Richard Spencer retweets Marxist philosopher

What did he mean by this, Sup Forums?

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Zizek is basically s crypto-right winger though.

why are you fags so obsessed with spencer? do you jerk off to him too?

Zizek is silly and Spencer is becoming increasingly more silly. I don't think he's a shill, but he certainly acts like one sometimes.

Dickie is a nazbol

I don't know Spencer but Slavoj Žižek is great.

if you know zizek and his personal history quite well, you'd know that he's trolling communism and not at all a communist at heart (but he often is in his critiques)

Zizek is not a bad dude.

And even fundamentally wrong people can say stuff that is very right at times. Noam Chomsky is a complete fucktard in my opinion but for example that quote of his about free speech is one of the best ones.

Fuck off shill. God you people are fucking stupid.

Zizek is almost a crypto-Fascist and Richard Spencer is basically an almost literal National Socialist.

What did Spencer mean by supporting Bernie Sanders and being a literal Socialist?

>Richard Spencer is basically an almost literal National Socialist
Yeah probably. Too left wing on economic issues for me. Also the welfare state benefits the niggers, although I think he just wants to run everything to the ground so you can start all over again, which is an approach I guess.

Sauce on supporting Bernie? From what I gather Spencer is identitarian and fairly conservative on social issues and pretty "social democrat" on economic issues, i.e. Sweden say 1950.

80 year old looking fatty zizek and richard manboob spencer are enemies of vegetarians - shocker

He's just trying to score some blow

Marx's criticism of capitalism was legit, even if you don't like communism/socialism.

He didn't support Bernie, at least in the GE, he's indicated support for Tulsi Gabbard in 2020 though.

It's funny because Marx's critique and Unabomber's manifesto are basically mirror images of each other.


My god, pure ideology!

This is true, the trick is to avoid the kosher sandwich that Marx presented where you are forced between Jewish run crony capitalism/liberalism and Leftism/Communism. The correct path is to remove Jewry, make Usury punishable by death, and run the state for the benefit of the nation and race that created it. I think NatSoc is a little bit ridiculous and stifling of creativity/individuality but it's coming at it from the correct angle.

Spencer taking diet advice from Zizek actually explains a lot.

I bet he spits on people when he speaks

No they aren't, Marx didn't advocate deindustrialization.

>Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
>National Socialist German Workers' Party
>National Socialist


Spencer = RIDF

You mean our leader who no one ever heard of before he made that one heil trump video and was labeled our leader is a plant? WHO KNEW!!!!

i don't think he knows what he is besides a drug addict

>anachro-primitivism =/= industrial communism

Žižek is the only leftist thinker I know that has a sense of humour.

Zizek is a Marxist through and through. He's just an old-school fairly orthodox Marxist so obviously he sounds "right-wing" (a meaningless term) compared to modern revisionist pseudo-commie SJWs.


Hell yeah¡¡¡

Let's shit on the floor and ignore the wagecucks.

That slavic nigger unironicaly has a picture of Stalin hanging up in his house.

We picked the wrong side of the war

Nah. Unabomber proposes a broad critique of industrialization. Marx doesn't criticize industrialization proper but the specific mode of capitalist production.

nazis step aside, let the REAL ethnic nationalists do the work

>Dipshits still fall for the "Nazis are right wing" meme

It's often the little differences in beliefs that cause the most bloodshed and hatred, Christians and Protestants, Sunni and Shia, Nazis and Marxists.

ITT: retards who didn't know about spencer and didn't read alternative right 5+ years ago

>MSM with their pissgate and anti Trump shit wanted Trump to win all along.

Haha yeah what a bunch of retards. Spencer has been a proud leader of/pol/ and the right for many many years lol what a bunch of newfag haha.

That's like saying "liberals" aren't left-wing. Which is true to a large extent, but you can't say that to people with little political knowledge. Nazis were nazi-wing if anything.

It means he fell for the trap of marxism, only from the white ethnic state perspective.
This dumbass doens't realize he is just playing the same degenerate game from the opposing perspective, a game that will lead to mass genocide and the ruin for wetern culture.

He should just stop and find meaning instead of fighting for a cause that can only lead to a lot of suffering.

tl;dr degenerate should start reading useful ideas instead ofclining to failed ideas that are proven to lead to widespread death.

>failed ideas that are proven to lead to widespread death.
Like capitalism?

That's exactly his message.

>Spencer has been a proud leader of/pol/ and the right for many many years
no one claims this. anyone claiming him as a leader is a moron
i'm just saying the guy is authentic

Well American "liberals" subscribe to social liberalism, which gets shortened to "liberals" and has been a label in which the radical left hides behind because calling yourself and outright socialist or communist in America is political suicide.

Most of what they tout is straight out of the socialist playbooks and ideology and runs contrary to core Liberal philosophy,

This. I'm unironically NatSoc, including the Soc part.

I would liberalism but capitalism does seem to naturally evolve into a more liberal form when strong governments don't oppose it, until it buys those governments and turn liberalism into some form of feudal tyranny.

Capitalism only kills if you are a failure of a human being. Communism kills millions when a very small group of incompetent leaders fail.

>actually found myself agreeing with zizek more than once
I feel soiled

No he's not. That's like the retards who say "Hillary has been in office for over 30 years, if she was corrupt she wouldn't have lasted so long"

Slavoj is pretty intelligent. I think he is bypassing censorship by pretending to be full commie, but he was anti-commie back during Yugoslavia before their ethno-religious conflict. He talks in his lectures about George Soros and jewish influence on debt-speculation capitalism.

>white people need a homeland
>i know lets vote for the woman who is so mixed up she might as well just be called brown

>heavy abuse of ethnic scapegoatism
>believed in defense of private property
>heavily against labor unions
>held religion and the institution of marriage as sacred

explain how that is not right wing

His message is, 'my idea is better because the other idea is not perfect'

Communism kills.

National (((Socialism))), the gateway to communism for the right wing

The left also goes insane over his stances on the transgender issues, and because he publicly endorsed Trump for the election.
He has also made off hand comments about the holocaust which got him in trouble.

Millions died in Lybia only because of the interferences of (((capitalist leaders))), what do you make of this ?
In a similar fashion, a honest look at Venezuela will show you that most of their problems are entirely geopolitical. You can criticize their business plan all you want, but that's not what led to people starving and riots, not in Venezuela.
In Mao's China, sure, but you're kind of doing what Feminism does with anachronisms.

Except national socialism actually works very well. Where as communism thinks everyone being poor is a solution to class problems when in reality government officials do MUCH better than the common folk

Marxism is not a "trap" as fro the most part it's not a system at all. Marxist thought has two components. For the most part it is just an analysis of capitalism and a really good analysis. The other component of Marxist thought,Communism, is a system proposed as a replacement for capitalism. It is pretty bad insofar as Marx only gave the vaguest hints on what it was and how it could work.

There is absolutely no reason to reject Marxism as an analysis of capitalism and certainly capitalism has done more to destroy Western culture than any Marxist endeavor.

They can't
They're functionally retarded and probably believe in the horseshoe theory

Methods always look similar through the lens of history, but the philosophies and motivations couldn't be further from each other

He has also heavily criticized Israel in the past. In this interview he claims that Ghandi was more violent than hitler and the reporter gets pissed.
Great interview:
reporter is full retard

what's wrong with ZIzek's arms? and so on

That picture
Fucking kek

(((Spencer))) has always been a CIA undercover agent. For fucks sake TRS is run by a fat jew from Manhattan. Stop listening to e celebs

Those capitalist leaders are communists.
Every idea they proclaim are socialism at best. Their views and goals are a global communism with them at the helm, producing nothing, just taking from their corrupt system.

communism is cancer.

So what? Wasn't Trump mildly supportive of Bernie, does that make Trump commie too?
Also he is right, commies are thrash, but Zizek is leagues above western ones.

>still using ((())) which is TRS meme

The Nazi stance though was that Capitalism could work if it was controlled via Nationalization (of the people, not their property). And that production capitalism lead to wealth while Jewish speculative international finance capitalism lead to debt and manipulation.

Trs has stolen countless memes from Sup Forums without giving any credit

I think people ITT confuse nazis under Hilter and nazis under Strasser.

Spencers wife (beard) also retweets commie propaganda


She is a full blown shill for a commie Russian intellectual named Dugin.


Old-style commies were right on many things desu.

>Those capitalist leaders are communists.

Feminist-tier rhetorics.
That global communism you're afraid of is a system where capitalist monopolies dictate everything. It's the corporate feudalism you lolbertarians are pushing for, favouring degeneracy and mass immigration. Low wages for the goyim, low taxes for the kikes, high VATs and whatnot because the peasants have to tribute their masters every fucking time they do any transaction.
It's a form of "communism" in a way, but not something anyone calling themselves a communist is pushing for, except for antifa cuck scum, so that's essentially a strawman.

Dugin is close to nazbols IIRC. A bit nut.


I would go commie for her anytime if I can bang that pussy

>Richard Spencer is basically an almost literal National Socialist

but he's not a nationalist

Then why would you use theirs again? I mean you hate them and think they are Jews. Meanwhile TRS does not hate Sup Forums and cooperates with Sup Forumsacks

Slavs are retarded... You need to understand that commies here are right wing...

>stolen memes
what a little bitch, lmao


Did you even listened to him, he says that his idea it's incomplete, that the whole conception of leftism it's incomplete.

Facism is a socialist philosophy
It uses the economic model of Dirigisme which is just one step back from Communism

wtf I love kikes and saudis now!

the goal of socialism is communism
no exceptions

perhaps, but it would be hard to get over the fact that she looks like a tranny

still less trannier than kellyane conway

except it's not the same thing
the guy didn't go into moneymaking or gov't.
he's going into alt-right autism and has been immersed in it for years. e.g. him and stephen miller go way back.

Nope. There have been socialist thinkers decades before Marx. Besides communism is ill-defined.

It's essentially catholic economics, without turning the other cheek. Liberal Capitalism is the protestant/jewish thing the US were built on and for.

i really don't get what people are mad at spencer for
that he blew the cover on the alt-right and Sup Forums being anti-semitic and racist?
there wasn't much of a cover there

I own his film "The Pervert's Guide to Ideology" and it discusses the political ideology that they include (sometimes subliminal, sometimes overt) in Entertainment cinema. The first movie he discusses is "They Live" so he is definitely /ourguy/.

Zizek is very entertaining to listen to. Of course after about an hour you have to shut it off and take a shower. I always feel like I'm covered in his spit when though he's not in the room with me.

I think he's not like the other communists either. I agree with him on a lot of things. He's not one of those SJW type of commies.

Didn't zizek plagiarize a review of kevin macdonald's culture of critique from an article on american renaissance?

>It's essentially catholic economics
i regret to inform you there's no such thing as this. the church hasn't put forward any economic theory, just moral/ethical considerations.
maybe you're speaking more on the tendencies of countries that are nominally catholic?

Here is the clip of his Analysis of "They Live"

>He's not one of those SJW type of commies.
>Didn't zizek plagiarize a review of kevin macdonald's culture of critique from an article on american renaissance?
yes, he's an excellent troll. A+