It's time to unlearn your racism, Sup Forums

It's time to unlearn your racism, Sup Forums

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oh boy let's go


I can unlearn it the second they build borders and start checking for crime. But that's not even real racism. Real racism is when you fuck a nigger and have a non-white baby, that's literally genocide racism.


maybe next time nigger

Well, fuck you too. I'm not unlearning shut now.


I've a PhD in racism.



Fuck's sake just nuke us.

Made in Mexico, hosted by California brown people to legally invade USA, to create geniuses that can't be created in Mexico.

>doesn't include a safe space site for phone posters
>""""tolerant"""" left

>The left is literally asking people to unlearn

Charge your phone dude

>If you say you're not racist it takes your word and restarts the app

Bump, while I watch. Hopefully you guys never see me again.

Holy fucking shit I went through the first 3 minutes of this. This might be the most cancer I have ever experienced.

it takes so fucking long


How is it not a red flag when you have to tell children to unlearn something? How about let them come to their own god damn conclusions?

I wonder who benefits from racial ignorance

The gun was satirical but it hammers the joke home

I assumed that Markus unlearned that "stereotypes aren't harmful", but evidently that's marked as the wrong answer...

Fucking low IQ lefties can't into double negatives...

This is the most shallow, grade-school level shit.

>not switching to desktop view
Low IQ paki detected

"we're exposed to Bias and one sided history"

Wow, this is fucking awful. It doesn't even have a point behind it. It's just a monotone, prolonged slide show that doesn't even suggest racism is bad. If you didn't know what racism was and looked at this, would you be able to define it? You still wouldn't be able to.

Who will be our laughing stock if you guys get nuked?

They named the character with the sideways ghetto hat "Marcus"?

This seems racist.

>you do have freedom of speech in Canada it's true
>But within reason
>You can't say anything that promotes hatred towards someone because of their religion, race, or orientation which could lead to you going to jail
>What have you just unlearned?
That Canadians have freedom of speech
Seriously though this video says to stop having opinions or get thrown in jail. How progressive

ca is canada

Holy fuck this is boring as shit, I'm racist against Canadians now.

Always a fucking leaf

I went through the process but I came out even more racist than before

Did I do something wrong?

im not surprised

>"hey guys, we're all washed with one sided information. It's bad!"
>"Let's fight this by giving you a one sided story from bumfuck town, ON"


yeah i was surprised by that too. these are the retards that try to lecture us about racism kek

It worked!!!!!!!!!!
i'm cure of racism!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you California

oh boy wasted 4 minutes of my life, wtf is this shity animation at least make it good so i would be interesed in it

>Are you a racist?

WOW, really makes you think.

>Every day, we'ra exposed to all sorts of stereotypes and one-sided information
It's hard to take this statement seriously when the sole purpose of that website is to expose people to one-sided information

Just bully Greece or something

Why don't nigger unlearn their nigger behaviour?


Kek they are all literally blue pills

hmmm i wonder which race has to unlearn racism?

Fuck you faggot we are not that bad.

I've always been the black kid to yell "I hate niggers, the south will rise again" etc. and used the black card to get out of facing any consequences. In canada, you go to fucking jail for yelling "I HATE NIGGERS"? Day of the rake when?

>Stuff like history

Lmao i started laughing historically.

VPN, vacation, or retard?


WTF I hate myself now. I better import some Somali refugees to tell them how much racism I have unlearned. I bet they will be very supportive and understand my struggle.

let's unlearn some more Marcus

>funded by the government of Canada
>Orwellian af

Doesn't really matter if you're white. We will always and forever be the oppressors of the universe.

Im glad you recognise my small shithole of a country senpai.


this wallpaper is cool. here's a you


this site might as well be
>Unlearn Pattern Recognition

My name is actually Marcus so this freaked me out a little.

what the fug is malta

Your country is as small as my county

Do a Sup Forumsplay



>Marcus has unlearnt that stereotypes are harmful
So Stereotypes aren't harmful?

What the absolute fuck, Canada?

Just some small ass country that was raped by pretty much every other country in existence.

It turned us all into sand niggers pretty much.

ll they dont even try to hide the fact that they're brainwashing you and threatening you if you """"abuse"""" free speech

The wigger on screen literally loses parts of his brain at everystep of this shit hahaha.

>how racist are you ?
-very racist

Isn't this supposed to "cure" racism ?

>look at this city 100% african american, because it's racially homogeneous it was a tight knitted community, but chimping out destroyed the city completely, and that was the fault of whitey, you see racism exists ! Do you think racism exists ?
-fuck yeah that's why i'm racist nigger

>person on screen starts to lose chunks of his brain

>now a college professor sent lots of resumes, 25% of them were from a Canadian man, the others were from third world shitholes. Strangely, people picked the guy who is actually from the country where he applies and not street shitters, such racism omg.Do you think there is discrimination ?
-of course there is, and for REASONS

>wigger on screen loses 3 liters of braincells

>stereotypes are harmful, for example, when shitloads of chinks invaded Canada to steal their jobs to escape the communism we're trying to make here, they were not liked.Also they still ahve their own culture and language and never really integrated. do you think stereotypes are harmful ?
-Peoples actions lead to consequences, stereotypes are a consequence of peoples actions for fuck's sake

>lose whole brain

yay ! you unlearned racism !

can confirm, am maltese

Is someone dying on a hospital bed because you're procrastinating on Sup Forums?


I hope this shit shows up on the news so people know how fucking stupid the leaders in education are.

nuke canada quick

Racism is instinctive, a defense mechanism, natural. What you don't know might hurt you. Tolerance is learned.

Completed it and I still feel pretty racist. My hate for Canada has been increased too.

But I thought Canadians had no culture and they were a post-national society?

Canadian free speech everyone.

Marcus is literally a blue pill that gets his brain removed in the process.

Apparently the Canadians used to waterboard the abbo's if they didn't speak English properly in the schools. That cheered me up to read that, I actually hate Canada a little but less, or maybe not for making this stupid fucking website.

Why the fuck did that wallpaper give me a pick me up?

This is disgusting. When do we invade canada?

Canada needs pic related ASAP. I just want them to open their doors to start a new day and FHTHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!


Wow, that sure showed me. wtf I hate racism now.

so stereotypes aren't actually harmful?

wtf I hate niggers now!

So damn lazy

even if you were to unlearn it on this website, you would just relearn it immediately afterwards.

i wonder what the unpaid interns felt when they were making this flash game. you don't even have to be a paranoid/le redpilled kind of person to look at that picture and not think 'are we the baddies?'

you phoneposters are whats ruining this board



>not funded by ontario

>literally a blue pill


Well It made me imagine a scenario that made no sense, off to a good start
>Government decided your culture is inferior so you have to move away from your friends and family
>Implying my friends and family don't share my culture
This is food analogy tier bad, maybe worse.

I intentionally tried to get the wrong answers but the double negatives made me get them all right.

Hosted in Vancouver, Canada. Why am I not surprised.

What did they mean by this?


>implying we give a fuck

Yeah it's definitely not the redditors and shills


>Are you racist?
>Maybe help others realize
Uh ok

>This is Marcus
>He's just like you
>Some blue looking retard with a stupid hat
No, that's not me.

>Let's unlearn this
>Let's unlearn more
>Stuff coming out of Marcu's brain

This literally brainwashing thing can turn you racist desu.