What can the international community do to make sure Greater Israel doesn't happen?

what can the international community do to make sure Greater Israel doesn't happen?

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It's really easy as Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky have stated.
America has to be serious about the 2 state solution and push Israel to stop their bullshit. Israel was going to siege Cairo in the Yom Kippur war, US told them to quit their shit and give back the Sinai or else US will cut funding and implement sanction. Jews react to money and currently Israel is living a golden age with a 4% GDP growth. It now has a higher GDP per capita than Italy and Spain and has low unemployment and quickly shrinking poverty rate. Israel thinks whatever it's doing right now is really fucking good and will continue the status quo until it becomes a financial liability.

>muh greater israel
>when israel gave away the entire sinai despite being in a position that they could've held onto it indefinitely as the Egyptians proved they didn't have the power to take it

this is the shittiest of memes.

Why don't you want it to happen?

As I posted the US forced Israel to give back the Sinai.

What will you do when Westbank votes in Hamas for the Palestenian authority?
Mock elections point to them winning and Abbas can't stay in power forever

Why not?
Better than the Arabs

You think they'll be satisfied with only that? Wew.

JFK RAWLINGS literally confirmed as being gay.

Totally implying the JFK is gay

Why exactly should we stop it?
By which I mean, (((they))) have to go put in the work for it, no one else.
If they put in the extermination for it, instead of just sending the muds elsewhere, and got out of our politics, I'd say go ahead. It's all Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Sunni faggots, so who gives a shit?

because fuck you kike

Why are they so about ruling over such a shitty, arid part of the world?

cause it's poppin lol I'm idk

The Pali problem is so huge and complex only because the media makes it to so. Otherwise, it's just a chronic migraine headache that you learn to live with.
What will we do if they elect Hamas? Either go full Protective Shield on their asses and maintain the status quo, withdraw like we did in Gaza (unlikely) and fuck'em up each time they try to be funny, or we seize the opportunity to present them as just a nation-sized terror organization and apply Israeli law via force until they submit under the burden of western secular life standard that we offer.

who is going to populate Greater Israel? The entire 15 million jews on the Earth?
Even though at least 2 million of them have cushy lives in Western countries and no need to ever relocate.

Its normal they would want to expand because Israel is fucking tiny. (about the size of the state of New Jersey) but the greater Israel meme is just a Sup Forums delusion that they can't even back up with logic.

It would just end up mostly empty like Russia.

see the pic in OP, the bible literally says it is their land as they are the "chosen people"

aside from them influencing American politics we have little reason to care about greater Israel.

You know what?I think the world should make greater israel happen,deport every fucking kike there and build a 50m tall wall around it and never let any of them out again.

I know, but it is literally one of the shittiest places that any god could have ever put their "chosen ones".

>Jews following the Bible.
>the meme is real because we say so!

Yes, but how will we sell this idea to the mostly secular Israel?

>By which I mean, (((they))) have to go put in the work for it, no one else.

they'll use our money to do it bro. the U.S. exists only to funnel money into israel, is this your first day here?

This is a good idea.

fuck no. no no no
we have way too many fucking arabs already

you think the Rothschilds would ever stop manipulating global politics? of course not, they have the most power in the world and will never give that up.

The Greater Israel meme is just a made up Sup Forums propaganda piece supported pro the Pro-Iranian tards and shills, and is based off of scripture from holy books the Jews don't even use.

Seriously seems like something they probably teach in Iran.

It's anti semitic to resist, it's GODS WILL GOY

Im full of great ideas,mate

how do you then justify the continuous expansion of israel still?

All semites, Arab and Jew are bad news for Europe and the west.
Set them against each other in perpetuity and then once they are close to firing nukes we can go in and wipe all of them out.

It would be a shame if they disappeared somehow...

>continuous expansion
>in a tiny territory
Do you not realize how small Israel actually is? even Belgium becomes a large country compared to it.
Palestine shouldn't exist, and neither should Jordan. Its safe to say the Jews believe that and are probably right about it.

Israel will consume those fake countries created by Europe as they feel it is their right to do so. But it has no need to expand like Sup Forums and Iran says. There aren;t even that many jews and most of that territory is worthless Desert.

example: that part of Saudi Arabia doesn't even have oil in it. Literally just a desert.

I laugh every time that gods chosen people got the only patch of land in the middle east that has no oil.

>Do you not realize how small Israel actually is?
the size of it doesnt matter, its the continuous expansion which matters. its just like the no go zones in europe. yes muslim population is small, yes no go zones are small but they only keep getting bigger... thats the problem.

what makes you think they would ever stop expanding? they would continue the trend of expansion by any means necessary.

>Israel will consume those fake countries
>Israel being the "real" country

lmao seriously man? Israel is the one that shouldn't exist. Jews have been kicked out of every country for a millenia when everyone gets tired of their jewish tricks. Literally founded in 1948 after infiltrating all of the major powers of the world and guilt tripping (through false info) the world about the jewlocuast.

What can jew slaves do to make sure Greater Israel doesnt happen?

So you don't want them here but you also don't want then to go away from everyone else. Makes sense :*)

s-shut up. the american people will wake up any day now, Trump AKA /our guy/ is planning something to rid us of the jew masters and drain the swamp okay.

>size does not matter
uhhh thats exactly what causes people to expand.
and they are expanding inside of their OWN border.

Europe is keeping Palestine alive because its their baby, created out of England's love for arabs.

Any rational person does not care about Palestine, there are plenty of places for Muslims to live.

Its funny how delusional you guys are. You defend a fake country created by Britain in historical Jew land saying the Jews have no right to their land. Yet you support Russia (largest country in the world) taking over all of Ukraine because it is their right to do so based on history.

It just makes no sense. You guys operate on some extreme cognitive dissonance just like liberals.

All jews should just kill themselves because some brainwashed turbo-virgin desires it.
They don't deserve to exist anywhere!

Thats a realistic worldview! :^)

they forced us to bring it back in 1956 we took it again in 1967 and then gave ti back voluntarily

I got somewhere they can go

well it is the least they can do to atone for their lifetime of usury. Ever heard of justice? don't do the crime if you don't want to do the time

Let them have it and make every jewish person live in their containment country

>You defend a fake country
tell me where i defend palestine
>uhhh thats exactly what causes people to expand.
and they are expanding inside of their OWN border.
size does not matter at actually. it is the constant expansion that does matter. soon they wont be expanding outside of their own borders which is also debatable what exactly are their own borders.

who do you think is going to pay for their expansion? the US and EU are, as in we with our taxes will. at the end of 2015 germany gave 4 nuclear submarines to israel. why the fuck does such a tiny country need that? they dont unless they want to expand tremendously which is exactly what they want. expanding becomes expensive the more you expand. israel is poor. do you want to keep fighting other peoples wars? not me. we should stay out of jewish and muslim quarrels.

Justice without a blindfold?
It does not exist, merely a witch hunt.

>If I just deny basic logic and human nature I can still say I'm right!
Okey dokey, if you say so.

>we should just stay out of it
I agree, and if we stayed out of it Israel would purge Palestine by right of conquest and we could stop arguing about the "omg they built a new apartment complex inside their tiny territory, that means they will rule the world!" "Palestine Shrank!" debate.

If Jews control the world its for another reason (international banking) but that has little to do with the country of Israel. You could wipe out Israel and the Rothschilds will still control you. Europeans just voted in Macron (a Rothschild proxy)

The point is that throughout the decades of its existence Israel actually hasn't expanded outside it's external border, except for when it took a sliver of the Golan Heights. It's "expansion" is really just consolidation of the territory it already has but still struggles to control.

Presumably those subs are for patrolling the area near the Suez, which is the primary geopolitical reason that the West maintains ties with Israel. In addition to providing materiel support, Western cash is used to influence Israeli internal politics, so that their agenda remains relatively in line with our own.

Deal? -> We can negotiate,i'll be glad to throw in whole africa and turn away while you genocide the niggers for lebensraum.Just leave us fucking alone

Wrong map, burger.
This is going to be an actual Greater Israel.

Israel is our greatest ally. This would only benefit the western world.

I believe that it will be during WW3, when a lot of the Arab nations (and probably Russia) will form a coalition and wipe Israel out entirely. Can you Anons imagine it? An actual shoah.

Yes, best goy! It absolutely will!

Let's make Greater Israel Happen!

It would put a giant kink in any plans for pan Muslim caliphate.

The palestinians can move to greater israel with Israel proper being essentially totally jewish.

all the dumb inferior goys, the ones that hate Israel, should understand that we will have revenge upon your immoral lousy countries that dare mess with us.

we are trying to kill all the muzzies. mess with us, and we will send them to your homes.

>mess with us, and we will send them to your homes.
you're already doing that

>we will have revenge upon your immoral lousy countries

This is some 5D chess, taking "revenge" right now on our future actions

What part of the word "Semite" you don't understand Alberta?

Find a flaw

Germany murdered jews - revenge

Britain stole my land and tried to give it to muslims - revenge

France sponsors fakestinians - revenge

Sweden votes against us - revenge

God bless america, we bless Trump.

Pure Coincidence..

>1666 Sabbatha zevi - pure coincidence
>White genocide - pure coincidence
>Hollywood pedophiles - pure coincidence

>Taking back Jerusalem by setting it to nuclear fire

the martyrdom that would follow would be equal to 100 holocausts. this time they will claim 500 billion jewish lives were lost

Evil never wins in the end, Hirschel.