This kills the pollack

What's a matter? Can't handle a strong black protagonist in an Afrocentric movie?

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I can. I think it's good. They should have their own comic book stuff instead of replacing white characters.

>Willingly giving money to Jewllywood
If you're not streaming your movies for free you're part of the problem.

I can't tell you how many sleepless nights I've had not thinking about this movie and how terrible it'll be

can your butt handle this cock?


this is on purpose

As I have been telling my family for years, no cock is going into my ass. Don't feel bad though, they still don't understand yet.

srsly nothing wrong here, not like they made superman black or smth

Why did you even bring it up?I didn't give before and I don't give a shit now?

I feel like the movie is going to be terrible.They are trying too hard to make Africa and Africans cool and badass.

I don't give a shit.
Superhero movies have always been jewish propaganda to indoctrinate children

The costume designs look cool but the story seems rather boring and stupid.

So much this

It's a Marvel movie not DC, it's gonna be a summer blockbuster desu.

You mean they're making a movie for that one forgettable character in the Avengers? Certainly (((they))) could have picked a better hero...


Cutfags btfo

Looks good, this proves they can create good black characters and not have to make white characters black or some other race.

>Libtards trying to create fake outrage over a movie everyone on Sup Forums is okay with

We complain about switching up races for no reason, Black Panther was always black, it's literally what we told Hollywood to do instead of making shit like a black Captain America.

>depiction of what black people could be like if they were cognitive as whites
>planet of the apes depiction of what monkeys could be like if they were cognitive as whites

Pull ur dick all u want over these fantasies in reality they both still fucking dumb ass chimps

When this bombs, will it be blamed on the director or every single white person in the world?


>Marvel capeshit

What is that?

Already been done.

>dickposting on pol


Well duh he's literally been established as a king since the 50s.....

This was in so many fucking flash animations/games in the early 2000s.

I thought black superheroes with the word black in their name were a big racist no-no these days.

How can we allow this to exist in a progressive society?




thats literally what the good Black Panther comic books were about. they were black people stories mainly for black people with "da ebil whitey" playing a tertiary character at most.

this comic got popular because it told different stories without ostracizing white people yet still connecting with black people.

Everyone had a shit newgrounds cartoon with this song in it.

Kek I don't give a fuck what colour he is, the real outrage is that people are still giving the Jews money to watch their shitty movies.

Boycott every and all Hollywood movies.

who gives a fuck. it's a black super hero.

Despite being a fairly traditional conservative, I've been a huge fan of Black Panther. Priest's run epitomizes what BP was meant to be - about providing a role model for black children that promotes accountability, competency, and honor. Shame the comics have become propaganda at the expense of actual nuance and substance.

Explain why I should care? It's a film about a character who is already established in the films and comics, and it follows his story. Explain what reason I should be outraged?

Fuck you user, now I miss the time when we didn't have this retarded identity politics bullshit and I could just enjoy a badass superhero ashing vampires to techno music.

you couldn't afford it even if you wanted.

Black Panther tries to protect the KANGZ Pyramid from the evil whitey aliens to prevent them of stealing the ultimate fried chicken recipe. In return, they kidnap 6,000,000 nogillion "Africans".
>His father, before he ran away, showed him the strongest weapon in existence. Chicken Laser Gun.

Cuz pol is the new sjw!

inb4 it gets no money because white dont go and blacks just pirate it

>Black Panther tries to protect the KANGZ Pyramid from the evil whitey aliens to prevent them of stealing the ultimate fried chicken recipe. In return, they kidnap 6,000,000 nogillion "Africans".
>His father, before he ran away, showed him the strongest weapon in existence. Chicken Laser Gun.

Awesome movie would rate 10/10

Wait is this literally flying Egyptian Pyramids levels of hidden black civilization?
Is this WE WUZ KANGZ the movie?

He's supposed to be black, and besides, I've never seen a sci-fi movie with an African aesthetic.
Should be cool.



He's so hot I don't even






Being as the negroid is quite the influential creature, I propose we get this lip disc style trending as soon as possible.

true kino


Is it just me or dose golem know EXACTLY whats going on in that speech...
Its fucken weird, laughing at the idea of advanced black civilization...
Maybe we have some hidden allies in Hollyjew?


>African-americans not even being aware of culture

Only women wear lip disks.

It looks interesting. Stop being so butt flustered.



Diversity for Blacks = 90% Black Cast.


Black Panther is cool for the sake of being cool you third world dog fucking retard.


I can handle a black protagonist in an Afrocentric movie. But what really got my attention is this.


Well, at least the soundtrack sounds decent


how could anyone think that was fine?
Also looks staged



Look at this photo! Surely they are taking the piss... Do niggers even grasp whites laugh at the idea of these pierced lip apes making an advanced civilization in Africa?

Blacks would never come up with an advanced society on their own, if left to themselves they'd still be living exactly as they had been for thousands of years, in small tribes, in mud & grass huts.

> Not ostracizing white people and relating to black people
Wait, was this possible before?

why did you decide to post this nasty ass dick out of all the great uncut dicks you could have posted

I thought this was a trailer for war for the planet of the apes.

Looks laughably awful.


This picture makes me laugh. The idea that blacks could build this city, or that ufo, is hilarious. That blacks will swell with pride watching this movie is even funnier.



the soundtrack is so gr8

>the main villain is a white girl who in the end falls in love with the black panther and becomes his love interest


Can someone explain me what the point of this thread is?

Or hopefully they will try making one and fail so hard whites just stop giving a fuck about them and move on to space exploration and curing all injuries and diseases permanently


where is this from


this is just going to make blacks even more delusional. as if it wasn't bad enough with them thinking they were egyptians. it probably won't be long before they start claiming wakanda was based on a real place.

Boardwalk Empire. Chalkie was pretty cool though he was a stand up guy who kept his word. One of the few honorable characters in the show. Those KKK guys were cunts.

African helicopter.

Can't the blacks at least have a made up country that became wealthy via made up resources? Can't you just let have there black Panther hero to try and look up to instead of some rapper or gang banger?

That's exactly what I mean. Its utterly proposterous...
It will be worth seeing at the cinema just for the looks on their faces. God I actually WISH I could see this film in a cinema in the USA...

wizard of nogz

I thought it had to be fake, the number of upvotes. Its real. Thats 100,451 people who need to be gotten rid of before white genocide can be stopped.

You jest sir, but Kang-tech has come a long way. To EZ Check-Ca$h & Payday Loan, and Beyond!

Sure, they can have it, but it is still funny.
