The Transgender Mind

Can someone explain this to me?

How does a person who determines they are trans come to that conclusion? For instance what does it mean exactly to feel like a man/woman?

Consider this thought experiment: if you are a man, imagine that you had a woman's body instead of a man's body. Would you feel like "ah fuck I'm a man in a woman's body!" or would you just realize, well, I'm a woman?

Personally I feel like """I""" am not any particular gender, I'm just a consciousness inhabiting a body and my body is male. I don't really feel "inherently male" and I don't even know what that would mean.

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why do you care you friggin crybaby?

it's just faggots that want attention, nothing more.

The only valid factor to determine if someone should be trans is if they have gender dysphoria.
To summarise gender dysphoria, It's been described as feeling like your in someone else's body, however that feels.
A mental condition is all it is.

>Would you feel like "ah fuck I'm a man in a woman's body!" or would you just realize, well, I'm a woman?
All trans people know their biological gender the factor is that they mentally are not suited to their original bodies.
Their minds are more wired for the opposite gender.

>Personally I feel like """I""" am not any particular gender, I'm just a consciousness inhabiting a body and my body is male. I don't really feel "inherently male" and I don't even know what that would mean.

Men and women do have different mental states though, for instance women are more prone to social and emotional effects while men are less prone to keeping grudges due to a lacking in such areas.
So while you may feel like just a being, you will think slightly differently to a woman.

Overall though what defines a trans person though is just someone who's been through the surgery.

Mental illness. Fear of the world.
They obviously think that it, the grass, must be greener on the women's side of the fence.
I use to think it's sexual degeneracy but trans people are all disgusting and rarely become attractive.

Looking like a man just makes you want to die, it makes you want to peel the skin off your face. It's terrible and only gets worse until you don't see any reason to go on living.
Transitioning makes life tolerable. It lets you actually feel comfortable with who you are and gives you the chance to actually be happy.

>How does a person who determines they are trans come to that conclusion
It's called mental illness

I smoked enough pot to know that consciousness doesn't have a gender, your avatar does and you need live with it. Also there's a lot of money to be made with people who wish to mutilate themselves to "change sex" It's good for economical growth on the short term.

>if someone should be trans is if they have gender dysphoria.
Those words are synonymous.

>Personally I feel like """I""" am not any particular gender,
I feel like I am male, personally. And I was born with a penis.

You have to be mentally ill to feel a gender.

>How does a person who determines they are trans come to that conclusion?
Maybe start at the beginning. How does a person come to the conclusion of being themself? Can you somehow influence the process of a person forming their self? You know the answer.

>For instance what does it mean exactly to feel like a man/woman?
What does it mean exactly to feel happy? Sad? Alive? Dead? If you are a man, you feel like a man. If you are a woman, you feel like a woman.
A pig does not known what it feels like to be a cow and vice versa. Is it arrogant to pretent that you feel like something you arent? Or is it confusion, coming from distorted empathy? Brainwashing? Maye getting raped?

>Consider this thought experiment: if you are a man, imagine that you had a woman's body instead of a man's body. Would you feel like "ah fuck I'm a man in a woman's body!" or would you just realize, well, I'm a woman?

I say yes. Lifting and raising testosterone showed me that a very little thing can change my personality completely. Now between men and women, there are more differences than just hormones. The wiring of the brain, a massively more complex structure than a hormone, is vastly different between the genders. add to this fact that body structure is different in many ways too, like the narrow hip on the man which lets him run faster than a woman.

I believe that body and mind are the same thing. Would I have a woman's body, my personality would very likely change completely, because with a different body, I would get a different brain and a different chemical composition.

>Transitioning makes life tolerable. It lets you actually feel comfortable with who you are and gives you the chance to actually be happy.
Until they all kill themselves anyway

>A pig does not known what it feels like to be a cow and vice versa.
The error of the tranny argument in a nutshell

It's just homo men not wanting to be "faggots" and turbo lesbians who fetishize masculinity. That's all.

Humans are incapable of approximating their own identity, too many biases. Can't see your own eye, etc. Identities are constructed through social interaction, most are irrelevant.
White male, black male, transgender, wolfkin, Gaelic, Arabian, Buddhist, communist, etc.

reminder traps are gay

if you like traps you're a faggot


This will be debated in parliament on the 4th of June 2032, please inform your local SP(Shitposter's party) member of parliament to inform them of your opinion.

according to petterson, the biggest claim from trannies is that they have always felt that way since BIRTH, so there must be something biological in there, not cultural like the sjws say

I'm sure there are people who have dysphoria but never act on it out of fear of being labeled a freak.

There are 2 types of trannies:

1- A guy who is so feminine that he decides to be as womanly as he can possibly be

2- Autogynephilia, a fetish that gets out of control.

Obviously a man can't know what it's like to be woman on the inside, he only has his own experience. But men and women behave quite differently, so if you've got a man who behaves in a feminine way you could say his body doesn't match his "real" gender.

The problem with this is that most transgender women have lived quite stereotypically male lives, with male behaviors and interests. Sexual attraction to women being the strongest difference between them and ordinary women.

A better explanation for their feelings is suicidal self destruction. They know when they start the "transition" that they won't become women in any meaningful sense. But they do it anyway to destroy their body.

Much like they destroy their careers and relationships and marriages and family. Everything in their life with real value has to be subordinated to a new identity that they know isn't real or substantial in anyway.

The whole process is an attempt to overcome the fear of suicide with social legitimation.