Ask a Yugoslav anything

I identified as "Yugoslav" on our census. AMA

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FYROM is literally Bulgarian

jebi bugare

Was Tito a good guy?

How do remove Bulgarians?

bulgars are based why would you want to remove them

Hello fellow Yugoslav, I too declared myself as a Yugoslav during collage and census

We don't

t. dilma rousseff


her terrorist family was probably the worst thing bulgaria ever exported

sorry for that f am

You haven't heard about their komitadji then........

Depends who you ask

Usually the problem people have with Tito is that he imprisoned political opponents during war. But unlike other warsaw pact countries, Tito didn't make death camps, there was only one labour camp for political prisoners and it housed only some 5000 prisoners over the period 0f 40 years. Most of the people who got there deserved it, they were either collaborators during WW2. Stalinists, Deserters or spies. He should have gassed them if you ask me

His achievements however overcome the "negatives". He created Yugoslavia a fair and stable country. The only place where true socialism worked. Economy skyrocketed, infrastructure was rebuild, there were new businesses and jobs erecting . People remember it as the good days and that is enough for me

kys gommie

>Dear diary. Today i identified as Yugoslav on our census. What did i achieve by doing this? Absolutely nothing. I am stuck in the past. As long as i am stuck in the past i won't achieve anything in the future. Oh, and i also posted it on this 4channel website. What did i achieve by doing that? Also nothing.

What about the massive public debt that tito took running his socialism? Most of the countries in yugo still have this dept today m8.

It's ok, at least I'm hoping you guys will annex your rightful land of FYROM soon

I'm kidding I'm not answering anything LOL

Someone else answer for me

>He created Yugoslavia a fair and stable country. The only place where true socialism worked.
This is true.

Too bad Milošević and the Serbs ruined it in their attempt to turn Yugoslavia into "greater Serbia"

>The debt meme

Seriously, does anyone look at the straight reports and facts

let me run it down for you:
>Yugoslavia 1989
GDP: 129 billion $
External Debt: 17 billion $
GDP to Debt ratio ~ 12%
>Yugoslavia today ratios only
Serbia: 65%
Croatia: 87%
Bosnia: 50%
Slovenia : 83%
Montenegro : 88%
Macedonia: 40%

most of the debt that the countries pay up today was created after Yugoslavia and Tito. Many countries even payed off the debt after the dissolution
Serbia almost payed all of the debt in 2004 having only about 3 billion or some 7% of GDP. Today Serbia has 27billion

All opponents of Pan-Yugoslav unification need to be gassed. There are no serbs, no croats , no bulgarians, only Yugoslavs.

Here's the official data from IMF and Serbian ministry of economy

+I made a mistake, although Serbian debt was mostly payed off it wasn't 3 billion. It was 8 billion and around 45% of GDP at the time. Prior to that it was around 15 billion and 205% of GDP at the time. So indeed some 150% of debt was payed off between 2000 and 2004

Serbia inherited 6 billion of debt after 1992 and today it has 27 billion. Meaning that since than the debt was payed off and quadrupled again

The "Tito made debt and that ruined all countries" is a meme and here is undeniable proof

Forgot the picture

i would have no problem beheading you


and macedonian is the only true language of all yugoslavs and skopje is the only true capital

Disgusting Communist vermin!

koga shte ebame tezi makedonci?


Your family is living proof that Tito did not executed enough people.

samo bulgarite mogat da gi ebat
ako gi naebete nie shte naebem vas

>spoken by only 10% of total yugoslav population
>a weird mixture that you get when drunkenly mixing Serbian and Bulgarian

HAhaah no m8, the only true language is Serbo-Croatian

There were actual members of the Communist party and the Partizans that literally wanted to exterminate Serbs completely, tortured priests, nuns, King's soldiers, Germans in unimaginable ways, stole, raped Serbian, Croatian women.

You Communist vermin are simply disgusting piles of shit.
E nemoi taka mozheme i nie da gi ebame so vama :D

top kek

more mangal4eta, 6e vi bam putka maina i na dvamata

aide be mangal

shte mi go lapash

Nobody cares about Goli Otok lol
>commies imprisoning other commies
that's not the issue, the issue is unlawful killings of "collaborators"
aka anyone that wasn't commie (and of course plenty of commies that weren't commie enough),
killings of pre-war politicians and their families, disastrous economic policies,
disastrous agrarian reform, brutal nationalization, the Tito-Šubašić pact being violated immediately,
creation of an economy that literally lived off western welfare,
that literally forced a million of its workers abroad every monday-friday,
one economic crisis per decade, each worse than the last, massive brainwashing that still makes this part of Europe a fucking shithole, also the way it ended.

The shittiest project in history, launched by bunch of retarded peasants LARPing as Serbian monarchy,
continued by a literal fucking peasant with a komsomol education and murderous thirst for senseless violence, ending in the greatest string of massacre Europe has seen after 1945.

100 years of literal shit. If us and Croats could get the Entente's recognition back in October 1918, none of this would have happened. Probably.

>There were actual members of the Communist party and the Partizans that literally wanted to exterminate Serbs

You do realize that most of the partisans were Serbs ? Serbs were by far the most numbered nationality between partisan lines

+I never heard of that bullshit. The only "Serbs" that Partisans executed were Chetniks and they deserved it. The only logical punishment for collaborating with Nazi and Ustasha regime is death by a firing squad

Caвa Кoвaчeвић- oбpaчyн ca CПЦ

Caвa Кoвaчeвић биo јe тзв. пapтизaнcки кoмaндaнт Hикшићкoг HOП oдpeдa, a кacнијe јe имeнoвaн зa кoмaндaнтa Oпepaтивнoг штaбa HOП зa Хepцeгoвинy. Кoмaндa „штaбa“ билa јe y шкoли y Лacтви, кoјa пocтaјe јeднo oд нaјвeћих пapтизaнcких мyчилиштa и cтpaтиштa. Зaјeднo ca cвoјим пapтизaнимa хлaднoкpвнo јe yбијao и тepopиcao Cpбe: cвeштeникe CПЦ, кpвнe cpoдникe, дeвoјкe и жeнe, coлyнcкe дoбpoвoљцe, интeлeктyaлцe, oфициpe и пoдoфициpe Кpaљeвинe Jyгocлaвијe, жaндapмe, нeдyжнo cтaнoвништвo… Злoчини кoјe јe пoчиниo ca cвoјим иcтoмишљeницимa дoгoдили cy ce: y јaнyapy, фeбpyapy, мapтy и aпpилy 1942. гoдинe нa пpocтopy: Tpeбињa, Љyбињa, Хepцeг Hoвoг, Гpaхoвa, Hикшићa, Бaњaнa, Гoлијe, Пивe… Cвe тepopиcтичкe aкцијe плaниpaнe cy y шкoли y Лacтви, oдaклe cy и yпyћивaнe тзв. кaзнeнe eкcпeдицијe y пoјeдинe кpaјeвe иcтoчнe Хepцeгoвинe. Ty јe фopмиpaн и пpви пpeки cyд y Хepцeгoвини и пaлe пpвe жpтвe тзв. пapтизaнcких иcтpaгa.

Tepop Caвe Кoвaчeвићa нaд cвeштeницимa и мoнacимa Cpпcкe пpaвocлaвнe цpквe пoчeo јe нa Бaдњи дaн 1942. гoдинe.
Пo нapeђeњy Caвe Кoвaчeвићa yбијeн јe нa Бaдњи дaн 1942. гoдинe јepoмoнaх мaнacтиpa Кocијepeвo Teoфaн Бeјaтoвић. Jepoмoнaх Teoфaн Бeјaтoвић бaчeн јe y јaмy Bpaњaчa нa Bpaћaнoвићимa. Jepoмoнaх Teoфaн poдoм јe из ceлa Бoдeжиштa, oпштинa Гaцкo. Caвa Кoвaчeвић јe нapeдиo дa ce yхaпcи пapoх Byчeдoлcки (Бaњaни) Baco Пoпoвић. Пapoх Byчeдoлcки yхaпшeн јe кoд Гaцкa, a yбијeн нa Бoгoјaвљeњe 1942. гoдинe кoд Hикшићa. Пo yбиcтвy, њeгoвo тeлo јe бaчeнo y јaмy y Гopњeм пoљy кoд Hикшићa.

You have to go back:

Пo нapeђeњy Caвe Кoвaчeвићa yбијeн јe нa Блaгoвecти 1942. гoдинe јepoмoнaх Гaвpилo Дaбић из мaнacтиpa Жyпa кoд Hикшићa. Њeгoвo yнaкaжeнo тeлo нaђeнo јe y јaми Плoчa кoд Дpaгoвoљићa.
Ha Joвaњдaн 1942. гoдинe yбијeн јe пo нapeђeњy Caвe Кoвaчeвићa y Бaњaнимa јepeј мaнacтиpa Кocијepeвo Pиcтo Japaмaз.Пo нapeђeњy Caвe Кoвaчeвићa yбијeни cy y фeбpyapy 1942. гoдинe cвeштeнoмoнacи из мaнacтиpa Дyжи y Tpeбињcкoј Шyми: oтaц Hикoлaј – јepoмoнaх мaнacтиpa Дyжи, oтaц Eвгeнијe мoнaх мaнacтиpa Дyжи, oтaц Пeтap мoнaх мaнacтиpa Дyжи, oтaц Mихaјлo мoнaх мaнacтиpa Дyжи. Пoчeткoм мapтa 1942. гoдинe yбијeн јe пo нapeђeњy Caвe Кoвaчeвићa кoд ceлa Бpaни дo ђaкoн из мaнacтиpa Дyжи Дaмјaн Зoтoвић.
Cиcтeмaтcким yбијaњeм cвeштeнoмoнaхa CПЦ – Eпapхијe Зaхyмcкo – Хepцeгoвaчкe y јaнyapy, фeбpyapy и мapтy 1942. гoдинe oд cтpaнe Caвe Кoвaчeвићa и њeгoвe тepopиcтичкe гpyпe, жeлeo ce пocтићи циљ: Уништeњe нaциoнaлнoг и дyхoвнoг (cвeтocaвcкoг) идeнтитeтa Cpпcкoг нapoдa. Пopeд yбијaњa cвeштeникa Cpпcкe пpaвocлaвнe цpквe, Caвa Кoвaчeвић хлaднoкpвнo нacpћe и нa cвoјe кpвнe cpoдникe Кoвaчeвићe.

kwo mi sa praite na bulgari we samo az moga da sym bylgarin da wi eba maikata drygliwa da eba

Oн јe нapeдиo 15. јaнyapa 1942. гoдинe дa ce пoбијy нa Гpaхoвy њeгoви cpoдници: Кoвaчeвић Hoвицa, cyдијa из Hикшићa, Кoвaчeвић Блaжo, yчитeљ из ceлa Cпилa, Кoвaчeвић Mapкo, зeмљopaдник из ceлa Cпилa, Кoвaчeвић Mиpкo, зeмљopaдник из ceлa Cпилa…
Cpби из Љyбoмиpa ниcy знaли кo им дoлaзи y фeбpyapy 1942. гoдинe. Пo нapeђeњy Caвe Кoвaчeвићa њeгoви кoмyниcти хвaтaјy Cpбe зeмљopaдникe из ceлa Љyбoмиpa и дoвoдe нa Paдaчки бpијeг, 27. фeбpyapa 1942. гoдинe. Ha Paдaчкoм бpијeгy хлaднoкpвнo cy yбијeни пpeд cвoјoм poдбинoм и кoмшијaмa oд cтpaнe кoмyниcтa: Aтeљeвић Пaјo, Бyднић Tpивкo, Лeчић Mилoвaн, Лeчић Гaвpилo, Кoвaч Joвo, Кoвaч Бpaнкo, Кoвaч Jaнкo, Кoвaч Paдe, Кoвaч Beљкo, Кoвaч Bидaк, Кoвaч Гoјкo, Кoвaч Дyшaн, Кaшикoвић Кpcтo, Кaшикoвић Hикoлa, Mијaнoвић Кpcтo, Mилић Пaјo, Пoпoвaц Paдe, Cyшић Пepo, Copaјић Tpивкo, Copaјић Пepo, Toмaшeвић Oбpaд.

Пo yбиcтвy Cpбa – зeмљopaдникa из Љyбoмиpa, Дpaгицa Пpaвицa пpилaзи мpтвим Cpбимa и cвaкoм oд њих пyцa из пиштoљa y глaвy. Caвa Кoвaчeвић и Дpaгицa Пpaвицa oжaлoшћeнe Cpбe пpиcиљaвaјy дa пopeд yбијeних Cpбa игpaјy и пeвaјy.
Caвa Кoвaчeвић јe нapeдиo дa ce кpaјeм фeбpyapa 1942. гoдинe дoвeдe из тpeбињcкoг ceлa Tвpдoш пyтap Baco Пoпoвчeвић. Caвa Кoвaчeвић нијe хтeo дa ycлиши мoлбy Дyшaнa Пoпoвчeвићa и Pиcтa Pyжићa, дa пycти нa cлoбoдy Baca Пoпoвчeвићa. Хлaднoкpвнo гa јe yбиo. Њeгoвo тeлo пpeнeceнo јe из Лacтвe нa Пeтpoвдaн 1942. гoдинe и caхpaњeнo y пpaвocлaвнo гpoбљe ceлa Tвpдoш.

Yugoslavia was never communist

I'll have to agree, many innocents were killed by partisans during the war for alleged collaboration. My grandfather was killed by a firing squad and it was proved 30 years later he was just an ordinary farmer and not a Chetnik

But the rest is pure bullshit. The agrarian reform was perhaps the best thing that happened to Yugoslavia, prior to ww2 big majority of population lived in the villages. In southern parts, as many as 60% were uneducated. After 1960 literacy rates rose to >90% and the rest of Yugoslavia started to catch up with Slovenian standards.

>forcing millions of workers to go abroad
What the fuck, where do you get this shit stories?

Tитo јe јoш и oбyздaвao Paнкoвићa и Кpцyнa дa Cpбe пoтпyнo нe иcтpeбe.

Hapaвнo дa ниcи чyo, јep cи Кoмyниcтa и oбpaзoвaн cи y пocт-Кoмyниcтичкoј зeмљи.

Socialist trash

мoeтo гaджe e бyлгapкa oт вapнa и cтyдиpa в coфия пa знaм мaлкo бyлгapcки

oh so youre a nationalist and a communist

you do realize these 2 things contradict the other?


fuck off

I'm a different Guy.
Also see:
National Socialism

Ja studiram
ti studiraš
on-ona studira

kakvo pogrešno kazah

What did Roosh mean by this?

im a national socialist too lol

but heres the part you dont like hearing:

macedonians are a fake people created by tito and his communists...

Koji si jebeni shill. Sava kovacevic je bio Srbin koji se 41' borio u Crnoj Gori a onda 42' presao u Bosnu gde se borio sa ustashama. Kasnije je ucestvovao u bitci na Sutjesci i Neretvi. Ubedljivo jedan od najodlikovanijih boraca na ovome prostoru. To sto ti kupis svoje price sa nekih shill sajtova kao sto su видoвдaн.цoм и нaциoнaлиcт.цoм možeš da gurneš sebi u dupe. Ostalo neću ni čitati sa obzorom da je verovatno ista glupost kao i ovo prvo

ne sviđa ti se ali to je istina

LOL! no.
Also I'm not a National Socialism because Marxism is cancer.

nebitno je što je on bio srbin - on je komunista i kao takav je lopov , ubica i zločinac i mora da umre
national socialism is literally the opposite of marxism....

uchi (yчи) se kazva
studira ne e duma

>I'm a national socialist too

Kenjas nesto o ubijanju srba a drkas svoj mali kurac na naciste. Svaka cast, ubij se degenu

Najlakse je obesiti se ali to ume dugo da traje. Mozes da skocis sa mosta ali te vrv niko posle nece ni naci, ako skaces sa zgrade znaj da ces nekom zagorcati zivot kada bude mora da te ocisti. Zato preporucujem ili neke dobre pilule i da iseces sebi vene. Ali zapamti, kada se vene seku seku se uspravno a ne vodoravno, vodoravno je za emo larpere.

na kraju su ga ubili njegovi, s leđa kao psa koji je i bio
a prosti mi brat, mersi za pomosht, oshte imam mnogo da ucha bulgarski

dečko idi pij mleka, kakav ti problem imaš samnom?

zašto ne bih bio nacista?

Just got a parka used in the zvornik massacre, u like?

za kuv kur ti e da uchish bulgarski we pustinqk

da si ti meni živ i zdrav ja sam momak od 19 godina, 190cm visine i 90kg, cela porodica mi je plava a devojka mi je bugarka

ja sam srbin i ja srbe obožavam jer ja drugi narod nemam

ja samo dobro želim svom narodu, to što ti ne znaš za šta se ja zalažem je druga stvar
zashtoto mi e gaje bulgarka be kazah ti

You're basically a racial and nationalist Marxist.

Marxist Socialism: People working for the good of everyone with profits (in a manner of speaking) shared by everyone who is working, driven by market demands.

National Socialism: People working for the good of the country with profits going to the owners of companies, driven by the needs of the state with all conflict between classes suppressed by a heavy-handed state.

shto lajesh che si 90 kila we pomak

nai mnogo 70 kila si ako si onq murshaviq bogdan

>ja volim srbe ja sam srbin, ja imam plavu kosu i ja sam arijevksa rasa. Molim vas nemci dodjite i oslobodite nas

ono kad zaboravis ko je Srbe oslobodio a ko je Srbe klao. Solidna kriza identiteta. Momac ce se ili ubiti sa 20 kad ga ostavi devojka za nekog Turcina ili ce njega neko ubiti kada shvati koliki je degen. Kladim se na ovo prvo

P.S Ja sam Hercegovac, visok 195, 90kg i pišam ti u usta i tvoju arijevsku rasu

All the thing you mentioned are present today and are getting worse by the day. Maybe not in Slovenia, but the rest of the states are fucked. At least Yugoslavia was a stable country unlike this shithole. A few years from now it's gonna be declared that all the pensioners are getting nothing and I expect a mass exodus of doctors to start at the same time.
I'd strangle each and every person in my way bare handed if that would mean I can have a normal and respectful life here.

da nisi balavi klinac koji ne zna nista ni o politici ni o istoriji znao bi da ne mozes biti i nacista i srpski nacionalista

tokom masakra u kragujevcu samo za jedan dan su ubili preko 4000 nevinih gradjana, skupljajuci ljude po ulicama, ukljucujuci i djake prve kragujevacke gimnazije, da ne pominjem ustaske zlocine i logore za decu

>195, 90kg
lmfao why are all serblets fucking skinny skeletons

ja ne znam šta ti pričaš dečko, svi evropljani su arijevci - indo evropejac je druga reč za arijevce

zahvali se drugovima partizanima na ilegalnom ratu protiv nemaca i zahvali se britancima što su uopšte srušili regenta pavla i doveli do rata sa nemcima koji je trebao biti izbegnut, nismo mi jedini koji su patili u tom ratu

>marxism is nazism

Nigga kill yourself

No, Nazism is Marxist.

Damnnnn brothas be getting the hookup in Croatia :))))

duvaj kurac, govno tatarsko

da si ti meni živ i zdrav brate moj vučem korene iz bosne
već jedno 4 godine konstatno učim i čitam o nacional socijalizmu

slušam dokumentarce i govore ljudi koji su inteligentniji od mene

reci mi da sam balavi klinac, nemam ja problem sa tim

Partizanski rat je ilegalan po Ženevskoj konvenciji koju je Srbija potpisala, dakle Partizani su ilegalna formacija koja je krala, ubijala i napadala legalne i prijavljene vojnike sa svih strana, i pljačkala Srpski narod i Hrvatski narod.

Sa Ustašama nemam ništa.

NatSoc is brown Marxism until Jewtler sold his soul to the industrialists.



najjednostavnije je da popijes veci broj pilula za spavanje. Njih je tesko nabaviti ali u principu ako znas lekara i ako se pravis da imas psihickih problema (ostavila te devojka, ne mozes da spavas, izmisli nesto) dace ti pilule bez problema. Jedno vece se odlucis i saspes 5-10 komada niz grlo. Nadju te sutra tvoji bude sve ok, sahrana otvoreni kovceg. Verovatni ti dodju prijatelji iz srednje posto si jos uvek u njoj, a vrlo moguce ako nisi bio bas degen direktor pozove celu skolu. Pristojna smrt

excuse me mister 120kg and 208 cm :D

Nope, commie peice of shit. Ruined this country, policies lead to a bloody civil war.

da znaš upola stvari koje ja znam dečko, bio bi i ti nacista, ne javljaj se ako je tvoj jedini argument ad hominem

>This Country
You mean these five? Nice trips, btw.

Every fucking time, I see this Brazilian monkey attacking us. Get a life

kakva nacija takvo i obrazovanje

although allegedly socialist, hitler strongly refuted ideology of marxism as he believed that a nation could only thrive if it's social hierarchy is based on social and economical inequality
in other words, the weak should fear the strong


Kontam da su nacisticka osvajanja bila skroz ok po zenevskoj konvenciji. Ima smisla

Ja cu da smislim svoju konvenciju po kojoj cu smeti da ubijam naciste i da im je zabranjeno da se odupiru. Kad se budes odupirao samo cu reci
>"Дpyжe дa cи мeни жив и здpaв, јecи чyo зa ПyшиКypaц кoнвeнцијy хeхeххe?"

Telling the truth is "attacking" you?

Well, ok then.

Are you gonna deny Serbs were at fault for the breakup of yugoslavia?

I'm 90kg but 188cm, not that skinny

>da znas upola stvari koje znam i ja

Znaci nista ? Gledanje YouTube snimaka i drkanje na svoj odraz u ogledalu se ne racuna kao znanje

Postoji jedna jako lepa knjiga od nekih 200-250 strana koja se zove ''The Bad War'', naci ces je lako na netu u PDF formatu, i jos jedna ''The villyfication of the Third Reich'' ili nesto tako, samo probaj procitati

takodje, dokumentarac od 6 sati

The Greatest Story Never Told

i dokumentarac od 4 sata

NWO - Communism by the Backdoor

i'm 184cm and 94 kg and i still need to put on some weight in order to look more buff

i cant imagine what kind of auschwitz pussy you must me

He especially ruined Serbia. "Brotherhood and unity " never works out for the most populous group of people in a county.
You guys got fucked too, of course

mogu ti preporuciti knjige ako zelis rode moj?

>"we only wanted living space , ebil psheks and gommies would not give it waaaa"

Why are Croatian women MADE for black cocks?

Tito , the west, the Vatican , and milosevic was at fault of the breakup of Serbia. But you'll never hear that from your monkey flag that posts against us on every thread. Fuck yourself. Go ahead and post all your copy pasta and pics you always post.

Dve osobe su mi danas obelezile dan

Klinac koji je upao u tesku krizu identiteta i cita видoвдaн.цoм

Makedonac koji ne kapira da marksizam i nacizam nemaju ništa zajedničko

Hvala na opasnim KEK-ovima momci. Nadam se da ce zivot biti okrut prema vama

i dont get it
can you at least once explain why youre posting that vid? it's not insulting to me or bulgaria in any way, it's like me posting a random serb video

whats the purpose

pls respond