Why are millennials the ones that are confused about their genders and sexuality?

Why are millennials the ones that are confused about their genders and sexuality?
No generation before them had this fucking problem.



Also with the help of the internet its easier to be exposed to the idea specially when "everybody is doing it"

Back in the day if you were mentally ill you were mentally ill by yourself.
Now i can go online and enter forums and domains where every single poster has the same mental illness as i do.

Jews got us early on, and many never gave it a second thought.

Well, it is most intense with them. I'm any children have thought about life as the other gender, but now some fags are allowed to make it a reality.


They enter their own echo chambers where their (misguided) views are only reinforced

A bit like Sup Forums to some degree (being an echo chamber of same opinions - but not necessarily misguided)

Fucked it up. Should said "I'm sure many" instead of "I'm any"

Thing about this echo chamber is that more often than not POST PROOFS, WHERE IS PROOFS, NICE SOURCES and so on, is a big part of replies on certain topics.
Where, lets be real, all of these retards are on the left and on these leftist sites if you come up and show them any reference to anything related to the scientific method they wont even look at it, but look at ways to get around it. Usually simply calling you a name because they are too dumb to do anything else.

Imagine if everything you read on this website you immediately put to be true and refused any other evidence? Thats reddit / gays for ya, tumblr as well.

Every generation has members who question their gender at a certain age. I did. In the post, parents, friends, teachers, and family would set them straight. My dad set me straight. Nowadays people are encouraging them in delusion. That's the difference.

Hah... I remember I asked my parents when I was about 10 "If I had been born a girl what would I have been called?"

Reply "you are a boy"

xeno-estrogens in the water.

The internet lets youngins' latch onto wild ideas.

The Wachowskis were born in 65 and 67 and they are both trans. Last I checked, Gen Y only goes back as far as the early 80's.

They like speak about themselves.
"My gender, my sexuality, my political views. mine...my....mine."
They have shallow personalities and such self-gratification is only one option they have, because everybody gives a shit about their nihilistic existences

I'm a millennial, I'm a male by the way. I heard cases before about people being confused with the genders, it is because they want an unique personality, which means that they want to be totally different as others. I think that's extreme to "have a different gender" so they can be different as others. Their culture also disgusts me.

Because they are literally retarded

everybody now wants to show themselves as victims.
this way they can justify not being successful in life.
acting like you are sexually confused is the easiest way to fake being a victim.

They're turning the frogs gay.

Fucktard, your beloved echo chamber is just as, if not more, harmful to your psyche.

Not at all.

It would be funny if it weren't true.

Internet and a sense of entitlement that their parents instilled in them as children. When they were growing up, it became trendy to not hit your kids and spoil them.

This, mixed with the wide spread of the internet has resulted in a fucking generation of babies that think they are smarter and morally superior to their parents (news flash, they aren't)

Luckly, the generation after them is said to be more right-wing than their parents. This is a good thing.

Most of them are not. Some actually are but most are doing it for attention.

porn, lots and lots of porn.

never was there a generation with such easy access lots of quantity of porn of all kinds

Xenoestrogens, brainwashing from mainstream media sources, echo chambers on the Internet, and also various websites/organizations that didn't exist before giving undue and disproportionately high amounts of positive attention to genderfreaks, who also have a larger online presence because they're too mentally ill to work.

In short,

Also this.

I want to use my dick to make Soe cry

It's like goths back in the 90's but more extreme. They wanted to be different. Luckly they grew out of it. Goths at least aren't/were mentally ill with their ideas.

>hating on transgender people
It's 2017 guys, come on
People can be who they really are and you can't stop them

>1post by this ID

Why do you create the same shitty slide threads every day?
Because you're a faggot.

Actually thus far the greatest numbers of transexuals have been the 30-40s, its just the fact that younger kids are being treated now that makes it stand out.

You can hide their lipstick

The simplest answer is with early childhood and schools. The school system is more interested in cramming ideas into the children's heads than with letting their development play out and let them build an actual identity.
It only becomes worse once the stuff they are taught becomes a politically distorted version of reality.

they have had just too good, they need a ordinary ass kick in form of Islamic terror to wake up from their irrational daydreams.