"He said '3 to 5 million people voted illegally, you know this, it came out later,' " Pelosi said." "And I said, 'Well...

>"He said '3 to 5 million people voted illegally, you know this, it came out later,' " Pelosi said." "And I said, 'Well, that's just not true.' And he said, 'And I'm not even counting California.' "


>The popular vote doesn't matter Drumpf wins even though he got 3 million less votes!
>Actually the popular vote matters Drumpf won the popular vote if you take away muh illegal immigrants!

Ah, the cognitive dissonance of drumpanzees.

Defend what? It speaks for itself. Trump without the Sanctuary City handi-cap for the Democrats, would've won the popular vote.




Kek... I'd bet money Trump got intelligence on her stating that in an email during the ongoing investigation to find the leakers of classified documents.

He never states anything directly like that without having something up his sleeve. When they issue warrants for something that sensitive, I'm sure it opened every person involved that handles those documents to be looked into.

trips of truth
kek has spoken, the Democratic party has been stuffing the country with proto-socialists from the third world in order to stack the voting deck in their favor because they are unable to form a coherent argument that doesn't appeal to muh feels.

>defend this
>implying he's wrong

sanctuary city handicap lmao keked and checked

What's to defend? They do know it, it's their whole fucking strategy.


>'And I'm not even counting California.'

This. You fucks aren't even trying.

He meant it was rigged in the bitches favor.

Meant to link to OP also.

>countering a faulty argument is cognitive dissonance
Trump doesn't need the popular vote to win, but if crybaby libcucks keep bringing up muh popular vote it's more than fair to point out that democratic cities and states coincidentally have large illegal populations and lax voter ID laws.

ffs Here in Chicago there's a significant population of dead niggers that find a way to vote from beyond the grave every election cycle.

Take away California's illegals and democrats are stuck with nothing, this is why they are deathly afraid of voter id.

>whyte person A likes peanut butter
>Whyte person B dislikes it

Ah, the cognitive dissonance of crackers.

we really, really don't deserve him.

Trump is so fucking clever it's scary.

Dems are so corrupt and retarded at this point. The whole party needs to be dissolved.

They are just making the point that Trump won no matter how you look at it. Why is it so crazy to think that the party for open boarders would get support from illegals? Illegals can vote, my uncle did and he's not a citizen.

How many people are going to be in prison because of Trump? He's been setting up dominoes since Nov. 9th and one day they're gonna come tumbling down.

This is some true 8D Dominoes

Why don't you fags just implement some decent voter ID laws?

Its not that fucking hard.

All I can say is the DOJ guy whos job it was to look into DNC voter fraud was found with bullet holes washed up on a beach.

ikr, in my country you need to pre register, have i.d. and prove your mailing address with mail from a bank or the government. How the fuck is that racist?

>people do polls
>whites are always the most enthusiastic to vote when polled
>do exit polls after the elections
>somehow minorities turned out in equal/greater numbers than whites

If you don't think there's something going on, especially in California where 85% of minorities turned out compared to 64% of whites then you're a dumb dumb.

subtract all of the dead, fake, or illegitimate voters and trump probably won it by 3million

>He's been setting up dominoes since Nov. 9th

user he's been setting up dominoes since the 80s.

>Why don't you fags just implement some decent voter ID laws?

Because democrats fight it saying it's racist because getting an I.D is too large a feat for blacks. They don't even use Mexicans or illegals as the excuse against them, they use the fact niggers are worthless as the reason, illegals have no problem obtaining I.D's but niggers....way too much work kek.

> Posts smug hillary pic related
Please remind me... who is the current president of the USA?

It's common practice for the dems to bus minority voters from polling place to polling place. If challenged you get the whole load of em to start whooping about infringement or some shit.

There's a dem operative who discusses these techniques in one of the okeefe vids released last year, but it's been a known thing for decades.

There is literally evidence though that its harder for black folks and poc to get ID so yes voter ID would be racist you redneck ignoranus

>when there is a federal investigation into voter fraud

You can see his mind breaking down the chemical components of vanilla while he calculates the velocity of the pitch

I like to post this picture whenever a lib starts that shit up and call them racists.

Yeah, but if we banned everything that's hard for niggers we wouldn't have schools, cars or parenting kek.

No other race has problems getting I.D's, quit acting like everyone is as stupid as the average black.

Oh, I almost forgot: you're a racist.

Go find somewhere else to talk about blacks like subhumans, bigot.

I always trust what corporate dems have to say.

This, family and friends.

>when we lose it's because you cheated when we win the methods don't matter

Because voter ID laws are a state issue, because the elections are state controlled. You have to remember there isn't "one" election, really, there are 51 individual elections. So each state gets to decide its own voting laws, so long as they don't run afoul of the Constitution. Thus, Democrat stronghold states that WANT illegals to vote (even if they don't admit it) refuse to pass voter ID laws and shut them down everytime it's attempted.

>"He said '3 to 5 million people voted illegally, you know this, it came out later,' " Pelosi said." "And I said, 'Well, that's just not true.' And he said, 'And I'm not even counting California.' "

the Dems have been covering it up.
>pic related

This. We can't just ban everything because it's difficult for nogs.

>captcha whitson school

You know he had the popular vote, Clinton could not draw flies at her rallies. If anything that is a good indication that no one was interested.

>muh PoC memes
How do you explain an island full of spics having effective voter ID laws then?

We do but I don't see how the media is still in business. We need to financially crush these kikes.

kekd and checkd

Nice trips. Providence?

>"pelosi said"

found the problem

Im a trump supporter and a conservative, But you cant compare land that probably has a total of 800 people per county that is relatively big in land size to urban areas with more people. Population>Areas of land. But These trips of truth are also correct on the sanctuary cities of retarded liberal degenerates


>People too incompetent to get an ID should have a say in the governing of the country
Next you're gonna say some agist/birthist like fetuses or babies shouldn't be allowed to vote

>if you only count the votes in states I won, I won

I have an idea - Obama got a bunch of illegals to give up their names & addresses for that amnesty program he tried to push though. So why not cross-reference that list with voter registration records and see what comes up.

You can, since this country was founded on the wise idea that only white land owning men should get a vote, and you can see how things turn to shit as a result of dropping that.

What a bunch of nonsense. Do you understand how easy it is to get an ID here? It's a pain to sit in the DMV for an hour, but it's not difficult to do, nor is it expensive. What's more, you can even get non-driver IDs in every state. So you don't even have to be licensed to drive.

There is no excuse for not having an ID if voting means that much to you.

It's the motor voter scam. Millions of illegals are registered to vote. Everyone knows this. Every spic in virginia gets registered to vote when they get a license. Trump would have won virginia if it weren't for the illegal spics

>less than a million people on VA are non-citizens
>nearly 1/3 of people in California are non-citizens
>VA is nominally a purple state with a certain level of voter id laws
>CA is solidly blue

I wonder how it scales in California?

Trump just plain won actually.

did u know that liberals think niggers should get extra votes based on how many kids they have?

>not understanding how elections work in the US

It's not our fault you're a direct-democracy supporting mongrel.

>implying trump hasn't already done that


The popular vote doesn't matter, and if you take out the illegals Trump won it regardless

Those small populations in large areas of land feed your cities. Why do Americans have this "Everyone that doesnt live near the coast is less inteligent" attitude?

I think he's just fucking with the dems now. It doesnt matter if what he says is true, they can't prove its not.

>harder for black folks and poc to get ID

I dont doubt it.

This of what they contantly refer to as "justice", and how their brands of "justice" are always about privileging minorities over whites for perceived slights that average white had nothing to do with.

What do you think their idea of democratic "justice" would be?

Kek, even we as a fucking colony have a damn ID to vote, and it's the easiest thing to get. Even hobbos have one.

It's the smug libtards who fail to realize that they rely on the successful 1%s the scorn to survive in any given city.

The majority of the population in a large city is hovering around the poverty level, and even moderately well off libtards rely on welfare handouts to afford the rent. They live subsidized, overcosted lives at the expense of the successful, while mocking those who dare seek breathing room in greener pastures.


what? I never said that lol, and its something I disagree with 100%. Being from NY I see this on a daily basis but its something Ill willingly defend.

>Even in his final days, Nelson associated himself with the Spear of Africa, the terrorist group he founded

Dude just didn't give a fuck, huh?

So you're gonna compare 1790s voting Ideologies to now? cmon bud, Like I said Im a trump supporter but thats just nonsense.

Not really and a couple hundred years is really nothing.

Our forefathers were much smarter than modern idiots.

Which is why it's ridiculous that anyone can write glowingly about him like they do with a straight face.

People in cities tend to be arrogant retards that spend lots of money in stupid ways and judge people in the suburbs and rural areas for being marginally more clever with their spending/not living in culturally enriched areas

Also a disproportionate number of people in cities are younger

We're a Federal Republic, a federation of states, so you literally can. The electoral college exists because the same concern existed at its founding as it does now. A handful of popular states would determine the president and then politicians wouldn't even bother appealing to or seek to represent the rest of the country. The provision exists as the foundation of the Union, without it the Union is illegitimate

I dont see how it wouldnt improve things to return to a similar model of restriction.

I'm tired of every election being framed around what rights I should and shouldnt have, and having all these fucking non-contributing leeches vote on it.

Go ask Jill Stein.

> "you know I won the popular vote."

Didn't Soros say with certainty that Trump would win the popular vote too, but that Clinton would win the EC? Ther was even a video of this...

Whatever happened to her looking into the vote counts?

Brit brings salt.

Now overlay sanctuary cities on top of it and see what you get.

>not counting commiefornia
Codeword for not including all the illegal voting democrats

>says he's a conservative
>literally knows nothing about politics but thinks not letting retarded welfare queens vote is mean

Kill yourself, I'm serious. Literally how the fuck does society benefit in any way from allowing scroungers to have a say in how much tax money is funneled from working people to their lazy asses?

You have to have ID to collect benefits you should have to have one to vote.

she pocketed the money and laughed just like you would expect someone named Stein to do

They are going to write books about Trump's master class in political manipulation for centuries.









How do you have such a shitty system that dead people can vote? Aren't things computerized in America yet? What the fuck are you doing over there?

Trump is an idiot who panders to other idiots. This is not news


>rallies are the same as voting
The intelligence of an average Trump voter

cry me a river faggot

If they did recounts in California, Illinois, or New York you would of seen a bunch of stuffed ballots from dead voters, illegals voting, and fake votes.

You know my Grandpa voted republican until the day he died. Then he had a change of heart and started voting democrat.

Not when it's on your baby mama's name and you trade food stamps for $$.

But lots of states offer free/reduced I.D. and pretty much everyone that has a need has one.

>the hit piece

Funny, she looked into a few states before quitting.

I wonder what happened?

shillcunts rekt

>hurr I'm so smart
>every "argument" boild down to "nu-uh" and "yr dum"


>Don't count California.
>Trump wins the popular vote.

He's 100% right. If you subtract California then he won the popular vote.

Trump is just the master bantz-man,

I don't know how we're so blessed to have a complete jackass as president. I only hope he increases his bantz

I'm fairly sure when states try to pitch these programs the cost is discussed, and even if they're free the libtards say it's too burdensome.

They also literally point to the law's effectiveness in lowering the amount of felons voting illegally as proof that it disproportionally affects blacks.

Never ever trust those shysters.