/open borders than niggers/non-whites.

If anyone is stupid enough to believe that she isnt doing this 100% for attention...

>Women tend to adopt the politics of their partner
wow stop the presses Sup Forums has found out about something that has been known for millenia

>>immediately changes opinions to be more like his
That's how women are with nearly everything.


White women are slowly being redpilled just by the natural evolution of cultural Marxism. I've seen the biggest socialist pieces of shit in the past year "have second thoughts" about Islam and other ideological beliefs.

You cannot be called racist and constantly attacked and not think to yourself something is off. Unless you're European

they pick up drug abuse from their bf's too
soft head

you think if any of the harpies with clown hair and secretary glasses could land a handsome man that they'd still keep up the feminism act?

Why do you hate women for being women you dumb cunt? How can you see a woman changing her views to fit her man as something bad?

You people are so stupid and the perfect example of why the west is failing

That Jewess isn't white.

is she jewish? i had assumed a degenerate german fucked a swedish whore and she is the resulting offspring.

I honestly believe it's advanced shareblue shilling. They know just spamming drumpf BTFO and related shit accomplishes literally nothing. Threads like this make me pause and wonder who these stupid fucks like op are and why I'm associating with them. Then I remember theyre most likely paid shills and stop caring completely.

Incapable of genuine meanings.
Only interested in themselves.
Lower IQ than men.


it's always for the views.

also she is HIV positive because of her own degeneracy

>Be me
>Go to youtube encounter wild Laci Green video
>Video is pretty decent
>Sub to channel
>Witness the mental decay of Laci Green as she slowly turns into a SJW
>Be sad and depressed then unsub
>Time passes and I start fantasizing about hate fucking Laci
>Have the best fapping sessions ever
>Re-sub to Laci Green videos and use them as fetish fuel
>Laci gets redpilled
>RIP hate fucking fantasies
>Unsub from Laci


Go back to twitter faggot.

e-celebs are banned from Sup Forums


Big Caucasian Cock?

reminder: sage and ignore all threads laci herself starts for fame and click shekels.

>guy probably gave her a good dicking.

>She was like "Whoa can't believe how amazing this was."

>blah blah blah sjw thing

>uh no im not cool with that you need to calm it down or Ill just leave

>i guess i could act like a lady

>wow this isnt so bad he treats me so well and so kind unlike my sjw friends and he doesnt hate

>wow why am I letting him pound my ass and then I make him food what happened to me?

Korwin said once, that woman opinion can be changed just by sperm.

Didnt she say she was half Iranian or some shit?




Give a woman a Real Pimp Fuck and all bets are off

this, 100% she'll flip in a couple of weeks/months
don't even bother with giving her views she's dumb as a rock

cause they produce kids and need a shield

>promote SJW shit all the time
>hit the wall
>realize all the good men are on the right
>try to appeal to the right to get a GENETICALLY SUPERIOR MALE to take care of you

what the fuck is your obsession with this ugly fucking cunt?? fuck off

So she's a woman?

Great Britain more like Great country

No, they're losing and right wing is where the money is gonna be

>Some bloke calling other blokes sweetie

Because women aren't people.

1 like = 1 respect for women

Well yes. You see us western countries and Europe have lost control of our woman. They are thinking for themselves and not as a collective human race. They want to be independent! Now look at the state of the world

She didn't change her views, though. She merely "wants to open discussion." She still believes the bullshit she has been spewing over her career, only now she is seeing the SJW cancer and how they behave.
>shitty thread

Sage isn't a downvote you fuckstick.

What the fuck is a downvote?
I can add my two cents without bumping this gay thread.

I did not see that coming. He used to make videos about her retarded ass. "Oh, laci is more open to discussion now, better fuck her" Chris isn't capable of fucking her the way she wants to be fucked. And that's by a gorilla-tier Chad that fucking wipes her nose in a fresh cum stain like a disobedient dog.... I like Chris tho

did you sage again ?

Nah, I forgot.

There's a screen cap of her AskFM via twitter where someone asks if she's dating Chris and she says she is


remember the alamo
feminists 'sleep with the enemy'
>their own wording

> single white women

Just kill their cats. They will an hero



sort yourself out


Brittany venti


Laci G...
Oops, they researched that instant kill thing


Attention whore is gonna attention whore.

@sweden : cuckoldry



Welcome to pol giannis

It isn't though, she didn't start dating the right wing gun until after she had started questioning her SJW opinions.

See, I don't think it is women in general. This is because if she was weak enough to be convinced by liberal BS then she can be convinced by anything. This is a very unstable person.

I pay respects to the man that sacrificed himself for the team.

This man. Almost happened to me. Pussy makes a man soft and bluepilled. I had to fuck her off. Stupid bitch. I'm back to being a cunt again now and that's how I like it desu. Fuck women.

>be me
>on dating website
>start chatting up this chick who's obviously a feminist type with the glasses and problem bangs
>I'm 6'3" white fit Aryan type
>she's very into me, she's decent looking
>meet up and start fucking shortly after
>start making comments about her social media postings and how stupid all that feminist shit is
>she agrees with me that it's just hyperbole and mostly out of frustration of not being able to land a boyfriend.
>month later, still fucking
>complete change in attitude and appearance, starts wearing normal clothes and ditches that betty page look all the feminist do
>wants to start shooting guns with me
>we start officially dating not to long after
>1 year later she's a redpilled Trump loving supporter that's into guns.

You wouldn't believe how fast these feminists SJWs will ditch their leftist ideology if it means getting with a good looking man that thinks their politics are shit.


just change @ with 'at' Kosta


Guys, remember how into fads girls were when they were teens. Remember the emo shit and the like: it was mostly female.
Note how it is more common for women to radically change their views on something.
Women are following the herd. That's why politics matters because then we control the herd.

>why are women such fickle band wagon whores?

Because they do whatever gets them the most attention. It's just their nature

>meet girl on tinder
>liberal as fuck
>gender studies major in undergrad
>lots of dumb opinions, typical libtard shit
>she's hot and rich so whatever
>been dating for 3 months
>she bangs like a girl with daddy issues
>have some discussions about feminism and climate change and trans
>fast forward
>in a casual conversation with her friends she starts bringing up shit like the recent law in ontario about child abuse
>to my surprise she isnt arguing in favour of it
>she says its messed up that the government can take children away from their parents because of a disagreement on gender identity
>says the government is too big and has too much power these days

My dick is ROCK HARD from watching her progress

The only reason she changed her ideaoligy is because she would profit off you being the provider way more than she would profit from the state.

It all comes down to self interest in the end.


one job man, one job

It is a survival mechanism

This is the best romantic comedy movie ever that will never be made.

because she was DICKED

Chris Ray Gun gave her a good dicking.
And then she got pushed over the edge when some SJW doxxed her and started harassing her family.

You mean the CRG?
