For all its flaws, the European Union has done more than any other entity to promote the free flow of goods, people...

For all its flaws, the European Union has done more than any other entity to promote the free flow of goods, people, and culture among the nations of Europe. Why is this free intercourse not valued? Its children are peace, brotherhood, and prosperity.
Do you want to go back to the bad old days of WW2?

Anthem of the EU- maybe you should listen to it

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your use of the word "Free" is wrong.

you really should be using the term "stolen"

Get rid of brown people then we can talk.

fuck off Jean-Claude

The days of WW2 are gone, bong. WW3 will be much worse, and there is no stopping it.

When human population is severely inflated it is only natural that somehow it will diminish.

when did moot get so ugly?

You mean Capitalism


>promotion of free people and culture

EU is literally forcing Poland against it's own interests to take in refugees through the threat of sanctions. Globalist shill

Maybe you should look up who Richard Kalergi or jean monnet are ? But judging by your post, I assume that you are racially impure subhuman

The eu is dying just accept it

>Why is this free intercourse not valued?
Because it is fucking cancer and a corrupting and diluting force upon my people and culture. I don't want any more contact with non-Finns than is necessary for trade.
You cunts are not my kin and I'd exterminate every single one of you to save the life of a single Finn.

>Do you want to go back to the bad old days of WW2?
You mean the good old days? And yes. World would be a better placehad Germany won.
Sieg Heil

>the bad old days of WW2?

Sometimes, freedom comes at a price. The migrants are already in Europe, and it's right that all nations take in their fair share. Poland has greatly benefited from being in the EU and they should give something back. That's how it works, and that's how it should work.

The migrants should be fucking exterminated you pathetic cuck.

Seek help

We prefer to seek baseball bats and beating non-whites for fun

Wow it's almost like if you kill subhumans just for not being White, they don't come

>be non-white subhuman (((from Canada)))
>go to Poland

Fixed the unrachived clickbaiters

The child in that photo looks like an absolute faggot and of questionable ethnicity like his mom fucked a darkie.

I almost reported the thread for advertising, but it seems more fun to give it a bump. Bump

You are the one who should seek help. My reaction to a mass invasion of foreigners who form an existential threat to the survival of my people is completely rational. My people>other peoples and if a group of people form a threat to the survival of my people, their expulsion or extermination are both reasonable actions to take.

WW3 is happening right now and the enemy is winning. It's just not as bloody as WW2.

Just admit you want to fuck Mama Merkel, Achmed.

The United Kingdom is Anglo clay, you Paki cunt.

You're just searching for a narrative that will justify genocide. There is absolutely zero 'existential threat'. It's obvious you only spend your time on disinfomation white supremacist sites.
I advise you to go to r/Neoliberal and seek the truth

Should 3rd world countries pay back what European countries have invested in their développement ? Isn't the ultimate stated goal that everyone is developed the same as Europe ? Why should Poland pay anything

Poland had years of money flowing in from the EU because of the agreements they now don't want to know.

Afbongistan can take them in. You all seem so welcoming.

Black/Brown immigrants fuck everything up. Just have to see it and realize it.

The problem is they apply these values to non-europeans. They expanded into eastern europe before its working conditions and social protections matched the west. and that expansion was a politically motivated move by NATO to ensure the land was secured against Russian influence.

>I don't want any more contact with non-Finns than is necessary for trade.
So why are you on an american sino-cartoon forum?

We're probably more able to take them in than Poland desu/ We did take some, and gave lots of help in the camps.

>For all its flaws, the European Union has done more than any other entity to promote the free flow of goods, people, and culture among the nations of Europe.
Oh, we've definitely noticed it promoting the flow of people: sand niggers who blow shit up and rape our women.

I mean, I wouldn't mind being part of the EUROPEAN Union, but look at my flag.

That price was the blood spilled by free men fighting wars to preserve and protect their homes borders and culture.

It's like the human life and effort spent in history and it's wars up to this point is worth nothing.


Neoliberalism is cancer, there is a fucking existential threat, and genocide in pursuit of protecting your own people is always justified. I'd exterminate every single subhuman migrant scum right now if I had the power to do so.
Go back to the hole from which you crawled out of, scum.

kill yourself shill rat

Bring back the purely economic union which will fend off any war attempts (though that's a childish premise to begin with in this day and age) and restore the purpose of the union which was the intention in the first place. But stop with this fucking one state bullshit, it's an experiment and it has failed. Get the power to govern away from Brussels or any localized federal entity (which I'm sure these clueless fucks would try to establish if it were removed from Brussels) and give countries their national sovereignty back for the love of fuck.

This is not that hard. No one wants other people's culture and nations obviously don't want that of the third world.

But I guess that's too much to ask from you people isn't it?

What about this? The only reason war seems impossible is because we are in an age of democracy, internationalism, and open markets. If we destroyed the EU war would become more likely, not less.

>failed experiment
Do you have a single fact to back that up? Seems like a success story to me.

Ugh, it's late I'm sleepy so I'll tell you what I can give this one to you as a forfeit.

A short argument is look around, look at the failed economies, look at the unstable derivatives market in the banking sector, real estate market in several economies, pointless bureaucracy, terrorism, immigration problems, political instability. These would not have happened if we didn't muddy the trade union with this political union nonsense.

Is that what a European looks like?
If so, I no longer care about the (((migrant crisis)))