What happens if I don't tip in America? Are poor people expected to tip too?

What happens if I don't tip in America? Are poor people expected to tip too?

>What happens if I don't tip in America?

>Are poor people expected to tip too?
I always do, even though I'm poor as shit, because I know what it's like to be poor as shit and making someone's day better with actual reward for their job makes them not feel so shitty.

There is no punishment for not tipping. It is generally frowned upon if you do not tip. However, most businesses underpay their wait staff and use tipping as a system to guilt trip customers.

Thank you for the tip sir, but now it's time to pay the Jizya tax.

desu this is one reason why I'm hesitating to visit America

Got a friend in Miami working as a delivery. Niggers don't like to tip, don't know wether is a racial hate towards spics or niggers generally don't tip.

Most likely the latter but could be both.

>not tipping
>in America

it's like you're just asking to get shot by the tipping police.

Niggers don't tip. black comedians even joke about it it's so common.

Honestly, most wait staff can pick out when you're foreign and will know you're not used to tipping, which means they'll give you shit service.

as a Canadian you'll have a chance of passing for american, so that's good.

either way, you shouldn't worry about tipping while you're here. if it's an issue for you just leave a few bucks on the table when you leave and the waiter will figure it out.

it is customary to tip in Canada as well, you fucking retard. I hope you die choking on your own blood.

Black people do tip, they just don't tip racists.

Die nigger scum.

>I'm poor
>Proceeds to eat out anyway

Yo, y'all lazy ass niggas need to learn how to cook, fer Christ sakes...smdh

Nothing happens if you don't tip except maybe the employees you're not tipping thinking you're a fucker.

On the other hand, if you can't afford a 2-3 dollar tip on a 15 dollar meal or whatever you can't afford to eat out anyway.

Never tipped once in my life in Canada

>Tipper Gore

tipping is weird.

>giving roasties, junkies, and single moms more money to fund their drug habit
Not even once

>if you can't give up more money for no reason, you shouldn't eat out
burger logic

>What happens if I don't tip in America? Are poor people expected to tip too?
Niggers almost never tip.

They really don't. When I used to Host, so few black families would tip - rich or poor - that I had to flag incoming parties and give them to waiters that were having good nights so they could take one for the team.

But if you don't tip you will get really shitty service if you go back.

I was a regular at a restaurant once and always tipped 20%+. I always got the best service in the place. Drinks served immediately. Food was out in minutes always hot and fresh.

> When I used to Host, so few black families would tip - rich or poor
Like I said, they don't tip racists.

Yeah, if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out.

Oh I see so they only tip other niggers. Gotcha

>tipping is extortion by the dregs of society who will only do their job correctly if you pay for their molly

See, this is why you didn't get a tip.

I don't work for tips Jamal.

Wow, you got the best service in the place for tipping the absolute bare minimum?

>If you can't afford condoms you shouldn't have sex

If your budget is so tight another dollar or two is the breaking point, you should not be spending that money.

Fuck off nigger

You couldn't work for tips, because you're too racist to earn any.

If you can't tip, you don't have enough money to eat out. Go to fucking Safeway and cook your own damn meal.

Yeah, I'm not the one larping that servers treat me like a KANG because I tip 20%. 20% is just barely enough to not eat a booger on your next visit. You must be really poor if you think 20% is generous.

Where the fuck do you live?

Why are niggers so aggravating? It's like their chief racial attribute is being an annoying immature twat. Everywhere you go, when you encounter niggers, they act like spoiled children. Maybe if you acted like adults (or even like humans) people wouldn't be "raciss" to you.

If your job pays you so little that not getting tipped $1 is the breaking point, you should find a job that pays more than below minimum wage.

I take it your comments require captcha vetting before yr able 2 post your hate speech.

Don't tip unless the service is great. I think tips are one of the reasons we see entitled youth today.

>"I poured you a glass of water every couple minutes are you not going to pay me for that?"
Yeah just stfu please

So you should only spend your money once you don't really need it?

At any rate this thread belongs on /diy/

tipping culture wasn't bad when people understood it.

Its when entitled millennials took over that it became stupid.
Because they forgot the concept wasn't based on guaranteed tipping rates or even a guaranteed tip. You were supposed to work as hard as possible for the highest tip possible.

But this is a generation where your average waitress believes in things like
>the gender pay gap
>universal income
>$15 an hour minimum wage
So of course the "hard work" and "tipping optional" gets translated into "you owe me 20% or you don't deserve to eat out" which is what they say today.

Its repulsive and I actually stopped tipping unless they are actually good. Ironically I am more likely to tip a latino man than a white woman, thats just the way it works out. White women give shit service and you sense the entitlement leaking out of their every pore.

If you can afford to tip, you can't afford to go out to eat. Go to fast food instead-no tips there


tipping is nothing but a scam by the restaurant industry to get YOU to pay THEIR employees a fair wage.

Unless you want kids

Most of the time nothing happens,malthough if you go to the same place several times and don't tip don't be surprised if you ge some special sauce in your burger.

Poor people don't typically eat in places where tipping is expect, but if they do they should budget enough for the tip.

I'll give your mom a tip if you know what I mean

>fair wage
Aside from the commie undertones, leaf is correct.

exhibit A of entitled millennial thinking.
>I don't need to be better at my job, or improve my personality; you just owe it to me or you don't deserve our service.
Thats not the way it was ever supposed to work.

It also has to do with declining social skills, your average millennial male or female tends to have resting bitch face and come off as a total cunt. Making you not want to tip at all, yet this is the generation that says you automatically owe them 20% or more no matter how shitty of a person they are.

fyi this is only at restaurants with waiters. You don't have to tip the guy who made your subway sandwich.

People who don't tip: Niggers
People who sometimes tip: Spics
People who always tip: Middle class whites
Hit or miss: Rich people
ymmv but that was my experience when doing those shit jobs.

there is nothing wrong with this statement. There is no excuse for irresponsibility.

Order food to get close to the next 10 (i.e. 18,97) and round the tip up to $20, for example. Also works with 5s with the five dollar bill, so $34,81 becomes $35 and tell the waiter to keep the change

>mfw I don't have money for tip and the faggots working at the establishment look at me as if I shouldn't be eating there if I can't tip them because they are to pleb to go get a real job

Good goys keep tipping. Don't forget to tip the (((doctor))) with your sons tip as well.

>Middle class whites
Yep. They generally follow the 15-25% idea if they're a single payer for a large party but when its like a lone guy getting lunch or breakfast while traveling and the order doesn't top $15, they still drop at least $4.

People who do those shit jobs.
>rural and suburban retards
Your mileage will not vary

Best waitress at my favorite bar is one but damned if she doesn't have amazing service. Must be all the cocaine but my drinks are always full and food comes out quick. She gets a spot on the team during trivia nights as well since she covers for our general lack of modern pop-culture references.

Black people never tip so you ought to be alright

My dream is to have a cute short-hair junkie gf who is freaky in bed

Remember, always keep an open urinal between you and the next patron whenever possible.

Do you tip urinals too?

Hmmmmm Spit in your food and drink, rub muh ballz on your food.... This shit happens. Dont expect waitstaff that makes like 3.00 an hour to bring you your food and you not tip.

>Hmmmmm Spit in your food and drink, rub muh ballz on your food.... This shit happens.
Fucking subhumans. When I went to the middle east, the people treated me so nicely. When I offered to tip, they rejected and said that I was their guest. Random people would come up to me and give me fruit and ask me if they wanted to go their house and eat dinner with them.

Refill monkeys are untermensch

Gratuity is usually 20% of the final bill. That said, nothing at all will happen if you don't tip. Not a single word will be said. You might get a dirty look from a waitress, but they won't say anything. If you are poor, just leave some change or a buck, anything helps and is always appreciated.

I rarely tip with buffets, either. Only sit-down with a server.