/Ecclesia/-Christian General

All Christians are welcome (except for nontrinitarians, if they can actually be considered Christian).

link that has bibles in nearly all languages:

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>The United Methodist Church has appointed a transgender deacon

How about all non-Methodist Christians are welcome?

The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.

Christ shows us that self-giving sacrificial love is the true power in the universe, not the top-down tyrannical brute strength of Caesar. Christ's earliest followers proclaimed "Jesus is Lord!", rather than "Caesar is Lord!" which regions conquered by the empire were required to say. The implied subversive question - who is making a better Kingdom? Caesar who puts people on crosses, or Christ who bears the cross in love for all? Caesar who dominates and kills all who oppose with brute strength, or God who raised Christ from the dead?

Why is self-giving sacrifice the ultimate power? Picture water. In some senses, the most submissive substance imaginable. It will flow through your fingers, fit any container you put it in. Yet nothing can compete with it for domination of the planet - it covers 70% of Earth's surface. It uses its power not to dominate like a tyrant, but to quietly nourish each and every thing that lives. This is built into Creation as a prefiguration of Christ. The blood of Christ is spiritual water, and those who drink of it will never thirst again.


Read the gospels. Whenever the religious establishment created some kind of boundary of us vs. them, pure vs. impure, Jesus crossed that line and took a stand with those being marginalized. In fact, religious hypocrites are the ONLY people He had any harsh words for at all.

Read in Acts 10 about Peter's vision of the sheet and the animals. Peter has a vision of a sheet covered in "impure" animals, which the voice of God told him to kill and eat. Peter said no, because he was a good kosher Jew and had never eaten anything which the Scriptures forbade to eat. The voice of God then replied, "Do not say anything is unclean which God has made clean". As a result of this vision, Peter decided to go and dine with Gentiles (very unkosher behavior) and share the Gospel with them, the very beginning of Christ's message spreading outside the Jewish community. Nothing in the Old Testament Scriptures, the only Scriptures that Peter had at the time, implied that this decision was righteous or correct. But Peter listened to the voice of God and did it anyway.

Sup Forums is alive with the Holy Spirit right now
Threads everywhere about joining churches
The lord is filling the void left by jewish secular humanism and hedonism

I like to read these threads.
Not really religious and I am unmotivated to do much including reading scripture but something about these threads are relaxing, keep it up, don't let the pagan LARPers run you down.

>appointed a transgender deacon

I'm not sure I have a problem with this at face value.

The real question is: do they condemn sodomy, sexual promiscuity and bodily mutilation? These are the chief sins which tend to afflict the transgendered, not being transgendered itself.

It is possible, though it would be a hard cross to bear, to suffer from GID and even undergo hormone therapy, and still remain pure from sin.

how did european pagan religions start? and why are there many similarities?

also how similar are the abrahamic religions to each other? or what makes them different?

didn't come to shitpost, legit questions. thank you.

For everyone: every Christian must know nicene creed, that is a short description of Christian faith:

>We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible;

>And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only-begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made:

>Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and was made man;

>And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried;

>And the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures;

>And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father;

>And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have no end.

>And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke by the Prophets;

>And we believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

>We acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins.

>We look for the Resurrection of the dead,

>And the Life of the age to come.


Fuck off asian masculinity


I find that most Atheist are only Atheist for emotional and personal reasons, not because of "logic" as they claim. Why does religion make them so mad?

Dumb small dicked chink

We won't fall for your divide and conquer shill

>how did european pagan religions start? and why are there many similarities?
According to christianity: First humans had true knowledge of God, but as time passed and mankind was went to decadence, most have lost this faith. But as Every human seeks God, due to his godlike nature, they began worshiping more obvious and carnal entities, such as sun, moon and stars, also natural forces. For this reason, most of the pagan faiths are similar to each other.

>also how similar are the abrahamic religions to each other? or what makes them different?
To begin with, Concept of Trinity is alien to Jews and Muslims. God coming as a man is also alien to them, thus they don't recognize Christ as God. They also do not recognize one of the cornerstones of traditional Christianity: Theosis/Divinization. According to Christianity, prime goal for Human is to become godlike, achieve theosis, that is completed though hard spiritual warfare and work and synergy with God. Idea of Humans becoming divine is considered to be blasphemous by Jews and Muslims. (which is ironic, because there is a psalm, where God literally calls humans gods (82:6)). Besides that, Muslims, on top of this don't recognize existence of free will, also they say that humans must not "contest" with God in creation, thus art is forbidden.
There are numerous fundamental differences, but this is a short summary.


According to Asian Masculinity, WMAF is evil but AMWF is based.

KYS limped dicked slit eyes

In Denmark, teenagers go through a 'Confirmation ceremony' where they have to confirm the belief in Christ that their parents gave them during the christening. In this ritual, the teenagers have to say this(slopily translated by me):

>We reject the Devil and all his deeds and all of body.

>We believe in God the father, the almighty, the creator of heaven and earth.

>We believe in Jesus Christ.
>His only son, our lord.
>Who was concieved by the holy spirit,
>born from the virgin mary,
>tortured under Pontius Pilatus,
>Crusified, dead and burried
>Gone down to the reich of the dead
>on the third day risen from the dead
>risen to the heavens
>sitting at God, the father, the almighty's, right hand,
>from where he shall come to judge the living and the dead

>We believe in the holy spirit
>the holy, common church,
>the society of the holy, the forgivenes of sins,
>the ressourrection of the flesh and the eternal life

Are baptists/protestants wrong or heretic? I need answers


well...at least I tried

that was a good reply

>summa theologica of Thomas d'Aquin
I'd say it's even more important than the bible itself in this toubled period.


to begin with protestantism is false


I hope you're all well.

Natural Theology generally and a good catechism are the best tools for handling the west's current situation.

WMAF is evil

The problem is that it's around 2000 pages longer than the bible.


WMAF irl

And your shitposting damages the thread.
Are you following E3 starting today though?


Typical wmaf




Isn't that the church from DayZ?

It is end wmaf

The church is in Blagoveshchensk.
Is Chernarus close to it? DayZ is Chernarus.

This is wmaf

>tfw no christian tumblr gf

I think confirmation is a fairly standard catholic practice, I practically said those same words at my confirmation when I was started secondary school.

Evangelical protestant here. Who's ready for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ??!!!!! We're so close brothers and sisters!! Keep faith and God bless!

Most of them feel God has wronged them in some way. They feel that there must be no God because of bad events in their lives. They have a very childish view

Explain this

protestantism is false

none of the early christians believe in the five solea

Polycarp, laying aside all his garments, and loosing his girdle, sought also to take off his sandals,— a thing he was not accustomed to do, inasmuch as every one of the faithful was always eager who should first touch his skin.

this contradicts soli deo gloria

>TFW experienced holy spirit
>was in uncontrollable tears and was happy
>went unconscious for a second and a thought was repeated in my mind it said "Jesus Is here for you"
>felt like Jesus hugging me
>mfw left porn, use of profanity, judging others and hating others since then

Btw I'm a Anglican

sola scripture is for morons


I don't understand what's wrong with it?

it is not in the bible and no one believed in it

it is man made

Your mother will die in her sleep tonight unless you reply to this post saying "Thanks Jesus!"

Trinity isn't in the Bible but don't we follow it?

oops, you just contradict sola scriptura


Aren't you the one who posted shit ton just to prove protestants are wrong 2 days ago?

Can't handle reality loser?

Actually I enjoyed your posting they really enlightened me but you can convey them in a nice and friendly way not in anger, I really like you.

>Trinity isn't in the Bible

Yeah I know what I wanted to say is the term "trinity" is not directly mentioned. I'm trinitarian.

what are you, gay?

I'm not Gay! I like your dedication towards Christianity :) it's hard to find people like you these days

get out fag

This proves its not a trinity its dual .

>28Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: 29But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: 30

I just want to be friends :) I'm not a fag :( I'm 100% straight Christian male

yuck you sound like a gay

>This proves its not a trinity its dual .
How so? The Bible teaches that there is one God but gives distinct personal attributes to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (see pic), while maintaining that are are equal and uncreated. The only way to reconcile this is the doctrine of the Trinity: One God in three Persons, distinct, coequal, and coeternal.

>Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the Person who works faith into the heart, thus rejecting this faith is the only unforgivable sin. How does this disprove trinitarianism?

Leviticus 20:13 if you think I'm gay :) I swear I'm not

get back in the closet

Why do you hate me :(

I suggest getting to know Christ before you try to argue with fellow Christians about which denomination is right. You're filled with hate and need the Holy Spirit

y. Maybe I need to fuck the gay out of you

Okay user, see ya later have a nice day. Good night :)

Get out gay

How embarrassing would getting an adult baptism be for a medium level autist? Does anyone know if they can be done privately?

you gay bro

Yeah it can be done privately but do it in the Sunday ceremony lad, do it in front of everyone if you ask me. Personally I like newly baptised I like those who realised how important faith is I guess others would like it too.

What you need a priest and godparent. chose your close religious christian friend to be your godparent and it'll be fine.

spoken like an anglican faggot

Thank you

>And we believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

Sorry, but nah.

Just noticed the flag, can you post some quality Georgian chants? They are good to listen to.

Don't you realise? Anglican was founded in England by the English

My pleasure :)


Neopaganism is becoming a big problem. We need to get rid of these retards.

I am not gay unlike you

Why would you be embarrassed? You're showing your faith in Christ. No one in any God loving church would judge you for that

Nothing wrong with being angry over vitamins.

Indeed, The edgy fedoras have evolved into pagans. Funnily the pagans were so bad they used to marry their own sisters lol

A-are you a Baptist?

They will realize the truth eventually. Just keep spreading the gospel

gay lol

What has happened to you? You used to post quality posts but now just harassing me.

well, one of the popular ones are შენ ხარ ვენახი (shen xar venaxi, thou art a vineyard)

Very strongly rooted fear of attention. I don't believe anyone would be anything but supportive, it's purely a personal failing

Just curing the gay

Thank you user :)

Trying to cure something which I don't have?