Is Noam Chomsky the real red pill?

Is Noam Chomsky the real red pill?

Yes, but the manbaby LARPers who need absurd racial pseudoscience to protect their extremely fragile masculinity (i.e. this board's primary demographic) will never admit it.

He helps you get to it.

But he's still woefully naive.

Naom Chomsky is a communist jew. Fuck him

Not seeing much of an argument there, leaf.

Let's put it down like this. You ever watch that debate between him and Dershowitz about Palestine? It's really quite incredible to see the defining ethical debate of our time reduced to a bunch of semantic babble, referencing "international law" statutes that nobody gives a shit about anyway. As someone not particularly invested in the Palestinian occupation, it's obvious these two guys are controlling the parameters of the discussion with a "Good Cop Bad Cop" kind of routine.

Chomsky thrives on limiting how things can be discussed and it should not be tolerated.

a redpill on why progressivism is for retards, maybe

he's the cointellpro pill, dipshit

>advocates welfare and has a government job
No he's a retard.

Not seeing one here either, faggot.

The meaningful argument against them is presumably that they had no right to do it, not that it was good or bad.
Maybe that shouldn't be the case, but it's how the world works.

He's right about a lot of things. His solutions are wanting, however.

How an anarcho-syndicalist could ever support Hillary is beyond me.

If he thought she was lying he should have said so.

He's too comfy at his position and is probably thinking about retirement.

He didn't support Hillary, he just thought she was the lesser evil compared to Trump. IIRC, he said the state in which he lives is a guaranteed Democrat state, and he therefore "felt safe to vote Green" (this was in reference to either the 2008 or 2012 election, I can't remember).

There is a debate on the left about lesser evilism vs accelerationism, and (particularly among anarchists) whether or not one should even vote at all.

What kind of backwards ass bizarro world are you living in?

Rights within a legal framework that was established by the attackers themselves. This is conveniently left out, as that whole charade was little more than a scripted Hasbara demonstration, like most of his work and appearances.

He supports gun control. A supposed anarcho-syndicalist supports gun control. He's a joke.

no i can admit that even a stopped clock is right twice a day

What do you mean by "limiting how things can be discussed"? Chomsky is a fucking university professor, his life resides in academia. When he's having an academic debate, of course it's important to carefully define one's terms and strictly demarcate which subjects are to be debated. That's how academic debates work. If you don't limit the debate, you get intellectual black holes like this fucking board we're on right now, where no one does anything but parrot memephrases and attack ad hominem (, , being prime examples)
In any case, he's made his position on the matter crystal clear. If you look around on YouTube for 5 minutes, I'm sure you can find a video of him explicitly calling out the Israeli state for what it is: a violent, occupying, colonial, apartheid state directly responsible for tens of thousands of corpses and even more refugees.

Chomsky takes a load of shite and throws it at the wall, sometimes it sticks.

Obnoxious, smug and senile.

Thinks men who've abandoned Communism for Conservatism are wanting adolescents.


He's a good historian of US imperialism, but then his politics is vote democrat until whatever pure anarchist movement comes along which will never happen. Like he literally thinks that last productive thing to ever happen was the anarchists in Spain. So reading Marxists will get you farther.

And he will not mention that in an academic setting, lest he has his career curbstomped like Finkelstein's. He's really representative of the biggest problem in academia. If the platform and legitimacy of the institution or the authority figure is going to be damaged by certain terms and angles entering the discussion then it has no legitimacy.

No, that's Nassim Taleb.

What are you talking about? He does tours all over the world where he says exactly those kinds of things in academic settings.

Do you think he's self-censoring to keep his MIT job? Because I'm pretty sure they could have fired him ages ago when he was protesting Vietnam and getting arrested for civil disobedience, even ignoring all the shit he's gone on record about since then.

sage. this thread is specifically against the rules of this forum as posted on the front page

much like your fathers semen

>Do you think he's self-censoring to keep his MIT job?

Is the sky blue?

Academia was one of the driving forces of the anti-Vietnam sentiment. That's RIGHT about when radical leftists started acquiring positions in universities, so if anything, that's a move on the chessboard on his part, you're describing.