Gnosticism General Thread

Gnosticism General Thread

The demiurge and the archons fight the development of the logos and the holy spirit; but they do so with no hope of an eventual win. They are slaves to the way, the truth, and the light.

Gospels to check out
The Gospel of Thomas:
The Gospel of Philip:
The Gospel of Judas: Lost Gospel Of Judas_djvu.txt
The Discourse on the 8th and 9th:

Who here /gnostic/ ?

I thought christians considered gnosticism heresy, fun.

If you're a basic bitch christian who doesnt want to develop the logos on earth, then yes: suck the pope off and be sure to be afraid of hell all day everyday instead of developing as a person.

Holy fire for heretics.

Gnosticism = Luciferianism/Satanism

The current pope does no represent me or my beliefs, he is closer to an archon than to a being of good.

He said to them,
Whoever has ears should hear.
There is light within a person of light
and it shines on the whole world.
If it does not shine it is dark.

Yeshua said,
Love your brother like your soul.
Protect that person like the pupil of your eye.

Yeshua said,
You see the speck in your brother’s eye
but not the beam in your own eye.
When you take the beam out of your own eye,
then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the kingdom.
If you do not observe the Shabbat as Shabbat,
you will not see the father.

Yeshua said,
I took my stand in the midst of the world,
and I appeared to them in flesh.
I found them all drunk
yet none of them thirsty.
My soul ached for the human children
because they are blind in their hearts
and do not see.
They came into the world empty
and seek to depart from the world empty.
But now they are drunk.
When they shake off their wine, they will repent.

A fire to consume a person of light? Bring it on.

They do.

Gnosticism is a shitty death cult that believes this world is irredeemably evil. Where as Christians believe the world is fallen and contains evil, but still is fundamentally good and redeemable by God.

then we agree fully?

>The world is fallen and contains evil, but still is fundamentally good and redeemable by God.

Actually, that is closer to gnosticism than you may think. The world is not useless, but compared to the divine light each of us harbors. it is nothing.

nice autistic fanfiction of the bible where you just ram every new age concept and conspiracy theory into one big canon even though half of it contradicts the other half like when kids on deviant art pretend their favorite cartoons are in the same universe

except its older than Christianity itself

bump to catch any gnostics and fans of


one last hopeful bump

>t. brainlet/soullet plebinstein mcCuck


Been curious about this, but I'm not well read on it, so here's a bump

Gnosticism is a joke.

Gnostic since 2006, when i realized the god of the OT is a retarded asshole.

Not true, fuck off buddy

Why do they fight if they know that they will never win? I don't understand the logic there.

Depends on how you look at it.
Is Lucifer and Adonios the same dude?

Why do we try to prolong our lives?

They know they have an eventual end and exist only to extract ephemeral and transient situations and suffering. They will not exist in the all as we will.

Gnostics are *by far* the cribgiest Christians. The most LARPy and the most personality-defective.

Yes, even more than batshit Southern Baptists and those Catholics who truly and unironicslly belive the pope is the vicar of Christ and infallible.

Yes, the idea of God and Christian scriptures can be studied and understood deeply on how pervasive they are on our mode of thought, but these Gnostic mambaies are truly meretricious little crackpots.

Please gods strike these New Age motherfuckers. Erase them from the face of these Earth.

u sound full of the holy spirit and christ bro
thanx 4 being a shining lantern of the way

Bebeare :DDD

You can't deny their isn't a degree of truth to the contrarianism angle. You finally concede that the supernatural is real, and even that some part of christianity might have truth, but then pick the one batshit crazy interpretation of it that was so clearly rejected by its own theology. It feels like people who want to accept something 90% of the way, but hold back that last 10% because of some stubborn headed desire to prove their own inherent greatness by desperately clinging to esotericism.

Round 2, Cathars?

>t. exoteric soulet retard
Pearls before swine, as the master said. This thread is not for you.

You talk like you've had dealings with hundreds of Gnostics. Otherwise, you wouldn't have any authority to make such generalizations.
I'm a Gnostic and i've only ever met two other gnostics. Unless you have some kind of gnostic meetup between you and your daily travels, i find it hard to believe you've had enough exposure to talk like that and be taken seriously.

this is a good quote

Gnosticism is the truth. The Archons are real, watching us on Sup Forums in fact. They are omnipresent, the vampire zombie force that drains humanity of its will to freedom and respect. The slave masters.

>god of material world therefore evil deity

sounds like bluepill bullshit to me

antinatalism is the true redpill

Like I want to have something as wretched and lowly as Christian morality and much less Christian belief. Worse than dogmatic believers are the fringe pussies who go full esoteric on already bastardized Solar religions.

A parody of a parody of a parody.

My major gripe with gnosticism is the picking and choosing of doctrine. Obviously, if there was a well-defined canon of Gnostic texts and views this wouldn't be an issue, but as is I feel it's an arrogant belief. To decide for yourself what applies and what doesn't. How could we advance to the divine through knowledge when our human biases blind our path?

Are you dense? Gnosticism predates official Christianity and all of that sun worship stuff. Do your homework.

How is Christianity a bastardized solar religion and not the ultimate fulfillment of Adonis?

deus vult

Point and case of arrogance within Gnosticism.

Studied Gnosticism quite a bit back when I was taking psychedelics on a weekly/fortnightly basis with my friend.

I dropped it when my friend ended up in a mental hospital and I tried to return to a "normal" life.

What? Gnostics are antinatalist. They believe birth is abhorrent because the world is evil. I don't know what "pill" you think that is, but either way your argument is completely contradictory and irrelevant.

Yeeeah... just like with Muslims... The few self-professed Gnostics I've met were unequivocally the cringiest buffons. Your loose and irrelevant sect will believe and incorporate literally any psychobabble, Hermetic quackery or pseudo-Mysticism you can find.

Guess actually going for a religion with a strong framework like Vendata or Buddhism would actually require thinking and not being an easily deluded moron.

>Gnosticism predates official Christianity

Check your sources. Official Christianity predates the NT.

Why do you care what others are driven by?
You seem to be genuinely spiteful towards the believes held by others. I wonder why that is?

Christianity is messianic Jewish cultish LARPing mixed with any "pagan" crap they could find. It is a religion so weak than its source material doesn't even make for passable literature.

Since original Monolatrist and Monotheistic religions have a solar origin, Christianity does so too.

The New Testament includes books that the Gnostics used. What's your point? Also "Gnosticism (from Ancient Greek: γνωστιkός gnostikos, "having knowledge", from γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge) is a modern name for a variety of ancient religious ideas and systems, originating... in the first and second century AD." That's before anything else Christian related, homey.

Meant to reply to

They think because Roman soldiers for a while liked both Christianity and some solar cult that they're both the same.

Its the heart of gnostic teaching. Doctrine wouldn't make sense to a series of beliefs that are based on finding trough within yourself.
We aren't swayed by the "the book says it's true" mentality.
Personally, i view the texts as a doorway, or a tool. I used them, found what i was looking for, and can now walk away from them. No cannon, no doctrine, no dogma.

It also wouldn't make sense to look for contradictions. The books are full of them because everyone has their own way of finding the source of their wisdom. It would be like trying to refute that all people are humans because some people have blue eyes and others have big noses.
The books aren't the point, they are just the doorway.

Maybe the Gnostics were trying to warn us about the Jews being, you know, not perfect.

I don't believe that and I'm a gnostic.

And shittier too!

Is that why so many groups of people like featherniggers, deformed people from Australia, and pagans whine so much about Christian oppresion?

Pagan logic:
>cuckstiany is weak
>Christianity is actually pagan
>paganism is based
>paganism is European


Good luck getting these religious LARPers to accept this basic point of criticism.

Gnostics are the OC Sonic fans and autostic LARPers of the religious world. A very sad world already.

>Point and case of arrogance within Gnosticism.
Not arrogant to someone who doesn't believe the OT god is actually the most high. Pretty obvious to me that he isn't.
If you believe he is, that's perfectly fine with me.

Or maybe they are the OG bronies of the world. You know, just batshit insane.

Pretty obvious to me that he doesn't exist either.

>Good luck getting these religious LARPers to accept this basic point of criticism.
The thing you don't understand is that Gnosticism can and will never be a religion. It, by definition, can have no structure.
If others have told you different, they don't know what they are talking about.

Does it bother you that you don't bother me?

Any good youtube videos you guys would suggest?

Calling everyone a LARPer doesn't make it true, unlike self-proclaimed pagans, other religious groups like Christians have actual data to prove that people believe in the religion. Most pagans are called LARPers because they do not believe in the actual religion, if anything they just enjoy the culture.

You didn't seem to read my comment. I don't claim that Christianity is the FIRST solar religion, merely that it's the fulfillment of Adonis as spring and rebirth (resurrection and return for brainlets).
As for passable literature, considering nearly everyone in the Western World who wrote literature considered the Bible to be so, I think you have an uphill battle here.

>a modern name for a variety of ancient religious ideas and systems, originating... in the first and second century AD." That's before anything else Christian related, homey. it's not. Are you defining eveything pre-nicean creed to be gnostic?

>Doctrine wouldn't make sense to a series of beliefs that are based on finding trough within yourself.
I understand that, but a doctrine based on inner knowledge doesn't seem like it'd get you very far. First off isn't it counterproductive to even use external books to find internal knowledge? At that point you're leading the witness. Secondly, the only mystical truth thats purely inside is I think therefore i am. Anything higher requires a leap of faith, which are best managed with organized doctrine.

Stay away from anything over two hours with pretty infographics and scary predictions. Gnosticism is unfortunately filled with conspirators who never even agree with each other, but somehow think it's appropriate to evangelize the masses anyway.


Gnosticism is a stupid term, there are many different schools of thought that are labeled gnostic. The God of creation isnt evil and neither is the material reality, this world is a school for the soul to learn and develope

Unfortunately no. I'm sure some exist, but if you are looking for some kind of consensus teaching, you won't find anything but a honeypot.
It's meant to be much more personal than that. If anything, pick up a copy of the Nag Hammadi library.

I'm fine with religion, as long as its sincere Catholicism.
>The thing you don't understand is that Gnosticism can and will never be a religion. It, by definition, can have no structure.
If others have told you different, they don't know what they are talking about.
Truth exists, at least that much you can agree. If it does, there has to be a correct and incorrect way of pursuing it. There is a difference between a religion that imposes a way to truth, and religion that acts as the natural expression of it.

seek the nazirite oath

its no coinky dink that gnostic texts were rediscovered in the age of the swazi

fuck off heretic

>First off isn't it counterproductive to even use external books to find internal knowledge?
First off, that's a mistake. The books are intended to lead you to the knowledge within. I take nothing i read as truth. If someone handed me a hammer and told me to build a house, i wouldn't be worshiping the hammer. Leave that for the evangelicals.
>Anything higher requires a leap of faith, which are best managed with organized doctrine.
Thats where we get into the Sethian thought that gnosis can only be found by those of the pure bloodline. The way i take that is that only certain people are capable of finding it, as most people flee from any kind of self-reflection.

>there has to be a correct and incorrect way of pursuing it.
There is. Pursuing it is the correct way.
That's it.
Look at it this way. Say spiritual enlightenment can be found through some magical doorway in the mountains. How you get there is up to you. You can walk, run, climb, take a plane. To say that everyone must walk would be dismissive of the point.

To further the point, look at the Ophites. They believed the way to enlightenment was to first experience the worst of themselves. They were told to go out and kill and steal and rape. That way they would have a basis of comparison to grow from. Crazy shit, but that's what they believed in.

The way is narrow bruh, mainstream western christianity is itself a circus show. It's not about a superiority complex, its about the truth

You take such a contrived and empty idea like "the fulfillment of Adonis" seriously and I'm the brainlet.

It's a mind solid waste facility as literally anything can fit in it and nothing can be even loosely falsified. More worthy religions such as the Dao or Zen at least have guidelines and things which fit inti it and things which don't. Gnosticism? Bring your own bullshit!

Hint: your New Age esotericism is the Postmodern Speech Generator of thought. It's on par with indecipherable and Obscurantist 20th century French philosophers for worthlessness.

>I take nothing i read as truth.
That seems fairly untenable.

>Thats where we get into the Sethian thought that gnosis can only be found by those of the pure bloodline
Not sure how this is related.
>most people flee from any kind of self-reflection.
Again, self-reflection can bear one answer, and one answer only. I think, therefore I am. Anything else requires a leap of faith. There is no process to deep inner knowledge that does not involve a leap of faith.

Sincere Catholicism is the only leap of faith with productive results. Its like the square root of -1. Not possible within our world, but believing in it anyway allows complex analysis to be performed.

Unfortunately, most would view any kind of lower vibrational reality to equate to being evil. It can lead to more evil, but in my experience, Good and Evil don't really exist.
I prefer Beneficial vs. Detrimental.

No. Do you realize /x/ is also a containment board. You'll feel right at home there.

Unlike in Sup Forums every thread there is tailores to your tastes...

Why do you fear the unknown?

I'm not even gnostic, i'm catholic (technically RCIA candidate). You mentioned that Christianity is a solar bastardization, and i brought up the fairly basic point that its the fulfillment of the prophecy, not a copy of it.

Also, >implying obscurant philosophy is useless

>Again, self-reflection can bear one answer, and one answer only. I think, therefore I am. Anything else requires a leap of faith. There is no process to deep inner knowledge that does not involve a leap of faith.
This statement makes it clear that you've never practiced it yourself, as that "inevitable conclusion" sounds more like copypasta from a very sour psychologist.
There are a million different answers to find with self reflection. It's intended to be tailor-made for your situation.

>That seems fairly untenable.
Conversely, i take everything i read as truth. Dualism is a bitch.
In my view, everything ever made by man contains at least a hint of truth. Knowing that man has crafted it introduces an inherent disconnect, and should therefore never be viewed as absolute truth. Sorry for the mixup.

>Sincere Catholicism is the only leap of faith with productive results.
By your rules, I must be a Sincere Catholic. I've experienced productive results.


Being asleep is a virtue. Kys.

>equating Vedanta with Buddhism.

Vedanta is Hindu, you twat. Also, I very much like Advaita Vedanta, and find it extremely complimentary to Gnosticism. Hermetic texts are brilliant. You don't know anything about anything.

>judging an entire theology on your perception of the skim few retarded douchebags who would even be retarded enough to talk to a douchebag like you.

If you read this you will get AIDS and die.

And this is wrong, unless you are a moral relativist, in which case you deny truth, as truth and morality are mere expressions unified Will of God. Actions violate morality. Moreover, the truth you are promising is wrong. The material world is not fundamentally evil.

I don't fear the unknown. What I fear is the normalization of quackery.

So you don't even know how to read or parse English grammar. Whre did I equate Vendata with Buddhism you worm?

Give me an example of an inner truth that does not require a leap of faith.

Obviously you can't use the one i used earlier

>normalization of quackery
>doesn't realkze this is already happened and that he's one of its consequences.

>religion with a strong framework like Vendata or Buddhism

Right here, you dirty dumb faggot.

>The material world is not fundamentally evil.
I never said it was.
I tried to make the distinction earlier that Good and Evil don't exist, and aren't all that productive.
I prefer Beneficial vs. Detrimental. How we know the difference is what we aim to discover. Gnosis is the answer for the Gnostics.

In no way do I deny an absolute truth. The problem is, truth is perceived differently to everyone. To someone with a particular colorblindness, the sky isn't blue. Just because they see it as gray, doesn't mean it isn't blue. But to them, gray is truth. How then, can we communicate that truth to them except by tailoring the message to accommodate that handicap.

most gnostics were breeders despite the fact that they believed the material world was evil. they are like buddhists who believe that life is suffering but still breed.

Luckily for you, i have no interest in normalizing anything. You can rest assured that Gnosticism will never dominate any kind of thinking.

>Give me an example of an inner truth that does not require a leap of faith.
When I realized i was a coward and that I should find the root of my issues to overcome them.
That's the kind of truth I'm talking about. It's all very personal.

>Good and Evil don't exist
>In no way do I deny an absolute truth. The problem is, truth is perceived differently to everyone.
Dropped. This is relativism. Truth is a knowledge in accordance with the Divine Will, and goodness is expression in accordance with Divine will. You can't have one without the other.

Fair enough. I suppose we're operating on different frequencies here. Good luck with your journey, hope to see you in mass someday.

Thanks for taking up the gnostic cross while i was away. Good stuff in a thread I thought was dead.
For other people in this bread:
Gnosticism has a drama that is intense, and may at times call matter "evil", but its made quite apparent that not for this 'demiurge' and sophia, WE WOULD NOT EXIST.

Le evil demiurge should really be 'le incompetent demiurge who is being used by the holy spirit to give life to the logos and man so he aint so bad TBQH'

I have no intention of "bringing you to my level", as you seem perfectly functional in your own place, and that's really what matters.
You seemed to have cherry-picked my post to find something you could refute. I said that absolute truth exists, but our perception of it is skewed from person to person.
Take two people with opposing viewpoints (this is an extreme simplification). Two men stare out across the ocean as the tide comes in. One says the ocean is returning, the other says the beach is being swallowed. Both are correct, yet neither are commenting at the scientific truth of it.

>Good luck with your journey, hope to see you in mass someday.
Hah! Nice one.

>Le evil demiurge should really be 'le incompetent demiurge who is being used by the holy spirit to give life to the logos and man so he aint so bad TBQH'
Good way of putting it, though the danger is that he realllly wants to be worshiped.

You need to read Against Heresies to understand how bullshit Gnosticism was. Charlatans interpreted scripture badly and sold their ideas to dupes as "secret knowledge." Saint Irenaeus saw through these guys and tried to warn us.

What happened to your friend? What was the issue?

Iranaeus's job was to help build consensus so that a singular message could be spread.
Basic logic dictates that the council of Nicaea was proceed by a literal slaughter of those who didn't fit the intended narrative.

>You need to read Against Heresies to understand how bullshit Gnosticism was
>You need to watch CNN to see how Bullshit Trump is.

Protestantism is neo-gnosticism with muh personal relationship

Not all the material world and matter are bad, psilocybin was clearly created by Sophia herself.

As was pic related.